View Full Version : drone delievery wholly crap batman

Warren Lake
03-18-2023, 12:53 PM
I guess drone guys are aware of this.


Mark Hennebury
03-18-2023, 1:32 PM
Wow! impressive, I had no idea.

Doug Garson
03-18-2023, 6:55 PM
Very impressive, when I first heard about drones being used for deliveries I was skeptical but the Zipline delivery system for remote hospitals is genius.

Warren Lake
03-18-2023, 6:57 PM
I just ordered a lift of red oak. Should be here in an hour.

Maurice Mcmurry
03-18-2023, 7:37 PM
I have been looking for an opportunity to show off my Nephews chops flying a drone. I think this company may need him.


John K Jordan
03-18-2023, 8:25 PM
Very impressive, when I first heard about drones being used for deliveries I was skeptical but the Zipline delivery system for remote hospitals is genius.

That’s exactly what I thought. Thanks, Warren, for posting this.

Stan Calow
03-19-2023, 9:45 PM
I have to wonder if it can be cost effective. Maybe for high dollar items, but then the aerial pirates will have figured out how to snatch them out of the sky.

Great one about the Ukrainians and Russian tanks.

Dave Zellers
03-19-2023, 10:25 PM
I have to wonder if it can be cost effective. Maybe for high dollar items, but then the aerial pirates will have figured out how to snatch them out of the sky.

I'm having a hard time picturing air piracy being effective here. They would have to know what was being delivered was worth stealing. OTOH, maybe rouge ZIP pirate drones will patrol porches and drop down to steal peoples lunches.

Patty Hann
03-19-2023, 11:15 PM
I just ordered a lift of red oak. Should be here in an hour.

hahaha... that is great! :D

John Ziebron
03-19-2023, 11:23 PM
I was impressed watching the video and sent the link to several friends. Today, one of them sent me a reply showing that U of M here in Michigan will start using this service to deliver medicines next year in one of the metro counties.

Rob Luter
03-20-2023, 5:22 AM
Grubhub has started using these to deliver food around campus over at Notre Dame. It's kind of weird watching them scurry around.


John K Jordan
03-20-2023, 7:09 AM
Thay are at U of Tenn too. I’ve watched them waiting “patiently” at crosswalks until traffic is clear, and going up a sidewalk, suddenly halting for a moment when encountering slower walkers.

Alan Lightstone
03-20-2023, 10:00 AM
I'd love to see a video of them delivering food.

Bill Dufour
03-20-2023, 1:31 PM
Savemart here had those for several years. They got bought out by some hedge fund and got rid of the robots. It was all from one store and about a three mile range.
I saw a homeless guy beating on one to open it and then a cop pulled up behind him. I also saw a homeless guy towing one away behind his bike on a trailer. I assume they radio for help when attacked and have GPS to direct the cops.
Bill D

Edwin Santos
03-20-2023, 3:35 PM

The pessimist in me says don't overestimate the American public. What will happen when some drunk jackass decides to grab the zip cable and play tug of war with the drone? Maybe they'll design a breakaway connector or something like that?
Or some drone owner decides he wants to have a drone-off between his drone and the delivery drone. Or a more innocent situation like a kid flying a kite that tangles up the drone.

Like the video says, maybe they'll be expecting situations like these and course correct as they go. And if they've mostly eliminated the risk of serious injury, it sounds okay to me to learn from the mishaps.

Rob Luter
03-21-2023, 8:50 AM
My Bride has seen them deliver a number of times. The little food buggy travels to the designated spot and waits. The customer enters a code and opens the cargo bay to reveal the food. They remove it and the robot says "Thanks for your order. Go Irish".


Bill Dufour
03-21-2023, 8:31 PM

No sound I guess they are deleting it.
Bill D