View Full Version : Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
11-27-2022, 6:34 PM
28 Nov 2022

Been a long oncall for the day job. I have about 36 more hours to go before I'm free once again.
Been working on a few cutting boards, small sandwich boards and doing some general shop straightening up. Trying to relax when I can and sleep as best I can.

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past Thanksgiving week?

Best of weeks to you all.

Aaron Rosenthal
11-27-2022, 9:17 PM
For me, Thanksgiving was October. We rise earlier in Canada. Before Christmas LOL!!).
Lots of family coming in from around the globe to celebrate (early, because that's when they could get here), for my wife's and my 50th. Truism, that you can have multiple 10th's, 20th's but few of us get to have more than one 5th.
I've spent almost every spare minute getting my late son's bedroom ready for primer - with luck, one coat goes on the walls tomorrow early afternoon.
With multiple families coming in, I've rented a commercial kitchen and I'll be cooking up a storm Thursday and Friday morning, just warming for the Friday night dinner.
That's in addition to my "regular" on-call 4 pm to midnight when the need arises, usually 2-3 times a week.
My new knob, bolt and cap for my friend's "here, I don't want it" Stanley Series 4 No. 8 is on it's way from Hardware City Toolworks, I have a plane to fettle before long.

Jim Becker
11-28-2022, 9:18 AM
Dennis, I hope that on-call thing passes quickly! And also that you are not affected adversely by the storms coming through there mid-week.

Productive past week for me in the new shop building. Drywall is up and mud work is done through at least the first coat. This week will see the completion of the compound work and installation of a baseboard made from salvaged trim from the house that was demolished next door earlier in the year. And then comes painting...

Paul F Franklin
11-28-2022, 11:23 AM
Got all the cherry pieces for my console bookcase rough cut, and got the first mistake out of the way by cutting one carefully color and grain selected board an inch too narrow. Sigh. Guess it's better to screw up now than after a lot more work was into it. Time for another pass through the lumber stack.

Since it's been a while, I've been cleaning and tuning each major machine as I go to use it. Tablesaw and bandsaw are done, next up jointer/planer.

George Yetka
11-28-2022, 11:32 AM
Dennis, I hope that on-call thing passes quickly! And also that you are not affected adversely by the storms coming through there mid-week.

Productive past week for me in the new shop building. Drywall is up and mud work is done through at least the first coat. This week will see the completion of the compound work and installation of a baseboard made from salvaged trim from the house that was demolished next door earlier in the year. And then comes painting...

Ive got 8 gallons or so of mixed colors if you want to mix and spray?

Cameron Wood
11-28-2022, 12:35 PM
Finished the trivet run except for a bit of tung oil. Mahogany box w/ leather handles, copper rivets.
Got the jointer tuned up, including an extension of the dust chute, but now I think the motor needs some attention.
Making a set of jointer push blocks- on the left I made ca 1990, so you can see the devolution of my woodworking style.


Jim Becker
11-28-2022, 8:01 PM
Ive got 8 gallons or so of mixed colors if you want to mix and spray?
Thanks, I appreciate the offer! But I have a specific color already purchased.

Eugene Dixon
11-29-2022, 4:18 PM
Finished 12 Kazoo's for family Xmas Retreat. It's gonna be musical - maybe.