View Full Version : Making a Bow Saw and a Frame Saw

James Owen
01-24-2006, 6:44 PM
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=msgleft width="1%" rowSpan=4>

</TD><TD class=wintiny noWrap align=right></TD></TR><TR><TD height=8></TD></TR><TR><TD class=msgtxt>I am getting ready to make both a bow (turning) saw and a frame saw. I've read a number of articles on the making of each and think I have a pretty good idea of what's involved.

However, my real good friend Mr. Murphy usually involves himself in projects like this.....so my questions are:

What are the pitfalls?
What did you have to learn the hard way?
What "tricks of the trade" should I know?
What tweaks have you applied to make the saw(s) work better?

Thanks in advance for any insights and advice.


Bruce Shiverdecker
01-24-2006, 9:53 PM
To be honest, I don't know which to call this, but it was not difficult to make and works well. Just made it. The brass for the blade holder was the hard part, at a reasonable price.


Bob Smalser
01-24-2006, 10:08 PM
Buy the blade first, Jim. It'll tell you how it wants to be mounted, and every dimension is based on the length of the blade.







James Owen
01-25-2006, 10:11 PM
Buy the blade first, Jim. It'll tell you how it wants to be mounted, and every dimension is based on the length of the blade.

Hi Bob,

Thanks. Have a couple of blades (same lengths); that was what I was thinking (dimensions based off blade length.).

BTW, those are some very nice looking saws. Will reply in more detail shortly, with some additional questions.


James Owen
01-25-2006, 10:12 PM
To be honest, I don't know which to call this, but it was not difficult to make and works well. Just made it. The brass for the blade holder was the hard part, at a reasonable price.



That's a pretty nice looking saw you have there. Thanks for sharing!!
