View Full Version : Router bit extensions?

Lloyd McKinlay
01-27-2006, 1:05 PM
Trying to copy some old 6" wide window casing. I can find router bits that will match the profile down the middle section of the molding but my problem is getting the bit high enough on the table (needs to start about 2" up). I see MLCS and CMT market extensions that will increase the bit height about 2.5".
Anybody have any experience using this type of extension? Supplier recommendations? Usage tips?

No matter how hard I try I can't justify the cost of a shaper:).

Bob Johnson2
01-27-2006, 2:43 PM
Trying to copy some old 6" wide window casing. I can find router bits that will match the profile down the middle section of the molding but my problem is getting the bit high enough on the table (needs to start about 2" up). I see MLCS and CMT market extensions that will increase the bit height about 2.5".
Anybody have any experience using this type of extension? Supplier recommendations? Usage tips?

No matter how hard I try I can't justify the cost of a shaper:).

No personal experience but I've heard they are not good for the router, beat on the bearings pretty bad.

scott spencer
01-27-2006, 3:45 PM
I've got the MLCS version. It does add some length to the collet, but it also adds detectable, but tolerable vibration.

Charles McCracken
01-27-2006, 4:04 PM
Can you post a pic of the moulding? Maybe you can do the same profile with v-groove, round nose (core box), ovolo, etc bits with the material face down on the table. Definitely a safer way to go.

CHarles M
Freud America, Inc.

fred woltersdorf
01-27-2006, 4:15 PM
i have theXtreme Xtension and have zero runout and vibration with it.http://www.mlcswoodworking.com/shopsite_sc/store/html/smarthtml/pages/routraiz.htm

Lloyd McKinlay
01-28-2006, 1:33 PM
No pictures, the closest diagram I can find is here http://www.kanewoodwork.com/custommouldings/casing16.jpg
The main difference is mine is flat in the middle and has more rounding on the outer edge. The flat center is easy to do, it's the inside profile of the two "rails" that has me stumped. Need to start about 1 3/4" in from the edge.