View Full Version : Plow plane with beaver damage?

Jason Buresh
03-04-2023, 9:58 AM
It never ceases to amaze me what you can find on the internet. Now, I'm no expert on beavers, but I don't think 19th century plow planes are part of their diet, and if they were, this one would probably have to have been found in a swamp. Or maybe the craftsman of the day had a pet beaver? Does beaver damage add to the value?


In all seriousness this looks like maybe someone's dog decided to use it as a chew stick. Or one of the wooden screws broke of the end and they hacked away at it so they could still unscrew the knob. Maybe I'm wrong, but I highly doubt it's beaver damage.

Dave Anderson NH
03-04-2023, 11:43 AM
Beaver damage, got to admit it is creative BS. The person listing obviously believes in "A fool and his money is soon parted."

Jim Koepke
03-04-2023, 1:18 PM
Does beaver damage add to the value?

Certainly not as much as that seller would lead others to believe.


Jason Buresh
03-04-2023, 3:40 PM
I at least got a laugh out of it, but I hope no one is fool enough to buy it

Lee Schierer
03-04-2023, 4:33 PM
More likely is is mouse and/or rat damage. The plane was probably stored someplace where it was blocking a path to some plave rats or mice wanted to go. A beaver would have taken much bigger bites.

Dale Stansbery
03-04-2023, 8:30 PM
Another possibility is groundhog if it were in an accessible building. I've had them chew through flooring, completely through a 4x4" support post, and they especially like the little black plastic vent caps on 5 gallon gas cans.