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View Full Version : Bandsaw Guides MM16

Holmes Anderson
01-21-2023, 7:43 AM
Seized a GL456 thrust bearing yesterday and considering options other than a new GL456. Options seem to be Carter guides, Laguna ceramic guides, and ceramic thrust bearings from Spaceageceramics. I know this subject has been brought up before but maybe not recently. Opinions from anyone with experience with these or other options appreciated. I usually run a 0.5" or 1.25" blade.

Mike King
01-21-2023, 7:56 AM
I retrofit the Laguna guides onto my Felder FB510. They work very well and were considerably cheaper than buying the Felder ceramic guides.

jerry cousins
01-21-2023, 10:53 AM
I have an older mm16. Never like the euro guides so went to carters- again was not too happy- then Laguna ceramics and have liked them from the start. Great blade support and easy to set.

David Micalizzi
01-21-2023, 12:16 PM
Another MM16 owner here build year 2005. I too was unhappy with the euro guides that came on the saw, they were way too sloppy. I was going to try the Carters but thought the cost was not worth it. Chose the Laguna ceramic and have never looked back. If you don't mind an occasional spark off the guides go for the Laguna.

Jim Becker
01-21-2023, 12:58 PM
I have not has issues with the standard Euro guides on my 2005 era MM16. They should be easily replaceable, however, if you want to stay with that style. I actually have the "cool blocks" option for the machine, but they have remained in a drawer for all these years as I don't really run narrow blades very often (which is where they shine) and never felt compelled to change to them. Others have mentioned alternatives and some may even fit into the Euro style guide holders.

Bruce Page
01-21-2023, 1:23 PM
I installed Carter’s on my 2004 MM16. They are just OK, better than the Euro guides. I regret not going with the Laguna ceramics.

Phillip Mitchell
01-21-2023, 1:28 PM
I don’t have a Minimax but similar, yet older Italian saw that I put Laguna ceramic guides on after the original Euro guides were failing / needing rebuilding or replacing. It was actually the cheapest option between replacing with new Euro, Carter, and Laguna ceramic.

I don’t really like Laguna as a brand in general, but the guides have been great and are the quickest and easiest to adjust of any type I have used. Totally tool-less with T knobs for both the side guides and thrust guide.

Holmes Anderson
01-21-2023, 2:50 PM
Thanks so much everyone. Just the info I was looking for. I've been using the original guides for close to 20 years so I didn't dislike them enough to throw out a functioning set but they are best for wider blades than I usually run and the cost to replace the thrust bearings is getting close to the cost of the Laguna ceramics so that seems like the way to go. I assume the Laguna guides will work with the range of blade widths that can be run on the saw.

Greg Quenneville
01-21-2023, 5:20 PM
Like the others above, I have replaced my defunct GL series guides with Laguna ceramics and am quite happy with them. I have had other Italian saws with other brand guides. (Jolly, Mecano) and found them to be equally so-so.

I think the Lagunas are the most cost effective solution. They will certainly support a 1” blade and likely a 1 1/4”

Brad Schmid
01-27-2023, 7:15 PM
Can someone that has installed the Laguna ceramic guides on a Minimax MM16 please post a picture of the lower guide assembly installed on the saw? It appears that the lower factory bracket that the guide assembly attaches to may require modification? Not a problem if I need to alter it, but I want to see what others have done before i start inventing something new, hopefully there is a simple change i'm overlooking...
Thank you!

Brad Schmid
01-27-2023, 8:28 PM
ok, nevermind, brain engaged. For anyone looking at this in the future it's just shuffling hardware around in different order and direction... just turn the factory bracket around front to back (ie. guide mounting post facing to the rear), swap the long spacer from the back to in front of the mounting bracket, thick washer between bracket and saw frame on the back, and 1 flat washer on each side of the mounting bracket... After 19 years with the euro guides, I like this just as well so far. Next resawing job will tell whether i like it better or not.

Ken Fitzgerald
01-27-2023, 9:44 PM
I have the MM-16 outfitted with the original guides and have no problems with them. I also bought the factory "cool blocks" adapter and guides somewhere. I haven't found any reason to use them so far.

Brad Schmid
01-27-2023, 10:56 PM
I have the MM-16 outfitted with the original guides and have no problems with them. I also bought the factory "cool blocks" adapter and guides somewhere. I haven't found any reason to use them so far.
Honestly I didn't really have a compelling reason to swap mine either, but the euro's were pretty stiff, basically on the verge of frozen. So having very little time to play with them and get them working freely again i decided to try something different. I've always been curious about the ceramics... If i decide i don't like them, I'll put some effort into freeing up the euros nicely and put them back on.