View Full Version : End table height vs arm of chair height

Brian Runau
01-11-2023, 1:19 PM
New chairs coming, arm height is 21-1/2". Building new end tables. Looks like std height is 24". Should I make the tables match the arm height? Thanks brian

Lee Schierer
01-11-2023, 3:06 PM
In my experience chair arm heights vary with type of chair and styles. End table heights also vary. If you make them now to match the chair arm height, then they may be taller or shorter when your next set of chairs come. The arms on my current recliner chair are 26" above the floor. Our current sofa arms are only 22" above the floor. Our end tables are either 20" or 23" in height. They work for us.

Rich Engelhardt
01-11-2023, 3:41 PM
Our end tables were above the loveseat I lived in, in the living room, for years.
When we moved to the new house back in September of last year, the new couch has the tops of those end tables lower.

I think I prefer end table tops lower. Stuff doesn't fall on the floor as easily because the side of the couch blocks it.

Edwin Santos
01-11-2023, 5:41 PM
A good rule of thumb is one to two inches lower than the sofa or chair arm

Ben Ellenberger
01-11-2023, 8:46 PM
The side table I made for my sofa is 1” lower than the height of the arm and I’m happy with it. I could see 2” lower than the arm also working, but higher seems awkward to me.

Brian Tymchak
01-12-2023, 12:45 PM
A good rule of thumb is one to two inches lower than the sofa or chair arm

+1. Cha cha cha...

Tom Bender
01-16-2023, 4:26 PM
You might want to ddesign the table legs to be sawn shorter if you get shorter chairs next time.


This wasn't built as an end table but currently resides near a couch. It has legs that could be shortened a bit without much compromise.

mike calabrese
01-16-2023, 4:56 PM
some sources that may help answer your question
mike calabrese


https://www.google.com/search?newwindow=1&client=opera&q=ergonomic+furniture+dimensions&tbm=isch&source=univ&fir=oVLUxsE3l7YiFM%252CzuHENcjh3j8dCM%252C_%253BD5 GksrEcRzpcBM%252Ctc_-kO0JalvNDM%252C_%253BCH3lGNxjJTsVPM%252Ctc_-kO0JalvNDM%252C_%253BekbUF9CpPJRDbM%252C9pKwMi8e1G G83M%252C_%253BB3CGARd5GYeOjM%252Ctc_-kO0JalvNDM%252C_%253BIe2TveyJmajGcM%252CsPlaz258VA LRSM%252C_%253BzYLGj8QH460tpM%252CBqRqGYT-JmbPJM%252C_%253Buqa83TCMJtQRIM%252ChgIo-l5jROq1cM%252C_%253BlulPZ9ES7fjkZM%252CevQnV9lOXAf Z6M%252C_%253BnVFQ8agrUAc0jM%252ClTjOzDlJ5AuHtM%25 2C_&usg=AI4_-kQobX-PRXzkr4WZsuJXAGwhaCt-NQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjTuJOGiM38AhWdhIkEHbqlB1AQjJkEegQICRAC&biw=1326&bih=619&dpr=1

End tables from commercial sites with dimensions !!!!!!
https://www.wayfair.com/Lark-Manor™--Nortonville-Solid-Wood-End-Table-with-Storage-X116160075-L442-K~W005059964.html?refid=GX561915042185-W005059964_1908622525&device=c&ptid=1242270067168&network=g&targetid=pla-1242270067168&channel=GooglePLA&ireid=115936673&fdid=1817&PiID%5B%5D=1908622525&gclid=Cj0KCQiAiJSeBhCCARIsAHnAzT_-gmT1QDehHYBP3Q0BeUHykbZEqK24IpmqVqznGVUsegcheBYKDc kaAr5WEALw_wcB

Rob Luter
01-16-2023, 5:05 PM
I like them a little lower than the arm of the chair. This prevents an errant elbow from knocking your cocktail onto the floor. DAMHIKT.
