View Full Version : Who has the best deal on T-Track?

Rich Engelhardt
02-25-2023, 6:19 AM
I need some 4 foot sections & I don't want to spend a whole lot.
Just regular 3/4" single track in 4 foot pieces.

Patty Hann
02-25-2023, 6:29 AM
I need some 4 foot sections & I don't want to spend a whole lot.
Just regular 3/4" single track in 4 foot pieces.

Go here T-track (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07FF6S889/ref=ox_sc_saved_title_6?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1)
I've used Powertec T-track for jigs and sleds. Good quality (or good enough).
Will take T bolts, and also regular hex head bolts (1/4" for sure, don't know about 5/16" as I don't have any to check it with).
I've ordered the same thing (Powertec 48 inch 4-pack) at HD, that totaled about $5 less because of the military discount.

Jerry Bruette
02-25-2023, 8:15 AM
I picked some up at Woodcraft on sale about a week ago.

Jim Becker
02-25-2023, 10:50 AM
I've used the Powertec T-Track like Patty linked to and it is a decent product.

Rich Engelhardt
02-25-2023, 11:32 AM
Oki doki ! Thanks!
I found the Powertec @ Walmart for $48 for a four pak.
I'm sure they will be fine for what I have in mind.

Patty Hann
02-25-2023, 2:45 PM
Oki doki ! Thanks!
I found the Powertec @ Walmart for $48 for a four pak.
I'm sure they will be fine for what I have in mind.

4ft lengths? Hmmmmm.....making a T-Track table? ;)

Rich Engelhardt
02-26-2023, 6:39 AM
No, not a table. It's just more economical to buy a 4 foot length and cut it in two.

I'm actually making a version of this router jig - at 10:00 min in.


JSK is very clever by the way. I love how he can dream up a lot of this stuff & how he can convey his ideas without having to speak.

Jim Becker
02-26-2023, 9:43 AM
36" or 48" lengths are common for this stuff from many/most of the suppliers. (pick your color... :) ) It's usually economical to buy a "pack", especially if one plans to or may build additional fixtures. The four piece "intersection" kits are also very nice and make crossing tracks a lot easier and cleaner to execute because all cutting remains at 90º.

richard poitras
02-26-2023, 8:59 PM
Ever consider the MatchFit system and make your own?

https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjHhKaHy7T9AhV1_-MHHWa2CgsYABAKGgJ5bQ&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESauD2dzpf6RJdqzrLrVTcTHQORMmuFkHhVVE9gXm71V uWWsxBTxfvtjmev-mtalxoqdgN-JZfrWAyEZ7SePoa-wdaH-8mFNi_gSZIi7HHzx9h2m1wY9iMTLawHKG4S79zEzav0T5ZH84i oXc&sig=AOD64_1tA12GpW7Zi4UQfFJILO6Zd__P-A&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiq4ZuHy7T9AhWBjYkEHcvaAq4Q9aACKAB6BAgGE EA&adurl=

Patty Hann
02-27-2023, 5:58 AM
No, not a table. It's just more economical to buy a 4 foot length and cut it in two.

JSK is very clever by the way. I love how he can dream up a lot of this stuff & how he can convey his ideas without having to speak.

I've watched quite a few of JSK's videos. Good for either coping what he does, or it triggers new ideas.
He reminds me of Matthias Wandel, what with the all his DIY power tools (drill press, disc sander, drum sander etc)...very smart, very talented. :)

Rich Engelhardt
02-27-2023, 6:24 AM
I've watched quite a few of JSK's videos. Good for either coping what he does, or it triggers new ideas.
He reminds me of Matthias Wandel, what with the all his DIY power tools (drill press, disc sander, drum sander etc)...very smart, very talented. :)
Good tip - I'll add him to my follow list on Youtube.

We (SMC) used to have a poster named Nissim Avrahami. If you go to the advanced search and enter just his name, you can follow all the links to his posts. "Nikki" as he went by, was extremely gifted when it came to fabricating tools and jigs and fixtures. Sadly, he used a third party host for a lot of his pictures and that link died with him. He still left a lot of his work stored on the SMC server to give you hours of enjoyment going over.

Rich Engelhardt
02-27-2023, 6:27 AM
Ever consider the MatchFit system and make your own?

https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjHhKaHy7T9AhV1_-MHHWa2CgsYABAKGgJ5bQ&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESauD2dzpf6RJdqzrLrVTcTHQORMmuFkHhVVE9gXm71V uWWsxBTxfvtjmev-mtalxoqdgN-JZfrWAyEZ7SePoa-wdaH-8mFNi_gSZIi7HHzx9h2m1wY9iMTLawHKG4S79zEzav0T5ZH84i oXc&sig=AOD64_1tA12GpW7Zi4UQfFJILO6Zd__P-A&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiq4ZuHy7T9AhWBjYkEHcvaAq4Q9aACKAB6BAgGE EA&adurl=
Yep the Matchfit is on my radar.
I also picked up both of the Whiteside "T-track router bits" so I can route my own. Every so often though, a need for premade track comes up.

ChrisA Edwards
02-27-2023, 8:46 AM

JSK is very clever by the way. I love how he can dream up a lot of this stuff & how he can convey his ideas without having to speak.

Thanks for posting that video, there's a lot of clever, simple jigs in that. Now I'm off to make a vacuum clamp table..
