View Full Version : i-Socket Autoswitch Workshop Tool and Vacuum Switch

richard poitras
03-14-2023, 10:20 PM
I just ran across these and was wondering if anyone has one and how well it works? As they seem to only have so-so reviews. The concept is the same as a lot of the high-end vacs have, but everyone does not have those kind of vacs. I see there are any other brands out there.
Who is using these kind of systems and has experience with them and what brands are you using or would recommend?

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Ken Krawford
03-15-2023, 6:39 AM
I have an iVac brand switch and LOVE it. I have it connected to my miter saw and it works wonderfully. All my other tools are connected to my cyclone and if I just have a quick cut, oftentimes I won't fire up the cyclone. With the iVac, it's automatic. The vacuum runs for several seconds after the saw is off to clear the hose. Go for it.

Edward Weber
03-15-2023, 12:13 PM
I have 2 or 3, they're great for using a shop-vac on tools as Ken said

Floyd Mah
03-15-2023, 1:01 PM
I've been using an older model of the i-socket device (only one controlled outlet) for many years and it is very reliable. I modified one of them to allow me to switch on the controlled device (the vacuum) separately from the device control so that I could turn on the vacuum manually. I made a post for that sometime in the past.

Bill Dufour
03-15-2023, 3:35 PM
Amazon version is $20 less. And it's green. Guess my wife's favortie color.
Bill D.


Mike Henderson
03-15-2023, 5:47 PM
I have a couple of the i-vacs and they work fine. I've used them for a bunch of years with no problems.

I also have an older i-socket and it has worked fine, also. But that older i-socket didn't have a way to manually turn the vac on. The i-vac included that feature. I think the modern i-sockets are like the i-vac now and have that switch.


Bill Dufour
03-15-2023, 6:04 PM
Problem I see is over loading the socket. saw maybe 10-15 amps, same for vac. Not going to work on a 20 amp circuit.

Mike Henderson
03-15-2023, 6:11 PM
Problem I see is over loading the socket. saw maybe 10-15 amps, same for vac. Not going to work on a 20 amp circuit.

I haven't had any problem with overloads in my applications. One application is to turn on a Rigid shop vac when I turn on my sander. The other is to turn on a shop vac when I turn on my 10 inch sliding miter saw. I never measured the amperage but I'm sure the total is under 20 amps (or I would have popped the breaker).


Edward Weber
03-15-2023, 7:14 PM
Problem I see is over loading the socket. saw maybe 10-15 amps, same for vac. Not going to work on a 20 amp circuit.

Valid point but they did think of it.
There is a delay when turning on, so both tool and vac aren't drawing max amperage at the same time.

james manutes
03-17-2023, 1:48 PM
I've had 3 of them , with one failure . I overloaded it w/ 1HP disc sander - totally my fault .

richard poitras
03-20-2023, 1:26 PM
Thanks for the info and the brands you are using.

glenn bradley
03-20-2023, 1:30 PM
I ran 2 in my previous shop. Used them near-daily for about 17 years without failure. They still worked when I packed them for the new shop but I went a remote fob. They feel a little cheap but proved to be pretty resilient.