View Full Version : Happy Spring

Edward Weber
03-20-2023, 4:06 PM
I hope everyone is enjoying the vernal equinox.
I know some people had had a tough winter

Kev Williams
03-20-2023, 5:05 PM
about 10 minutes ago a bolt of lightning within spitting distance was totally unexpected, as is the nearly 1" of snow that's fell since the BOOM...


Bruce Wrenn
03-20-2023, 8:22 PM
26 degrees here (central NC) this morning, and expecting the same for tonite. So much for spring.

Tom M King
03-20-2023, 9:12 PM
We had March in February, and getting February now.

Ron Citerone
03-20-2023, 9:17 PM
I know some place had a rough winter. Here in South East PA we got off really easy. Still loving the longer days!

Lawrence Duckworth
03-20-2023, 10:47 PM
an 'ol girl that lived around here her whole life said to me when the top of Waulka Mt is green...start planting your garden!.....24 for the low tonight :rolleyes:

498064 my shop

Mel Fulks
03-20-2023, 10:55 PM
That photo looks over-exposed !

Bill George
03-21-2023, 7:26 AM
Cold and wet here in Iowa, zero stuff growing. Seems it will be a late Spring here.

Maurice Mcmurry
03-21-2023, 8:40 AM
an 'ol girl that lived around here her whole life said to me when the top of Waulka Mt is green...start planting your garden!.....24 for the low tonight :rolleyes:

498064 my shop

What a lovely place!

Jim Becker
03-21-2023, 9:16 AM
I know some place had a rough winter. Here in South East PA we got off really easy. Still loving the longer days!
Yup...we only got one single instance of "measurable" snow and it was less than a half inch, according to Karen Rogers at 6ABC. Our Maple trees are about to pop...they are "very red" right now!

Brian Elfert
03-21-2023, 11:14 AM
Yup...we only got one single instance of "measurable" snow and it was less than a half inch, according to Karen Rogers at 6ABC. Our Maple trees are about to pop...they are "very red" right now!

All of your snow must have fallen in the Minneapolis area. We have a ton of melting to do to get rid of all the snow we have. I'm concerned that an event I normally attend at the end of April will be cancelled due to wet conditions. We had a drought last year, but the April event was cancelled last year due to wet conditions.