View Full Version : Stuart Batty

Brian Deakin
12-20-2022, 11:31 AM
In a recent YouTube video Stuart Batty stated he would be releasing some new video content

Can anyone please advise if there is an update or any new information

John Kananis
12-20-2022, 11:37 AM
Here's a good resource

Richard Coers
12-22-2022, 12:12 AM
He's going to take another shot at that? He invested a lot of money in video equipment, what 10 years ago? They got investors to develop his tool line, and then went belly up. That's what I understand, maybe I'm off base again.

John Kananis
12-22-2022, 11:11 AM
Is that really what happened? I remember him talking about the crazy amount of cameras in the 'new' studio. I just recently picked up one of his angle gauges.

Richard Coers
12-22-2022, 10:56 PM
Is that really what happened? I remember him talking about the crazy amount of cameras in the 'new' studio. I just recently picked up one of his angle gauges.
Happened 8 years ago. https://sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?225095-stuart-batty-tools

John Kananis
12-23-2022, 12:56 AM
Thanks for the info, Richard. That really is too bad, I very much admire his work - I also like to see folks succeed.

Reed Gray
12-23-2022, 10:40 AM
He will be one of the demonstrators at the upcoming Oregon Woodturning Symposium. His business did go under a while back.

robo hippy

John Keeton
12-23-2022, 12:51 PM
Stuart is a talented turner and a very competent demonstrator and from my limited exposure a very likable fellow. I don’t own any of his tools, so I can’t speak to that, but they seem to have been well received. Unfortunately, the reality is that the turning community is a relatively small part of the “crafts” and “crafts” are a small part of the overall buying market. IMO, Stuart didn’t wade slowly in to the tool market and demo circuit. He jumped in with a gusto. There are a very limited number of production turners that “use up” a tool quickly. Most of us use a gouge for several months or even years once we get past the learning stage of sharpening. I haven’t bought a new bowl gouge in 4-5 years. The three I have still have a lot of life. Granted, I may not be representative of turners as a whole, but my point is that Stuart’s grand entry probably meant that he was experiencing negative cash flow for a long time. It is hard to recover from that. The successful folks were probably more cautious about debt and excess inventory.

Richard Coers
12-23-2022, 1:07 PM
Granted, I may not be representative of turners as a whole, but my point is that Stuart’s grand entry probably meant that he was experiencing negative cash flow for a long time. It is hard to recover from that. The successful folks were probably more cautious about debt and excess inventory.
I would speculate he ran out of investor money, and maybe both. His tool design was such that I felt I needed to see them in person before I spent that big money on a non-traditional tool. I see his protégé continues the high end tools. Ashley sells as a double ended negative rake scraper and handle package for $430!

John Keeton
12-23-2022, 4:50 PM
Richard, Ashley presents a better marketing image than does Stuart!;)

Richard Coers
12-24-2022, 6:34 PM
Richard, Ashley presents a better marketing image than does Stuart!;)
I'm not touching that comment! LOL Could easily get a slap on the hand for that one.

alan weinberg
07-11-2023, 10:56 AM
thread drift but I’ve read Stuart has a December San Diego class but I don’t know how to register. He doesn’t respond to messaging on Facebook or Instagram. Anybody know?

John Kananis
07-11-2023, 11:15 AM
I looked but can't find anything past 2022. If he's still doing classes, I'd be interested in the schedule as well. Please post if you find.

thread drift but I’ve read Stuart has a December San Diego class but I don’t know how to register. He doesn’t respond to messaging on Facebook or Instagram. Anybody know?

alan weinberg
07-11-2023, 8:00 PM
look at stuartbattywoodturning on Instagram and it says TBD December San Diego and Finger Lakes. But hasn’t been updated . . .

Perry Hilbert Jr
07-12-2023, 6:24 PM
I appreciate anyone with skill and technique willing to go public with their skill to teach others. Folks get so touchy and offended by everything anymore. Sponsors want their products mentioned, partners want their product and tools mentioned. It has got to be hard. There's one turner who has a mention of his American Beauty lathe at the end of every video. If I ever produce a video, I'll mention my 1938 Dunlap lathe and my old carbon steel Buck Bros chisels. Maybe even the Bullet, the dog on the treadmill that powers the lathe.

Phil Rose
07-13-2023, 7:25 AM
We hosted Stuart at Finger Lakes Woodturners (Rochester, NY) last spring -- our program brings in two National demonstrates live each year. He demonstrated for our club, held an all-day demonstration on Saturday, and three two-day hands on classes. Everything sold out in a couple of days, so tickets were not offered to the general public.

Brice Rogers
07-15-2023, 2:54 PM
thread drift but I’ve read Stuart has a December San Diego class but I don’t know how to register. He doesn’t respond to messaging on Facebook or Instagram. Anybody know?

If Stuart is doing a class in San Diego, I would think that it would be done in conjunction with the San Diego Wood Turner's club. I checked the calendar for the club (www.sdwt.org) and the December meeting is actually the annual pot luck Holiday Party. Perhaps you may want to contact the club and ask if they have any insight ?

alan weinberg
07-15-2023, 3:36 PM
I did that a week ago and the president hasn’t answered my email. Thanks.

Brice Rogers
07-15-2023, 4:40 PM
Alan Weinberg, I posted your question on the SDWT facebook page. When I get a response, I'll post it here.

Brice Rogers
07-15-2023, 11:28 PM
I posted your question on the SDWT.org site and got the following response:

Sally Ault (https://www.facebook.com/groups/226159788131710/user/100001217686921/?__cft__[0]=AZU-udC75id4JEy5P3DcxHuehV0f0ImZT3ZBWvHNdUEyQsvmfXuY-llyAlMwOwPfV6HDGAc82GqQg-Ho8n__MYJihtitUooC0QXqT51fOcBI3Zyhmd5X16M6Smz3m3Rq-mE_89a-KI7t1h8g9o__v_VS&__tn__=R]-R)We do not have Stuart scheduled either this year or next. He was here last year.

Sally is a board member (and a great turner and great person) and she is currently in charge of setting up future presenters/meetings.

alan weinberg
07-16-2023, 10:38 AM
Thanks. Craft Supplies USA has a Batty class in Provo, UT Feb 5-9. I just registered. Expensive at $1495 plus air, lodging, meals.

Brian Deakin
07-17-2023, 2:48 PM
The new Stuat batty website launches on 20th July

Please see link below



alan weinberg
07-21-2023, 10:52 AM
what’s the URL for his site?

John Kananis
07-22-2023, 11:25 AM
You know, if he was only 10% the businessman that he is a turner, he'd be far beyond wealthy. There's no mention of anything anywhere on the internet (that I can find), the link above doesn't work any longer, Facebook hasn't been updated in years and less than 200 followers. Really too bad (for us I suppose, I'm assuming he's content). I'll post up if I find anything.

Walter Mooney
07-22-2023, 12:31 PM
We’re (Gulf Coast Woodturners Association) hosting him in Houston for an “all-day” demonstration (9AM - 3 PM) at our monthly meeting on Saturday, 9/16/23. Anyone in the area is more than welcome to attend. You can find our meeting location on our website. He’ll actually be in Houston for the three days prior to that Saturday, teaching a three-day class on what we’re calling “Becoming One With the 40/40 Grind” ;). The class is full, and has a fairly long waiting (wishing?) list. But if you’re anywhere near Houston on the third Saturday of September, come see us, and him! Maybe one of us will get to talk to him about some of these questions.

Stay safe, both within your shop and outside it.

Josh Molaver
07-22-2023, 3:06 PM
Site seems to be up - https://stuartbattytools.com/

John Kananis
07-22-2023, 6:31 PM
I take it all back... glad to see he's up and running. Thanks for the link.

Adrian Wilson
07-23-2023, 7:45 AM
Nice to see lift-off.... no mention on there yet of any gouges I could see. I will be watching.

Reed Gray
07-23-2023, 2:02 PM
I will echo John's comment above. Seems like Stuart is always starting up, again. Too bad since he really does have some good ideas. I don't agree with a lot of what he says, but he is still interesting.

robo hippy

Neil Strong
07-23-2023, 7:11 PM
Stuart... really does have some good ideas.

Like the laminated range he is bringing out. Same principle as laminated Japanese blades. That should allow him to push the Rockwell hardness higher without the risk of breakage. It may also reduce the cost, but that is yet to be seen.

I'm also interested to see his 'plan' to bring out a "15V replaceable tip gouge". If that comes to fruition it should be a winner for him as there is no other 'active' maker of a 15V option. My testing shows that 15V outperforms the other available HSS options with its edge durability on more demanding woods. A replaceable tip is also good concept, IMO.

Brian Deakin
07-30-2023, 4:23 AM
Stuart has added video content and articles to his new web site https://stuartbattytools.com/home


Brian Deakin
08-02-2023, 3:33 AM
Stuart,s new web site has a section with articles and videos


Brian Deakin
03-03-2024, 3:58 PM
Can anyone please clarify as there been any update to when Stuart will release new video content

Richard Coers
03-03-2024, 7:26 PM
Can anyone please clarify as there been any update to when Stuart will release new video content
Call Ashley Harwood, I'd guess she knows.

Lance Mirrer
03-04-2024, 4:00 PM
Stuart demonstrated at the Florida Woodturning Symposium in Feb 2024. He is active and promoting himself. Check his current website Woodturning Tools - Stuart Batty Tools (https://stuartbattytools.com/home), there is info about his available products and a free video section. I didn't count but there is plenty there to help your learning.