View Full Version : What to do with this sliced crotch?

Steve Mathews
01-26-2023, 7:08 PM
I sawed this Mesquite (?) crotch in half but don't know what to do with it. Bowls, etc? Any suggestions?

Steve Nix
01-26-2023, 7:23 PM
something like this maybe.

Brian Tymchak
01-26-2023, 7:34 PM
I had a couple pieces of River Birch with similar shape. I ended up slicing those into platter blanks, about 2" thick, thinking that would be the best way to feature the crotch figure.. Haven't turned them yet but I look forward to it.

Richard Madden
01-27-2023, 10:54 PM
I don't know how large the pieces are but I'd suggest an emerging bowl if possible.

Paul Williams
01-28-2023, 10:54 AM
I like crotch bowls turned with the figure in the bottom with or without the natural edge.


Dave Fritz
01-29-2023, 9:30 AM
It's so easy to turn away the figure, I'd go with a platter too with the most figure toward the top. Sometimes I'll split the log with more on one side of the pith than the other so I have room to work and save the most figure.

Brian Tymchak
02-01-2023, 10:29 AM
I like crotch bowls turned with the figure in the bottom with or without the natural edge.


Beautiful bowl Paul! Never though about cutting across the crotch like that to center the feather. I got a piece of a flowering cherry from my neighbor that is the top of the trunk where all the limbs grew from. Not sure how solid that piece really is, but I think I'll try that cut on that piece when I get a chance to get that on the lathe.

Thanks for the inspiration!