View Full Version : A Couple of Pushy Wedges

Jim Koepke
01-12-2023, 5:26 PM
Wedges have been in use since ancient times.

Opposing wedges with a way to pull them together are useful when applying pressure to a surface for holding or moving.

One of the things on my do eventually list was to make a pair of opposing wedges that could be pulled together by a bolt.

A piece of scrap ash was selected and marked to resaw to ~5/8”. This size was selected to sit lower than my most frequently used wood which is 3/4” thick.


I got a little ahead of myself and cut the piece before drilling it.


A couple of clamps were used to hold the block together square and secure.


Unless one is in possession of some long drill bits it is a good idea to mark the hole centers on both ends. Another option is to start the holes on a drill press and finish with a brace and bit. Of course if you do not have a drill press it isn’t difficult to keep a brace straight. The easy way is to clamp a couple guide sticks on either side of the piece to be drilled to help align the bit. End grain can be a chore to bore with bit & brace.

After the holes were drilled there was still some waste to be removed. The bolt needs to be free to move as the wedges are pulled together.


A rat tail bastard file was used along with a pad saw, chisels and gouges.

The inclines on the wedges were smoothed with a plane. The pieces were assembled to see how it went together.


The high end on the incline was marked to be cut off.


With the high points removed the minimum is about 1-7/8” and the the maximum is about 2-7/8”.

For the bolt is would have been easy to use some 1/4” all thread. However there wasn’t any in the shop and a run to the closest place that may stock it is at least an hour round trip. Since we only go in to town once or twice a week a different tactic was in order.

Cutting more threads on a bolt on hand was quicker than going and buying some all thread.


A few years ago an old hardware store was being cleared out after having been closed for three decades. There was a box of 7” by 1/4” bolts. It has always occurred to me more should have grabbed than the handful taken that day.

They have come in handy.


Well there are still a few left for future needs.

If one is going to use an electric drill motor to tighten one of these it would be a good idea to set the clutch to a low torque.
