View Full Version : Under the weather...

steven c newman
11-08-2022, 9:11 PM
This being Day #5....nose is like an old, cheap Faucet....drip,drip, drip...sneezes are beginning to hurt, as is the chest cold's cough, and sore throat....

Was informed this evening, that cold or no cold, I was on Laundry Detail....hamper was a bit too full to wait another day....I did manage to haul a 1 x 6 x 56-1/2" Ash plank to the shop. Goal was to cross cut it into two equal pieces...book-match them into a panel....then maybe tomorrow, I can lay out a few cuts....anyway, Shop Cat did NOT like the tablesaw being used...
And made his opinion known LOUD and Clear....

2 cuts, as there was a bit of "split ends" on one end. Matching for grain?
Hmmm, needs to be jointed, it would seem...
Stanley No.8c....made some "Moxxon TP"

Soon had both pieces to where there wasn't any gaps....so...
Currently waiting on the clothes dryer to get done.....letting the glue up sit over night, at least...

Trying for a 2 shelf stand, to hold the Boss's slipper collection...glue up will get cut into the 2 ends to hold the shelves...stay tuned...:D

Maurice Mcmurry
11-09-2022, 7:29 AM
Those symptoms do not sound good. Do you have a home covid test?

Mike Null
11-09-2022, 3:28 PM

Yeah, I'm with Maurice on this. Lost a BIL last year to Covid at age 55.

steven c newman
11-09-2022, 4:59 PM
Everything seems to be getting better...SLOWLY....sore throat is about gone...nose has dried up....Sneezes still hurt. Has a bit of a gravel rumble in the chest...Headache has eased up...maybe one more day to get through this mess? No energy today...may try the shop, tomorrow? Did absolutely NOTHING today......

Have to wait until tomorrow, and remove a few clamps...clean up the glue joints...and do a bit of layout work...

Stay tuned....we are getting there...

Richard Coers
11-10-2022, 12:05 AM
Sounds like you should be on a viral pill regiment. You have about 75% of the Covid symptoms. I had a severe viral infection 19 years ago and spent 3 days in the hospital after one of my eyes became paralyzed. I must be one of the original long sufferers of what is now called long Covid. If I work too hard, for too long, I have to sleep for about 1 1/2 hours to recover. It's been that way for 19 years. CALL YOUR DOCTOR!!!

steven c newman
11-11-2022, 9:04 AM
Been a LONG week...right now, I am about 90% cured....enough that I might even try the shop, today....we'll see..

steven c newman
11-11-2022, 5:07 PM
Clamps have been removed...panel has been flattened , using the Stanley No. 8c ( and let it do all the work) Found the center point, and make a cut or 2, to get 2 blanks the same length..
Then reset the mitre gauge...
To cut the start of the feet...then bandsaw the feet..
Set aside the No. 8c for a while....had an edge to joint flush..
Millers Falls No. 11 for that job...Busy day?
Been how long since I did any work down in the shop?....Some Dummy decided to wear a long sleeved SWEAT shirt to the shop....so, now it is soaked...

About time for the COLD Tonic & Gin....

steven c newman
11-12-2022, 10:48 AM
60 degrees outside yesterday..Today? Snow on the ground....
Humbug! No wonder everybody is sick...

Ben Ellenberger
11-12-2022, 12:59 PM
Glad to see you are getting better!

steven c newman
11-14-2022, 12:03 PM
Well...waiting for the snow to just go away...blank for the shelf..
maple, book-matched...waiting on glue to cure...
Top has a shape...transfer to the other side piece..
Cut it to match...then add the handles..
And lay out for dados..
That may or not be turned into sliding Dovetails.....trying to decide IF an Upper Shelf will be needed, as well...

Monday? Shop is Closed on MOST Mondays. Chest Cold is 98% gone...

steven c newman
11-15-2022, 8:30 PM
Still have a bit of a cough..more from COPD than the Chest Cold....everything else seems to be fine, now.....

Shelf panel is out of the clamps....had a blob of dried glue try to cut a fingertip...we have ways of dealing with that sort of nonsense...
Millers Falls No. 11, Type 2
That's better...needed to lay out a cut line...but first, I needed to square the ends..
Then lay out an angled cut...except this was too small to use...
Set to about 10 degrees. Sides of the case will toe in front to back....Fun part?
Pushing these angled ends through the router table...
Then use these to lay out the sockets...
repeat for the other side's socket....decided to stop for the night.....still have to set up and mill for the top shelf's sockets...except, those will be stopped, and not all the way through..

Stay tuned...

steven c newman
11-18-2022, 10:53 AM
In trying a full dry fit the other day....top shelf just would not install...was just over 1" too short...:mad:

In the process of disassembly....one side panel did the splits.....so, NOW it is sitting clamped up while the glue dries. GRrrrrrrrr.

New top shelf was laid out..awaiting milling. Spent yesterday out and about...hit 2 Antique Malls down in Springfield, OH. Saw a LOT of old tools, most were priced in their weight in Gold..found 2 planes to bring home..for just over $45..
One is a Millers Falls No. 9, type 2.....with the wrong front knob.....the other has a black Millers Falls frog and base....lever cap has "400" stamped to it's underside...and is a #3 size....

Once the Slipper Caddy is done...I'll start to rehab these 2 planes......Road Trip was a "Me Day"...as 50 years ago yesterday, was my last day of being Single.....

steven c newman
11-18-2022, 4:01 PM
It fought tooth & nail, but..
We now have a glue up in progress....waiting on the glue to dry

So..anything you all could tell me about a Lever cap that has "400" stamped to it's underside? It seems a tad too narrow for a #3 sized plane...rest of the #3 appears to be by Millers Falls...

The larger plane has the wrong front knob, and is missing the bolt between the chipbreaker and iron. It does have a Millers Falls No. 9 stamped into the left side of the base..

$35 for the No.9..and $10 for the #3 size plane...once the bench is cleared off, I can start a rehab on these 2...

Thomas Wilson
11-18-2022, 6:14 PM
Happy anniversary. Congratulations. 50 years is rare. Take care of your cough. About your top shelf, the odds of being an inch short versus an inch long are about 80 to 20. I don’t know why.

steven c newman
11-19-2022, 10:25 PM
Slipper caddy has been cleaned up, sanded down...and a few spot repairs made...
Where the router chipped out a chunk....while converting a dovetail socket to a dado...
Which is the reason for that c clamp.....and a side view?

New can of stain, too...
Called "Gun Stock"....

Stay tuned...

steven c newman
11-20-2022, 9:43 PM
Round-over bit has been run around...
Everything sanded to 220 grit....then the stain was brushed on, and wiped off..
Waiting on that to fully dry out...maybe tomorrow, I can add the Clear Gloss Poly?

Nose has finally dried up, cough is gone.....seems the chest cold is done, until next spring....
Stay tuned...

steven c newman
11-21-2022, 9:52 AM
Now has a coat of Minwax "Warm" Gloss Poly. Brushed on, tipped off....let this dry most of the day....then rub it out, this evening....

Stay tuned..

As for the 2 planes?
The "Before" and..
The "After"....the #3 size plane was made by Millers Falls, sold by Sears as a Fulton No. 3709 BB. The Millers Falls No. 9 now has a proper front knob..
Under the lever cap there is a Patent date..
The Fulton has a Black Frog..
While the No.9 has the usual RED frog..
Both planes seem to be about the same age....Pre-war Type 2....

I think I might find some use for these 2....

steven c newman
11-22-2022, 6:02 PM
Project complete..
Already filled up, and sitting in it's new home...

steven c newman
11-26-2022, 4:46 PM
Well, that Chest Cold has returned....along with an attack by Sir Arthur(itis) that is preventing my use of my hands, right now....Maybe brought on by...
Running the old Disston RIP saw?
Have 2 more planks to resaw...whenever my hands feel better....we'll see..
Have 3 boards resawn...will need to run a hand plane down the center....

Nose is running like an old Faucet....drip, drip, drip....one minute I'm roasting, the next minute I'm FREEZING....and it HURTS to cough.....this is starting to get old...

steven c newman
11-28-2022, 8:44 AM
Battled muscle cramps/spasms all night long..last night. Am in no shape to even think about any shoptime, today....Shop will be closed today...that "Monday" thing.

Tuesday? We'll see...need to lay out a saw/chop finger/box joints.....Until the hands cramp up....

Stock for this Project is all 3/8" thick....some in Maple, some in Ash..and one in Pine, that will be the floor of the box..

steven c newman
11-28-2022, 5:05 PM
The Boss and I both have been bit by the same bug....so, we are both on "Sick Call" today......too many wake-up calls from Uncle Charles ( Horse) makes using my legs and hands a No-Go....Stairs are a bit painful to go up or down....let alone push a plane around. Or handle a hand saw....right now, the Boss is busy, throwing up.....not one of our better days, here...

steven c newman
11-28-2022, 8:46 PM
I better watch out....else someone might send me a jig.....not needed for finger/box joints.....guess I can delete, too?

Mark Rainey
11-29-2022, 12:47 PM
Steve, hope you get better...take care of yourself. I am going to strongly recommend you figure a way to heat your workshop to at least 68 degrees or even 70. Working in a cold workshop in the winter at 60 to 64 degrees just caused me to have a lot of hand pain.

steven c newman
11-29-2022, 1:30 PM
The Dungeon Woodshop is in my Basement...

steven c newman
11-29-2022, 11:32 PM
Hopefully, there will NOT be any more Wake-up Calls from Sir Charles tonight.......had way too many this morning...at around 0500...

Nose has dried up, cough ( other than COPD) is gone.....limit on shoptime is set at 1 hour....until I can work without getting any cramps......as soon as the toes start in, I am done....ribs can get cramps? Ankles? Try going #1 when your fingers are all cramped up.....

And then some people wonder WHY I seem a bit on the Grumpy side.....

Will try again, tomorrow....not much else going on....Boss also being sick. Not sure who gave it to whom.....yet.