View Full Version : First project - cradle

Nathan Yeager
01-25-2006, 5:44 PM
I have spent many hours benefitting from this site, and would like to show my first project. I am very new to woodworking, and have appreciated greatly the help you all have provided to me indirectly.

First, I must say thanks for the inspiration for my project. I hope you agree that imitation is the greatest form of flattery.

I learned a great deal on this project. The following being key to me:
1. Patience is a required skill that I must get better at.
2. While noone else can tell, I know the true state of my mortise & tenon joints. I require much more practice.
3. Someone who is a skilled craftsman has not only solved the problems I face, but have documented them for me. While I enjoy developing my own solutions, trust others.

Comments & criticism will be taken to heart, as the remaining furniture for our nursery is currently sitting as rough wood in my shop!

Ed Breen
01-25-2006, 5:57 PM
Your cradle is beutiful! Let me add one story that you might keep in mind over the years. Before my daughter was born in 1971 I built a cradle for her. At that time I had only a drill, hand saw etc. Over the years my grandchildren have used it and now it has been used by over 20 babies of the staff of my company. I keep repairing it and they keep borrowing it!
Many times what we build is not only for the family, but it may serve a wider group.

Nate Rogers
01-25-2006, 5:59 PM
That is one heck of a first project!! Well done, I can't wait to see the rest of the collection.


Don Baer
01-25-2006, 6:14 PM
Very Nice work and welcome to the creek.

Bob Noles
01-25-2006, 6:15 PM

"First" project.... yeah.... right:D If that is true, I can hardly wait to see your 6th.

That is a super nice job and such a useful item and keepsake for many years to come.

Did you turn the spindles yourself or use pre-made flavor? In any event it really turned out great and thanks for sharing it with us.

john mclane
01-25-2006, 8:19 PM
Very nice cradle. I like the way you used different woods/stain. Can't see any of the problems that you as the builder will see. Keep up the great work.

Ron Jones near Indy
01-25-2006, 8:34 PM
Very nice first project! Be sure to post a photo when it is "occupied".

Jeff Cybulski
01-25-2006, 8:53 PM
Nathan - Welcome and great work on the cradle!!

Jim Dunn
01-25-2006, 9:47 PM
Nathan welcome to the Creek and such a 1st project you've brought here. Simply elegant.

Jim Becker
01-25-2006, 9:56 PM
Welcome to the 'Creek, Nathan. Great project...it looks wonderful.

David Duke
01-25-2006, 10:00 PM
Very nice work, especially for a "first" project, my first true WWing project built probably 30yrs ago was a sewing cabinet built for my sister...........she still has it!!!

By the way welcome to the creek and I see you have to photo requirement down pat :D :D .

Von Bickley
01-25-2006, 10:46 PM

Welcome to the Creek... Hard to imagine that the cradle is your first project.

It looks GREAT...;)

Rick de Roque
01-26-2006, 12:56 AM
Great job on the cradle. rick

Jason Tuinstra
01-26-2006, 1:10 AM
Nathan, looks good to me. Very nice project with contrasting woods. And for a first project... are you sure? Keep up the good work. And welcome aboard SMC!

tod evans
01-26-2006, 6:09 AM
nice work nathan! and welcome.

William Lewis
01-26-2006, 6:26 AM
Beautiful cradle. I like the mixture of the two woods. Tell us more, what types of wood, finish, plans used.

William Lewis

jon harriman
01-26-2006, 9:44 AM
Very Nice! I am building one now from the same set of plans. I too chose contrasting woods. I need to get it done before her due date on the 19th of Feb. Any sooner than that and I could be in trouble. That is a very impressive first work.

Nathan Yeager
01-26-2006, 12:17 PM
Thank you for the kind comments.

It took 3 months, 250 hours, & ~25% waste due to my 'practice & test' pieces.

What I used:
- Woodsmith heirloom cradle plan. They offer complete kits online, but I contacted them and purchased the plans only.

- Cherry frame. Although stained, I hope the Cherry still is identifiable. My wife had definite ideas on how it was to be finished. I like the natural look, but I am not in charge of the nursery design.

- Bird's-eye maple panels, although when reducing the picture quality it removed most of the bird's eye pattern.

- Purchased maple spindles. My father felt I should have made these as well, so he has since purchased a lathe for me.

- 1 light coat of General Finishes Rosewood water-based stain.

- 4 coats of General Finishes glossy PolyAcrylic Blend.

My comments:
- As Bruce, I cut the panel on the router table rather than the table saw. I had to purchase a new expensive bit to do it, but am glad I did.

- While I don't think there are any truly standard cradle sizes, there are some common cradle mattress sizes. I kept to the plans, and could not find a mattress to fit it. I paid $40 to have a mattress custom made to the correct dimensions. This also meant I needed custom bedding made. Luckily I have a mother-in-law for that job. If I were to do it over again, I would adjust the bed-size.