View Full Version : Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
03-05-2023, 10:22 PM
6 Mar 2023

On 6 Mar, my oldest son would have been 33 years old. My hope and plans were for my children to bury me. I still deal with grief from time to time and it's been over a year since he passed away. I delivered an old antique rocker that I repaired and reconditioned for a customer friend of mine. That's all I really had time for and felt like doing this past week. Just work and trying to help The LOML with her college homework since it involves Excel, Word, and Access. At least these are applications that I can help her with. We just need to get her through 2-1/2 month more of college and she will be done.

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past week?

Best of weeks to you all.

Malcolm Schweizer
03-06-2023, 8:03 AM
Very sorry about your loss. I can’t imagine. I lost my best friend last week and it’s going to take a while to even accept that he is gone. I am sure your son would be happy knowing that you are woodworking and doing what you love. My friend’s death has inspired me to take risks and do the things that I want instead of trying to make a buck.

Anyway, I am still setting up the new shop, so my projects have been tuning saw fences and building racks for wood and clamps.

Jim Becker
03-06-2023, 11:03 AM
As always, Dennis, I wish you peace.

Busy week, but unfortunately a lot of it was driving around for various medical appointments for our older daughter. Professor Dr. SWMBO isn't driving at the present time for health reasons, so I'm "case managing" darling daughter's prep for knee replacement later this month. The time I did get in the shop has been focused on building and fitting out the (surprisingly big) support table for slab flattening, track sawing and major assembly needs. That structure is now built and I've started putting together the slab flatting system I chose...and yes, there will be a thread on that. Also celebrated another journey around the sun. This week has less appointments so I'll get more done on that. Additionally, the one guy I still do CNC work for is coming buy tomorrow to drop off a bunch of personalization work for charcuterie boards and other things.

Maurice Mcmurry
03-06-2023, 7:00 PM
Words do not offer much solace... Here are a few anyway. That is terribly sad. Very sorry for your loss. In Sympathy, Maurice & Doreen

Paul F Franklin
03-06-2023, 9:37 PM
So sorry Dennis, my condolences.

My stacking desk trays are done; I'm just letting the danish oil cure for a few days so I can apply paste wax. Next up is a rolling laundry cart. I've been hemming and hawing on it for a while because if I make the top the size the boss wants, it will fit through the laundry room door, but won't make the turn into the hallway. There are no plans to move it from the laundry so I could just do the final assembly in the room, but that seems like a bad idea to me somehow. But today I realized I could just make the top with a drop leaf (Duh!). So full speed ahead. After that I think I will tackle replacing the top of my 4x8 assembly table with a torsion box with dog holes. I bought the materials a while ago and I have the parf jig, but it hasn't made it to the top of the list yet.

Brad Chenoweth
03-07-2023, 1:32 PM
I can relate, Dennis. Our oldest son has been gone for 20 years (as of February 11), and I still miss him every day.
I have been working on installing some new trim in the kitchen and living room. Then I need to build the table for the new CNC router I have on order. I can't wait for it to arrive, I have all kinds of ideas bouncing around my head.