View Full Version : WTB Mujingfang basic plane

Jen Joy
11-01-2022, 3:06 PM
If anyone has a Mujingfang basic plane (i.e. like a simple Japanese kanna) they don't want or know where to buy one in the USA I'd appreciate it. Someone I know wants one and I can't find them easily (except in the UK and I'm afraid the shipping will be insane for the value of the plane). Or a similar HSS type plane, although this person gets set on what they want, I would be open to ideas. Definitely not a western plane.

Doug Weiner
11-01-2022, 6:56 PM
Did you look at Lee Valley? Not sure if they are that specific brand but the used to carry a line of ‘Asian’ planes.

Don Peters
11-01-2022, 7:30 PM
I've got one I bought new about ten years ago. For no apparent reason, I've never used it. I'll be happy to sell it yo someone who will use it. Ping me back offline at mapleleaf@cox.net.
Don Peters