View Full Version : Shop Fox W1857

Todd Worstell
12-19-2022, 11:05 PM
So I just ordered the Shop Fox W1857 8 x 72 inch 4 knife jointer. I have been in the market for a 6" helical jointer for several months now but found a deal I could not pass up. On the Grizzly website this unit is 2150 + 300 shipping. But just spotted it at Home Depot for 1650 delivered. Including a little tax savings that's 850 cheaper.

Now, I really wanted a helical originally but avoided looking at the 8" units just because of the cost. But I figure I can get by with the knives because will be getting a helical planer anyway and of course there are advantages of the 8" over 6" jointer as well. Not just the extra 2" wide but more importantly to me is the much longer 72" bed. I had a 6" jointer a long time ago and by far it was the shorter length of the bed rather that the narrower width that drove me crazy. Hope I don't regret my buying decision but can always upgrade the head if it comes to it.

Well anyway, not sure if anybody is looking around for an 8" 4 knife jointer these days but Home Depot has a pretty good deal.

glenn bradley
12-20-2022, 6:44 AM
Now, I really wanted a helical originally but avoided looking at the 8" units just because of the cost.

Congrats on the 8" machine. The cost benefit of an insert head is well documented; here's one (https://www.finewoodworking.com/2011/10/27/bottom-line-on-segmented-cutterhead-cost). My jointer recovered the cost in about 18 months and the last decade has been all gravy. I would run the knives for a while and see what your use / sharpening / replacement schedule is. If your use is low the payoff may not be as quick / large.

My 6" was almost always too narrow and my 8" is almost always wide enough. I do love the long beds and tall fence (Grizzly G0490X) so we are of a like mind there :). I smile every time I use mine and I'm sure you will do the same.

Greg Parrish
12-20-2022, 8:30 AM
You can always add the helical head yourself. I did it not long ago on my 8" Jet and the process was really pretty simple. With the $850 savings, you can probably get a Shelix or Lux head with bearings installed and still have a bunch of money left over. Good luck and congrats on the new machine!

Todd Worstell
12-20-2022, 12:36 PM
Hmm, been looking around and can't find any helical heads for the W1857. I wonder if I need to search using the equivalent Grizzly model?

Greg Parrish
12-20-2022, 12:49 PM
Other than the shape of the front of the base cabinet, it looks identical to my Jet JJ-8CS as well as the Grizzly G0855 version. I’d search to see if you can find anything regarding compatibility as my Jet model mentioned it was also used for many other commonly patterned Asian made machines.

Grizzly lists the helical version of your jointer as model W1858 with replacement cutter-head model number X1858040 per the parts manual on their website. May help with cross reference as well as may be worth a call to Grizzly. https://cdn0.grizzly.com/partslists/w1857_pl.pdf

If you look here, you will see the Jet and Shop Fox cross reference. If your model ends up taking the same basic head as this other/prior model shop fox, then as I mentioned above it may be a generic 8” model like my Jet uses. May be worth a call to the ShelixHeads or LuxCutHeads websites for help. https://support.grizzly.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408538909591-Do-you-have-a-jointer-and-planer-cutterhead-cross-reference-chart-

glenn bradley
12-20-2022, 12:59 PM
Hmm, been looking around and can't find any helical heads for the W1857. I wonder if I need to search using the equivalent Grizzly model?

Often a call or an email to the maker will get you a quick and accurate answer.

Jim Chilenski
12-20-2022, 4:04 PM
Try checking on this website for a cross reference for a replacement head,


Or reach out to them with your model and they can recommend a replacement.

Todd Worstell
12-20-2022, 11:37 PM
Thanks for all the tips everybody.

So I looked up the X1858040 on Grizzly website, its no longer available. But good news, they have a replacement. Only $750. Wow.

Cary Falk
12-21-2022, 5:16 AM
Thanks for all the tips everybody.

So I looked up the X1858040 on Grizzly website, its no longer available. But good news, they have a replacement. Only $750. Wow.

Wow is right. I paid $350 for my 8" Byrd years ago.

Earl McLain
12-21-2022, 6:18 AM
Wow is right. I paid $350 for my 8" Byrd years ago.

Direct from Byrd for 8” “generic” is about $450 now, with 19mm or 3/4” shaft. Add $36 for bearings. Holbren Tool may be a good source as well, I think Brian is still a distributor for them.

Ronald Blue
12-21-2022, 9:19 AM
So I have to ask why for less money ($2045) didn't you get the Grizzly G0856 with the helical head? It shows in stock. Just curious is all. Plus 1 on My Woodcutters. I ordered a Byrd head for my PM 15 and it came through in 5 days. They responded quickly to my email inquiries. Install is a little more complicated than a jointer but it wasn't bad.

Todd Worstell
12-21-2022, 7:26 PM
The difference between the G0856 with the helical head at Grizzly and the SF W1857 with knives at Home Depot including shipping and taxes is $737 and between the W1857 at Grizzly is $850. I thought I would use the difference in cost to get a planer with helical head. My plan would be to use the jointer to get a face good to go through the planer and then reface the face that was done on the jointer if ever needed. I have only ever owned a 6" knife jointer a long time ago. I was thinking getting the much cheaper 8" SF at Home Depot primarily for the much longer bed and wider table was in itself enough to justify getting it over a 6" jointer even without the helical head.

I have dabbled a bit in woodworking in the past (all Craftsman cheap machines) but now want to do more. Really any of these machines are a huge step up for me. I also just got a Laguna 14/12 bandsaw and Harvey 2HP table saw. Only major machine left is the planer with helical head. I figure I can do quite a bit with this setup for a good while and there is always the option to put a helical head in the jointer if it comes to it. With the money I saved, have to break even or better.

Brian Gumpper
12-31-2022, 12:31 PM
Direct from Byrd for 8” “generic” is about $450 now, with 19mm or 3/4” shaft. Add $36 for bearings. Holbren Tool may be a good source as well, I think Brian is still a distributor for them.

Thanks Earl and yes still selling a lot of Byrd, been at it 17 years now.

The W1857 is not on my list. If it is the same as the Grizzly G0656 be aware there is a G0656P and G0656W and they both use different heads. For some reason when Grizzly switched production to the new factory that is designated by the W on the end they changed head design. For instance G0490 uses a different head than G0490W same for G0453 and G0453W ...