View Full Version : Experience with UV lights for well water

Jack Frederick
12-01-2022, 10:23 AM
I am considering installing one for our household water supply. Any suggestions on brand, type, etc?

George Yetka
12-01-2022, 11:25 AM
https://www.freshwatersystems.com/products/sanitron-s37c-12-gpm-ultraviolet-water-purifier?c1=GAW_SE_NW&source=USA_DSA&cr2=dsa-brand__-__atlantic_ultraviolet&kw=atlantic_ultraviolet&cr7=c&gclid=Cj0KCQiAvqGcBhCJARIsAFQ5ke43bSmC9fm2ouzbfFmz DIlZO6AAii1zq0MWHdOHaVseIbkJuCvtoMEaAgUlEALw_wcB

Sanitron is a quality unit. bulbs are easily found, has run for 8 years so far no issue.

I change bulbs every 18 months, they recommend 12 but i havent noticed burnout of the bulbs.

Bill Dufour
12-01-2022, 11:34 AM
For fish ponds the florescent bulbs are said to stop producing uv well before they go dark to the eye.
Bill D

Paul F Franklin
12-01-2022, 12:06 PM
Can't help with brand recommendations, but some things to look for:

Sizing: It's important that the unit be rated for the maximum flow rate of your well pump, not just what your typical usage might be. Otherwise the unit won't properly sanitize the water under those "multiple things using water" conditions. This usually means a larger and more expensive unit that one might think, but there's no point in installing one if it's not going to do the job. The water must be exposed to the proper level of UV for the proper amount of time to be sanitized, and that's how the flow ratings are derived.

The tube's output falls off fairly quickly with age, so it should be replaced at the manufacturers recommended interval, or at least close. As Bill points out, the UV level usually drops well before the lamp dies.

Ideally you will have good particulate filtration before the UV unit to keep the quartz tube cleaner, longer, and you should clean the tube often. A dirty tube reduces the light reaching the water quickly. Keep the need for cleaning and lamp replacement in mind when selecting a mounting location for the unit.

Ed Aumiller
12-01-2022, 3:28 PM
Have used one for many years when was using spring water. Recommend a particulate/sediment filter prior to it to prevent dirt from tube as Paul said...
When we went to well water (spring went dry after 8 years) we had water tested for bacteria, etc... since well is 300' deep there was no bacteria in water so we no longer need it or use it.
Since you have well water, highly suggest you pay $50-75 to have it tested before you invest in the cost and time and trouble as odds are you will not need it.

With the spring, we changed bulb and tube yearly...

George, recommend yearly as you cannot tell by the brightness, but they loose uv power after a year...

Stan Calow
12-01-2022, 7:31 PM
Even deep wells can get contaminated by surface runoff (going down the casing hole). Wells in fractured rock formations (like limestone) can have water coming from the surface or a long way away. depending on geology. The Missouri Department of health did a study several years ago that estimated 2/3 of private wells in the state would test positive at some point in a year. Yearly tests during wet weather are advised. Especially if you have a septic tank.

Maurice Mcmurry
12-01-2022, 7:51 PM
Around central MO we are learning that the underground water is far more connected than anyone ever thought. I am no help with picking out equipment, but know that treating private wells is becoming very important.