View Full Version : Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
11-10-2022, 7:56 PM
7 Nov 2022

Yes, I know....I'm really late this week. Work has been "work" and trying to get this kitchen table done is almost like working 2 more jobs on top of my day job. Maybe it's because I'm getting older and slower. The glue up of the table tops started this evening and it would be all glued up if I didn't have to work with 3 boards that were warped from end to end. Oh the challenges of working with expensive wood that ya just can't swap out because it's almost $100 per board at my wholesale supplier. I really dislike how expensive wood has gotten in the past 2 years.

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past week?

Best of weeks to you all.

Bruce Wrenn
11-10-2022, 8:51 PM
Worked on putting away State Fair Ministry stuff. Scrapped grease out of bottom of pig cooker-YUK. Lot easier to get out when the day is cold. Burned another pile of storm debris. Had son and his family over for dinner. Son and his SIL came over and cut down three trees, while we had excavator and skid steer available. The company my son works for is installing water and sewer lines on our road. At night and especially on weekends they park equipment on our property. They hauled logs to job up the street where they are clearing for a new roadway. Checked on friend (104 years old) in town who just came home from rehab. Blew leaves out of driveway (800' long.) Fixed last drive way light, which has been out since this summer. Now that days are shorter, it's needed. Fixed a couple dishes for Sunday School social on Saturday night. As usual went to church on Sunday morning. No shop time this week, other than sharpening a couple drill bits on Drill Doctor.

Eugene Dixon
11-10-2022, 9:27 PM
more work restoring the Lurem...




Underneath the paint on the bracket on the left you can make out the on the left side. Had a contact that got the piece brazed. Hopefully, it will hold when the infeed table is installed.

Paul F Franklin
11-10-2022, 10:36 PM
We've had unseasonably warm and nice weather so I continued to work mostly on outdoor chores. Still have to change the oil and hydraulic oil and lube the zero turn, but otherwise am pretty much done with outside stuff. I would have finished up earlier, but.....one cold evening a week or so ago, Mary fired up the gas fireplace insert in our family room. Well, it wasn't right...the flames were too tall and yellow and were throwing off a lot of soot. I opened it up, removed all the logs and "glowing ember" stuff (mineral wool), volcanic rocks and fire glass, and took the burner out, expecting to find a spider web or some such thing in the air shutter. It was clean, but there was a huge pile of dead wasps in the vent air space under the burner, nearly filling the space. That led me to think there might be a wasp nest blocking the air intake or exhaust flue or both, since battling wasps is an annual thing here. I dug out my borescope only to find the app that controls it is obsolete and no longer supported on newer version of IOS. OK, decent borescopes are pretty cheap now, so I ordered a new one (standalone, so no app required) and Amazon delivered it at 4:30 AM the next morning. Checked the intake and exhaust flues from inside and then from chimney top and fortunately found no nests or other blockages. So after removing the pile of wasps and making sure none of the vent channels in the back of the insert were clogged, I replaced all the stuff and fired it up. Works fine now. Added a todo for spring to figure a way to keep wasps out of the thing.

Jim Becker
11-11-2022, 9:30 AM
'Glad you're getting some shop time, Dennis!

More work on the new shop building this past week including completing the wiring, cleaning up some of the landscaping/borders and getting started on the mini split installation. I'm hoping to be close to drywall sometime next week so I can on with the last touches needed before being able to "move in". I suspect I'm still a month or more away from that, however.

Cameron Wood
11-11-2022, 12:24 PM
In a moment of weakness, I drove 45 minutes to buy a jointer for $25. it was partly restored, no motor. Then drove 1/2 hour + for a little tablesaw for the motor- $20.
Bearings, knives, and a belt, $51. I've got maybe 3 hours into fussing with it, & it's mostly there, but my beer can shims are a little too thick to adjust the tables, so I've ordered some .02" ones $18, and also a nut for the fence from ebay $15.

Not that I needed a jointer...


Tom M King
11-11-2022, 8:23 PM
I did a lot of work with that model of jointer for a couple of years. It's a nice little machine.