View Full Version : Jig Identification help - Right angle fixture/ Resaw Fence

Lee Sorrell
02-14-2023, 5:41 PM
Hi All,
This was in a box of miscellany from a woodworkers auction, it has no branding or anything else that I can find. It does mention Incra but that's it. Was hoping to find someone who knew what brand etc so I can find a manual or a store listing page. From assembling it and from the instructions it seems complete, just strange I cant find anything about it online. Top of the instructions say " Combination Right Angle Fixture/ Bandsaw Resaw fence"

Lee Schierer
02-14-2023, 7:00 PM
I hate it when manufacturers are not proud enough of their products to put their name and model number on them.

Maurice Mcmurry
02-14-2023, 7:31 PM
google thinks it is one of these,


Steve Wurster
02-14-2023, 9:57 PM
Wow, this is a tough one. Given that the instructions say "If attaching to Incra Miter Slider use ..." and then "If attaching to our Slider Bar use ...", it doesn't appear to be made by Incra. The "#031" in the top right corner of the instructions isn't leading me anywhere, neither is the "WH 0109 05" in the bottom left. I'm thinking that "WH" there refers to the manufacturer, but I can't figure out who that might be.

Well, at least you know what it's supposed to be.

Lee Sorrell
02-15-2023, 7:44 AM
The seller had a bunch of mid/higher end name brand stuff(incra, woodpeckers,festool,rockler) so it's curiosity point that this unbranded fixture was included in a box of a bunch of other things.

Maurice Mcmurry
02-15-2023, 9:23 AM
This is as close as I can find,
Resaw Guide Tool Attachment 8110125 (https://www.woodworkingshop.com/product/MT10125/?dfw_tracker=111965-5187&gclid=Cj0KCQiAorKfBhC0ARIsAHDzsltGfoo7HZdu1dOfduOK jmxtK1_DlkiPAo031H54DSuFmWME17DukowaAucJEALw_wcB)

Maurice Mcmurry
02-16-2023, 6:59 PM
Here is another one.
Bow Products GP10 GuidePRO Anchor Bar (https://www.toolstoday.com/bow-products-gp10-guidepro-anchor-bar.html?glCountry=US&glCurrency=USD&ne_ppc_id=19225297376&gclid=Cj0KCQiAxbefBhDfARIsAL4XLRpE1ZikZyNRZYYmctHk UtVFeSV62bZHm6Z36cKR23mtFIZ-cpvVqYsaAl-BEALw_wcB)