View Full Version : Dancing birds ring box

Christopher Charles
11-03-2022, 1:53 AM
Hi all,

With a nod to Derek for his inspiring ring box, here's a version I recently made. (Played around with some filters with the photos thanks to inconsistent lighting).


Christopher Charles
11-03-2022, 1:55 AM

And it worked!


Derek Cohen
11-03-2022, 8:39 AM
Very nicely done, Chris! A design that size is very difficult to execute.

Regards from Perth


Jim Koepke
11-03-2022, 10:08 AM
A nicely done ring box Chris.


James Pallas
11-03-2022, 3:18 PM
Well done Chris. Both the design and the work.

Ben Ellenberger
11-03-2022, 3:47 PM
Nicely done!

what wood are the birds (swallows) cut out of? It has an interesting pattern.

I also really like how you created the contrast for the sun by using the same wood as the rest of the lid, but just flipping its direction. That keeps the whole thing from getting too busy with contrasting woods, but still makes it stand out.

I’ll second the comment that pulling something off at that scale seems especially challenging.

Christopher Charles
11-04-2022, 11:13 AM
Thanks all. I agree Derek and the timeline for this one didn't allow second tries-had to get it to the 'church' on time which added to the pressure!

Ben, the swallows are sycamore (1/4 sawn). I was also pleased when I realized I could spin the sun around without having to find another wood that would match (the background and sun are some mystery tropical that've I've had in the stash for a long time).

The best parts were it was a total surprise and it got me into the shop for a proper project after a long string of home improvement efforts.


Mark Rainey
11-04-2022, 5:05 PM
Beautiful box Chris.