View Full Version : maybe this was a good buy...

Ernie Loposser
11-21-2022, 6:34 PM
Ive been wanting a woodworker under bench vice for awhile for my play shop but so expensive. I ran across this on marketplace awhile ago. There was no pic for the front of it, don't have any idea what brand it is or whether it even works but decided to take a chance. It was a shipping situation, the vice, tax, and shipping was just over $17. How could I go wrong?

Frederick Skelly
11-21-2022, 7:48 PM
You cant. $17 is 3-4 cups of starbucks. If the vise works, you won!

Ernie Loposser
11-21-2022, 7:55 PM
i just realized i have been misspelling "vise", thanks Frederick

William Fretwell
11-21-2022, 7:59 PM
Strip it down, scrub with water and wire wool. Then soak it in Oxalic acid solution overnight, 4 heaped tablespoons in just enough water to cover the disassembled parts. Scrub with wire wool again, then 600 grit sandpaper. Dry, paint, replace the wood. You will love it!

Ernie Loposser
11-21-2022, 8:09 PM
gottcha, thanks William

Jim Koepke
11-21-2022, 8:11 PM
I'm surprised a vise could be shipped for $17.

i just realized i have been misspelling "vise", thanks Frederick

That depends on your perspective. Woodworkers almost always need a vise or two. Over time some of us give up or acquire a few vices. :eek:


Stew Denton
11-22-2022, 12:08 AM

I looked at a lot of vices on the auction site a few years ago before finally buying one which was at a very good price for one of the brands I wanted.

That particular vice looks unfamiliar to me, but none the less, it looks like it is fairly solidly put together, and I think it should be a good vice once you clean it up a bit. I did look at the auction site, and prices have come down since I bought my vise, but I would think that the vise "as was" when you bought it would have been in the neighborhood would be on the order of 3 times or so times what you paid for it.

Good job on the deal, and hope the vice will work well for you, and I assume it will

