View Full Version : 3D printing wood

Stan Calow
12-22-2022, 10:02 AM
I had a news article from Interesting Engineering in my newsfeed titled "We can now 3D print as much wood as we want without cutting a single tree" https://interestingengineering.com/innovation/lab-grown-3d-printed-wood It describes using plant cells from zinnias to create wood. The implication is that you could 3D directly print an object like a wood table using this process. It does not address finishing :).

Don't shoot the messenger.

Jim Koepke
12-22-2022, 4:08 PM
I had a news article from Interesting Engineering in my newsfeed titled "We can now 3D print as much wood as we want without cutting a single tree" https://interestingengineering.com/innovation/lab-grown-3d-printed-wood It describes using plant cells from zinnias to create wood. The implication is that you could 3D directly print an object like a wood table using this process. It does not address finishing :).

Don't shoot the messenger.

This is actually an older technology than it may seem. Henry Ford made at least one automobile using plant cells. Some of his cars were made to run on fuel made from plants.

Search > ford hemp car < for a more modern vehicle > Lotus Eco Elise <

If it can be made into a liquid or a resin, it is likely someone has already run it through a printer of some kind or another.

Another thought, recently a purchase was made for 200' of hemp rope. It has a much softer texture/feel than common manila rope. It is supposed to be about as strong. It smells better and it seems to be lighter in weight.


Zachary Hoyt
12-22-2022, 4:49 PM
I saw an article recently that said the University of Maine is 3D printing houses out of sawdust.

Jim Koepke
12-22-2022, 4:59 PM
I saw an article recently that said the University of Maine is 3D printing houses out of sawdust.



Jim Becker
12-22-2022, 7:34 PM
Existing thread:
