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View Full Version : Two Cherries Chisels sure went up in price !!!!!!!!!

Clarence Martinn
11-22-2022, 7:35 PM

The 4 piece set is now over $184.00. Years ago, when I got that same set; it was $49.99:eek:

Jim Koepke
11-23-2022, 1:23 AM
In reading the old Fine Woodworking magazines it startles me how much money I could have made by buying tools and holding on to them for 45 years.

Heck, it amazes me how much many of my rust hunt finds are selling for today.


Rob Luter
11-23-2022, 1:45 PM
Agreed. Most of my better hand tools have increased in value significantly. If I had to buy them today I’d have a tough time rationalizing the purchase. Rust hunts have become more expensive too. Back when I was on the prowl I picked up several Stanley #5 Jack planes for under $20 and more than a couple for under $10. They were all refurbed and passed on as gifts or bargains. This spring I was looking for one to use as a roughing plane. Not only are they as scarce as Kosher ham, the prices being asked for the junk that is available is obscene.