View Full Version : Really interesting table project. (YouTube)

Jim Becker
12-27-2022, 10:49 AM
While this video project does have a large amount of "spinny" action (some of it scary), this whole project is fascinating and also has a lot of flat work. I'm not sure I'd have the patience for this kind of thing, but the end result is "wow".


John Kananis
12-27-2022, 11:36 AM
I enjoyed the final product - i may have done certain things differently but that guy is pretty good. Thanks for sharing.

Doug Garson
12-27-2022, 12:22 PM
What a coincidence, just watched that video yesterday along with several others by same guy. Makes Frank Howarth look ordinary and Frank is exceptional.

Mel Fulks
12-27-2022, 12:34 PM
They sell Op-Art decals of that style.

Andrew Hughes
12-27-2022, 4:21 PM
That’s a great sculpture.
Blue ribbon at any state fair.
Walnut was good choice of wood

Bradley Gray
12-27-2022, 5:04 PM
Impressive work....why? I still have some pieces I put way too much time into, for shows, that have been upstairs in my shop for 40 years.

Anybody need a 6 string chromatic hurdy gurdy?

Doug Garson
12-27-2022, 5:19 PM
That’s a great sculpture.
Blue ribbon at any state fair.
Walnut was good choice of wood
And the Maple veneer between each block really takes it up a notch.

Kevin Jenness
12-27-2022, 7:03 PM
Pretty cool concept. The numerous veneer misalignments evident in the final sequence are disappointing though. I know it's nitpicking and the maker is very capable, but that's a design that demands unrelenting precision. Have to award some points for including the tantrum at 7:00.

Andrew Hughes
12-27-2022, 8:12 PM
And the Maple veneer between each block really takes it up a notch.
The maple and walnut look is predictable. I think he played it safe.
Walnut and blood wood or ebony would have been another level up.
My opinion of course.
Good Luck

Thomas McCurnin
12-28-2022, 12:42 AM

Thank you so much for posting this video. I watched the whole thing and was captivated. Really small shop and pretty good safety techniques, except when he ran the half cylinder through the table saw, which would give me the heebie jeebies.

Jim Becker
12-28-2022, 9:02 AM
I've seen a number of folks use the table saw for cleaning the edges of curved pieces, but agree it's, um...something that requires a lot of care and a couple of "brass ones", regardless of the woodworker's physical gender!

I do agree with the comments that it's not perfect, but still...that's a heck of an effort that really required a lot of thinking and planning to pull off. It also required making a whole bunch of cutting jigs for the dude's lathe and I respect that desire for stable and safer work. Very scary hand cutting between those "wings", however!

Steve Demuth
12-28-2022, 11:59 AM
Very impressive result. I'm happy he got to the end with no broken bones or missing parts. The part with cutting the end of a cylinder on a table saw made my knees shake, and all those spinning corners with him making cuts way down in the parabolic center, likewise.

andrew whicker
12-28-2022, 12:27 PM
Pretty cool project and that guy has an awesome lathe setup

It was brave to use std wood glue working time instead of epoxy on the difficult glue ups!

Seems like a Domino or similar would have helped align things / hold things too.

Thomas Wilson
12-28-2022, 2:54 PM
The audacity of the design. If you had asked me the chances of this butcher block double funnel + half barrel design to work, my estimate would be zero. Would I have done it differently? I never would have attempted it. Having seen it done, I still would not try it. So many things could have gone wrong and yet he was spectacularly successful. Hats off.

Andrew Hughes
12-28-2022, 4:39 PM
Pretty cool project and that guy has an awesome lathe setup

It was brave to use std wood glue working time instead of epoxy on the difficult glue ups!

Seems like a Domino or similar would have helped align things / hold things too.

I also thought the lathe is his favorite machine in the shop. Clearly the bandsaw is last. It looks like one of those plywood toy saws.
Artist are a strange bunch

Dwayne Watt
12-28-2022, 5:59 PM
If you look at Gomis' Esty shop, you will see he has made vases with the vortex design. The table takes that work to a whole other level though. Anyone that has done lamination/segmented turning knows just how difficult it is to get perfect alignments. Glue-ups that look great manage to exaggerate minute misalignments after the lathe work is completed.

Tom Bender
01-05-2023, 1:56 PM
Had his turnings exploded or come loose it would have been memorable.

Lathe work is amazing.

mreza Salav
01-05-2023, 2:26 PM
Very nice work. I would be scared to turn that big piece. thanks for sharing.

David Falkner
01-06-2023, 9:43 AM
Amazing results and a great design. He needs to work on his temper, though.

Maurice Mcmurry
01-10-2023, 8:39 PM
It is an amazing piece of work. It reminds me that the Moon is falling into the gravity well of the Earth and the Earth is falling into the gravity well of the Sun and the Sun is falling into the gravity well at the center of the Milky Way.... It is too much falling for me. I would be afraid my coffee would slip away into oblivion.

Ben Ellenberger
01-10-2023, 9:45 PM
It is an amazing piece of work. It reminds me that the Moon is falling into the gravity well of the Earth and the Earth is falling into the gravity well of the Sun and the Sun is falling into the gravity well at the center of the Milky Way.... It is too much falling for me. I would be afraid my coffee would slip away into oblivion.

Eh, it’s all relative…

Maurice Mcmurry
01-11-2023, 8:26 AM
The gravity well does look super cool! I am imagining a pair, standing on end with speakers inside. These keep staring at me.


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