View Full Version : need help!

01-26-2006, 8:46 PM
Hello eveyone .
a friend and I are starting our turning business,we are stuck on the name ,we have it narrowed down to ,Penninsula precision wood turning,northwest master wood turning or timbers to turnings.We will specialize in large newels and columns.we appreciate your help and ideas.
happy turning!

Bernie Weishapl
01-26-2006, 8:49 PM
Robert I like Timbers to Turnings. Sounds pretty cool.

Corey Hallagan
01-26-2006, 9:01 PM
Robert, I like a combination of two of them, one for the name, one for a slogan:
Northwest Master Wood Turners - "We take Timber to Treasured Turnings"
We could really have fun if your names were Tim and Ted!


John Hart
01-26-2006, 9:17 PM
I'd have to vote for Timbers to Turnings...with a conical-shaped tree in the logo (Arrow shapes sell).

John Miliunas
01-26-2006, 9:43 PM
"T 2 T" for me, too! :D :cool:

Bob Noles
01-26-2006, 9:59 PM

I like the Timbers to Turnings as it is catchy, however, I think any business name should include something of what the business is about. Maybe Timbers to Columns or some variation would allow a little more description of what your business does. Just something to toss around, but I do like the 3rd choice.

Jim Becker
01-26-2006, 10:01 PM
T to T for me, too!! Or as my kids might say, "Ya toja!" (Me, too)

Andy Hoyt
01-26-2006, 10:17 PM
I dunno. The whole trick is to have a name that's easy to remember, rolls off the tongue with ease when spoken, and strives to impart a sense of what you do. Sometimes a play on a word helps too.

Suggest you make a list of words related to the two of you, the turning world, the architecural elements world, and anything else that seems relevant. Jumble them up switch 'em around, and have fun and listen to what the women say.

That's what I did, and well, I think the process worked for me.

Earl Eyre
01-27-2006, 12:55 AM
When I opened my business some years ago I researched naming the business and survey after survey showed that names that tell what the business does consistently did better than catchy names that left the person wondering what it meant. The only exception were BIG businesses that could use massive advertising to overcome a vague name. So while T to T may be great for artistic turnings, it doesn't tell your story. If I had to pick from the 3, I'd vote for #1...Precision, etc. It's not catchy but it says that the customer will get a precise, well turned product. Think about it: when you run through the yellow pages looking for a product, do you look for catchy or do you look for a company that appears reputable, solid, established and sells what you want?

One minor comment, if you go with 1 or 2, I think the proper spelling is Woodturning, not two words.

Keel McDonald
01-27-2006, 6:45 AM
Timbers to Turnings! You need a name that will stick with people, and I think this one does. Good luck!

Mike Ramsey
01-27-2006, 9:02 AM
For some reason Timbers to Turnings just doesn't sound right to me.
If I had to choose one of these then it would be "Penninsula Precision
Wood Turning" (PPWT), or I kinda like "Precision Wood Turnings"
IMHO only.

Paul Douglass
01-27-2006, 11:18 AM
I have to say that I think that Bob Noles and Earl Eyre have it right. T 2 T is a cute slogan but something like N W precision..... is really more professional and descriptive of what you do. Remember you are asking a group of turners and the they understand T 2 T. Non-turner would not. Remember the turners would turn there own, so you don't want to attract them.....

01-27-2006, 11:27 PM
Well looks like everyone has the same opinion as what I have heard from the surveys we took here.Mostly everyone I spoke with voted for precision or penninsula ,but I spoke to a friend who was in charge of all the marketing and sales of a large stair manufacturing company I used to work for , and he said timbers to turnings .He gave a good explanation of why .He said that you want a name people will remmember first ,then you need a name that describes what you do.He gave me several examlpes .He said the others are boring! I liked the precision turnings ,but I will go with Timbers to timbers even though my wife came up with it !
thanks for the help I apreciate all the imput!

Ernie Nyvall
01-28-2006, 6:16 PM
"Ya toja!"

I used to say that when I was a child and was right about something "Ya toja so".:p

I vote T to T.


Dave Wimmer
01-28-2006, 6:28 PM
How bout "Firewood Are Us" ?

Curt Fuller
01-28-2006, 7:26 PM
How about "Timbers to Toothpicks" and everything in between. :rolleyes:

Randy Meijer
01-29-2006, 3:19 AM
The first 2 names are just too long and cumbersome for me. I agree that it would be ideal if you could come up with a short catchy name that identified your business; but something short and memorable will work too. From the name, bet an uneducated could not figure out what kind of a business "7-11" is?? How about a variatiion of your final suggestion.....TURNED TIMBERS or maybe

John Hart
01-29-2006, 8:26 AM
I already voted for TT, but I had a thought last night....People don't normally need Turned stuff. So the clientele is usually going to be folks that have never needed it and might not even know what "Turning" is. They might describe them as "Post things" or "Banister thingies" or "Spindles" or "You know, those curvy round things that hold the railing up".

Just thinking that maybe we use a certain terminology so often that we consider it commonplace while others may consider it a foreign language.

Just a thought.

Andy Hoyt
01-29-2006, 8:52 AM
Don't forget ever popular Tag Line.

Often used to explain.