View Full Version : Need help finding item

Jerry Bruette
03-20-2023, 8:28 PM
I've looked all over the internet and can't find the item I want. I'm working on a cartridge display like the one pictured. I'd like to use a shelf label holder like you see in stores, one that slips onto the front edge of the shelf. It would be nice if it went the full length of the shelf and the shelf is made of single strength glass.

I know I could make one from a piece of wood with a slot cut into it, but I'd have to have the shelves cut narrower.

Anyone have any ideas?

Tried to rotate picture and it didn't rotate. Lucky all those cartridges aren't laying in the bottom of the case:D

Lee Schierer
03-20-2023, 8:37 PM
A google search for store shelf label holder turned up a number of sources. Here's one. (https://www.amazon.com/stores/DGSRetail/ShelfStripsLabelHolders/page/98445127-6B18-41C6-B1CB-8CA5DB9EA677)

Paul F Franklin
03-20-2023, 8:49 PM
Or try a search for "price tag molding for glass shelves". But I think all you are likely to find are plastic and I think a nicely made wood strip would look better on that cabinet.

Brian Deakin
03-21-2023, 11:31 AM
I worked in retail in the Uk and damaged shelf edge strips were often replaced. I woud suggest looking in various stores and when you identify a style you like ask the store if they can save you damaged ones

You could then cut them to length and discard the damaged part which was usually the ends

Please note the strips are available in a number of styles and profiles so you will need to be specific in what you ask the store to save

Jim Koepke
03-21-2023, 1:07 PM
A friend of mine made a display of bullets. He mounted them a long piece of wood. He spaced them out much more than yours to have room for the names and information about size, who made them and where they were used.

You may want to build a different display for future expansion.

Something like this might suit your needs > https://www.webstaurantstore.com/avery-16221-1-clear-plastic-index-tabs-with-printable-inserts-pack/15416221.html

There are some available with angled faces for use in file cabinets.
