View Full Version : Charles Schulz 100th Birthday

Jim Koepke
11-26-2022, 3:37 PM
One of my browsers is set up with comics in folders. A key stoke and a click opens a whole folder of cartoons in tabs so it is easy to read one and close the window to get to the next. FYI, it seems having more than 14 open all at once slows things down considerably.

Your ISP may be different so as in so many things, 490605

Today's Bizarro was a bit strange to me until noticing the tee shirt and figuring out who the characters represented. Then the next one, non-sequitur, drove it home. It surprised me to see a few more from other artists making tribute to one of the most beloved comic strip artist of my time.

What's your job?

Making America smile.

Good work if you can get it.


Prashun Patel
11-26-2022, 5:15 PM
I just saw "A Boy named Charlie Brown" from the 1960's. So perfect.

(Spoiler alert):

After losing, Charlie Brown is paralyzed from depression in bed for several days.

Linus comes in and says, "I can understand how you feel. You worked hard. And I suppose you feel you let everyone down and made a fool of yourself..." As he leaves, he adds, "But did you notice something, Charlie Brown? The world didn't come to an end."

He gets up, goes to see Lucy, and she pulls the football out from under him.

"Welcome Home, Charlie Brown!"

The sparse animation, the economy of speech, Vince Guaraldi.

The Peanuts is simply the best there ever was.

Alan Lightstone
11-26-2022, 5:26 PM
If you go to the Charles Schulz Museum website, you can see 100 cartoons by various artists (some of the greats) with their tribute cartoons to "Sparky"

Maurice Mcmurry
11-27-2022, 7:20 AM
Neat-O! Thanks for these posts!

Maurice Mcmurry
11-27-2022, 7:59 PM
I have been through these and can see that some contributors get it and many do not have a clue. I think can speak Woodstock, II//11// etc. And school teacher, blah blah woon woo woont wah. What the Great Pumpkin has to say I have no clue.
Once again Jim, thanks for this post!