View Full Version : Flash Drive Music Player

Jim Koepke
10-14-2022, 10:33 PM
For music in my shop an iPod with an FM transmitter is used to supply my music or podcasts. The iPod had a death of hard drive a few years ago and was repaired and the battery replaced. To my knowledge Apple no longer supports the iPod, some second party shops may or may not.

My pick-up truck lets me plug in a flash drive and play music files that have been saved in different folders.

Is there anything like that available for home use?

My preference is for something that plugs in as opposed to battery operated.

Thanks in advance,


Jim Becker
10-15-2022, 9:06 AM
I'm not familiar with a specific device like you describe, but you can use a decommissioned iPhone as a music source for a direct replacement for the iPod that's gone to electronics heaven. You can also stream music from your regular use smartphone (if you use one) via a BT adapter that plugs into your sound system.

Jamie Buxton
10-15-2022, 10:31 AM
Or you could use an ipad to replace the dead ipod. That's what I have in my car. The least expensive brand new ipad is $329 from Apple

glenn bradley
10-15-2022, 10:47 AM
I searched for something simple to use as you describe. Finding nothing that echos the function of older generation music players at a reasonable price I used an old laptop. You don't have to but I loaded a minimal unix OS on it to make it more nimble and used it to play music from a stick or to run Pandora. I now use a decommissioned phone as a music source for the outdoor area as Jim describes. It won't accept external storage as a source (which is very simple but just not done much anymore) and the internal memory is minimal so it is just a streaming device.

If you want to be able to carry your flash drive from place to place I would pick up a refurbed laptop for a couple hundred bucks and move on. I have a PC in the shop for looking up things and displaying plans. Since I was providing a place for that I just use it as the music player as well. If you don't want a full on system in the shop . . . laptop would be my answer. As to dust, I just set the laptop up to run with the top closed, boot and start the music player when the power is presented, elevated it for airflow, and added a cheap USB powered fan moving air across it. Used it for many years.

Lee Schierer
10-15-2022, 2:05 PM
While it is not exactly a flash drive, The Sansa Clip (https://www.amazon.com/SanDisk-SDMX28-016G-G46K-Sport-Player-Black/dp/B01LW2F237?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&th=1) players will hold a ton of music and can use the double ended stereo cables to connect into many devices. I have one in my shop that connects to a portable radio tape player.

Bruce Page
10-15-2022, 2:58 PM
Look on eBay. I bought 2 used iTouch players a few years ago for not very much money. Both live in docks 24/7 and both are still going strong.

As Jim mentioned, a decommissioned iPhone will work as well but I always found the music interface less user friendly.

Warren Lake
10-15-2022, 3:08 PM
id like to be able to plug a stick in to anything with wave files, copies from cd's ive bought and put in the computer for ease or use

Kris Cook
10-15-2022, 3:27 PM
Jim - I have one of these (yes, a Walkman). This one is discontinued but they have a newer version. Might be more than you are looking for but I was able to dump my entire CD collection (over 300) onto it at full audio quality (FLAC) with plenty of room to spare. It can be connected via Bluetooth or using a cord.

I mostly got it to backup my CDs and use my phone or laptop in the shop.

https://www.crutchfield.com/S-IDI7a4qjR0d/p_158NWA45BK/Sony-NW-A45-Walkman-Black.html?XVINQ=DST&XVVer=89R&awcr=386706195833&awdv=c&awnw=g&awug=9021390&awkw=dsa-823752922251&awmt=&awat=&gclid=CjwKCAjwtKmaBhBMEiwAyINuwAAm8FXL_S0UYUZxtksS 6OPn2J9VLPTkv3h_su7cGo1KSffwpGdLMBoCW9EQAvD_BwE


Warren Lake
10-15-2022, 3:51 PM
dont know the file format but I never liked MP3. I dont have a cell or other gizmos but a computer can put the wave files on a stick if there is a plug in. Wish my milwaukee radio charger had that. Wish they also made the space to take the battery out large enough for a human hand. Few or us are aliens.

Ken Fitzgerald
10-15-2022, 5:07 PM
I bought a Sony boom box with a USB player input. I record music from my CDs of which I have a rather large collection of early 60s into the early 70's onto a flash drive. Then I just plug it into the USB input on the boom box or I can plug it into the USB input on the stereo of my Honda Pilot. So I can take my music with me when we travel.

Warren Lake
10-15-2022, 5:39 PM
thats what I want to do, As soon as I finish dinner im going out to loo for the USB input in my truck.


Edward Weber
10-15-2022, 6:58 PM
In my shop I have a small Bluetooth amp and a pair of speakers. I use my phone or tablet for stored or streaming content. Hope you find your solution

Kev Williams
10-15-2022, 9:49 PM
A few years ago the wife got me one of these for Xmas, I liked it so much
I bought myself another one :)
Their tagline is "Play It Loud", and they're loud. If you EQ the input to adjust down the loud mid-range and add some bass and high end, they can sound DAMN good :)
They're waterproof, have a built-in rechargeable battery that actually lasts around 10 hours like they say, but you can leave them plugged in if you want--
They have a retractable 'suitcase' handle & wheels, AM/FM stereo with 6 presets, they have 2 USB outputs for charging your phones or whatever, (I don't think the USB
ports do input, but not sure to be honest), 2 micro-jack inputs for wired input and a mini-jack microphone input for PA or karaoke (I guess, I don't do karaoke ;) )
they connect to any bluetooth input, and if you connect two of them together via bluetooth first then they become independent left and right stereo speakers, all wireless...

Mine are about 6 years old, new ones have changed a bit...

Not the answer if you already have a system you're happy with, but these things are great on the houseboat, and great for backyard movies. :)

Michael Drew
10-16-2022, 3:00 PM
For music in my shop an iPod with an FM transmitter is used to supply my music or podcasts. The iPod had a death of hard drive a few years ago and was repaired and the battery replaced. To my knowledge Apple no longer supports the iPod, some second party shops may or may not.

My pick-up truck lets me plug in a flash drive and play music files that have been saved in different folders.

Is there anything like that available for home use?

My preference is for something that plugs in as opposed to battery operated.

Thanks in advance,


What do you have now that the new gizmo with "plug into"? There are an infinite number of options, but we would need to know what you have on hand now that can be utilized.

I use thumb drives for my truck, but in my garage/shop, I use a receiver and an Amazon Fire Tablet. I have in-ceiling speakers that are driven by the receiver. The tablet has Pandora and Spotify apps that I stream music with. I can also stream music from my office computer if I want, but I generally just use Pandora or Spotify.

Michael Schuch
10-16-2022, 3:50 PM
Yes, I have exactly what you need!

https://www.amazon.com/Facmogu-Bluetooth-Amplifier-Subwoofer-Integrated/dp/B097C6BLHY/ref=sr_1_20?keywords=bluetooth+amplifier&qid=1665948681&qu=eyJxc2MiOiI2LjM0IiwicXNhIjoiNS45NCIsInFzcCI6IjU uMjMifQ%3D%3D&sr=8-20&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.006c50ae-5d4c-4777-9bc0-4513d670b6bc


USB + Bluetooth + SD card + line in.

Go to Goodwill for a pair of speakers and you will be jamming!

I have a slightly different model that I use for camping by connecting it up to a 12v LiIon pack and it is an incredible system! Those awful shrill pill box bluetooth players that my girl friend and other friends would bring camping would go right up the back of my spine and drive me crazy! I can "appreciate" a variety of music but I can't stand shrill heartless portable players. I scored a magnificent set of book shelf speakers with ribbon tweeters and slightly beat up boxes at a Goodwill and these amps REALLY bring them to life. Most of them are based on a very well respected TI digital amplifier chip so they have become known as TAmps. As a person that is a bit of an equipment snob I kept reading about how incredible these amps are but turned my nose up at them because of their ridiculously low prices. I was wrong, on all but the highest end speakers these little amps are good competition for my Threshold 400A Class A home amplifier.

P.S. There are probably a hundred different models of these TAmps from various Chinese manufactures and you just need to find one that matches your needs for inputs. The one above I just pulled off Amazon as an example but it should be a good amplifier. I paid about half that for my amp (on sale) and I am too pleased with it. Mine is no longer manufactured as most all manufactures have switched from Bluetooth 4 (mine) to Bluetooth 5.0 (the one listed above).

Jim Koepke
10-16-2022, 4:14 PM
What do you have now that the new gizmo with "plug into"? There are an infinite number of options, but we would need to know what you have on hand now that can be utilized.

I use thumb drives for my truck, but in my garage/shop, I use a receiver and an Amazon Fire Tablet. I have in-ceiling speakers that are driven by the receiver. The tablet has Pandora and Spotify apps that I stream music with. I can also stream music from my office computer if I want, but I generally just use Pandora or Spotify.

Michael, I am hoping the new gizmo would plug into a wall outlet for power and accept a USB Flash Drive for music files to play.

My current set up is an old CD player with a dual cassette player/recorder and AM/FM radio. My iPod has an FM transmitter to play music through the radio. The CD player and cassette units are no longer functional. My shop is independent of my house.

One hassle is having to bring the iPod in to the house to charge every few days. My fear is since it is getting to be close to 20 years old it will soon enter into its end of life cycle.

I do not have a cell phone or iPad.

Yes, I have exactly what you need!


Michael Schuch, This does look like a possible option. A few things are red flags to me. The USB input is labeled MP3 while a lot of my music files are .WAV or other formats. The second one is if possible my preference is to have one showing track information and a way to change folders for different playlists.

Thanks to all for your suggestions.

I do have an old tower computer. I am hesitant to try setting that up in the shop as it takes up a lot of room and the dust in the shop would likely be a detrimental influence.


Michael Schuch
10-16-2022, 6:59 PM
Michael Schuch, This does look like a possible option. A few things are red flags to me. The USB input is labeled MP3 while a lot of my music files are .WAV or other formats. The second one is if possible my preference is to have one showing track information and a way to change folders for different playlists.

Thanks to all for your suggestions.

I do have an old tower computer. I am hesitant to try setting that up in the shop as it takes up a lot of room and the dust in the shop would likely be a detrimental influence.


The version I have does not play FLAC files from an USB stick which is the majority of my music so I transcoded my favorite tracks to 384K MP3's which still provide a quality reproduction. FLAC files play off of my phone through Bluetooth or Line in without any kind of transcoding (I realize this isn't what you are looking for).

I would suggest surfing Amazon for TAmps a bit. I would be surprised if you could not find one that supports WAV files and has a more extensive display for track information.

This supports FLAC, WAV , MP3 and other formats BUT no display:
https://www.amazon.com/Douk-Audio-Bluetooth-Amplifier-Subwoofer/dp/B07Y8B7RBV/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=3D9K8K1YQVZXE&keywords=t-amp+flac&qid=1665961010&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIwLjk3IiwicXNhIjoiMC4wMCIsInFzcCI6IjA uMDAifQ%3D%3D&sprefix=t-amp+wav%2Caps%2C464&sr=8-1-spons&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.006c50ae-5d4c-4777-9bc0-4513d670b6bc&psc=1

This one has song display and supports WAV and MP3. No FLAC support though.
https://www.amazon.com/Pyle-Bluetooth-Receiver-Amplifier-Streaming/dp/B0777B3TYQ/ref=sr_1_38_sspa?crid=3D9K8K1YQVZXE&keywords=t-amp%2Bflac&qid=1665961237&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIwLjk3IiwicXNhIjoiMC4wMCIsInFzcCI6IjA uMDAifQ%3D%3D&sprefix=t-amp%2Bwav%2Caps%2C464&sr=8-38-spons&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.006c50ae-5d4c-4777-9bc0-4513d670b6bc&th=1

You can also pickup a top of the line AV receiver a few generations old off ebay for dirt cheap. My 7 year old Yamaha AV receiver plays WAV, MP3, FLAC, Bluetooth, etc. and can be picked up used for a couple hundred or less. The only downside is they are bigger bulkier units.

Tony Joyce
10-16-2022, 7:10 PM
Something like this?


Michael Drew
10-16-2022, 8:23 PM
How much money do you want to spend? Or - stay under?

This new Denon player looks like a dandy. Might be more than you're looking to spend though....

https://www.amazon.com/Denon-Receiver-Streaming-Compatibility-Bluetooth/dp/B07JL8MNG8/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2FDRNWAMFK49P&keywords=Denon+RCD-N10&qid=1665965397&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIxLjYzIiwicXNhIjoiMC43MiIsInFzcCI6IjA uNDcifQ%3D%3D&s=electronics&sprefix=denon+rcd-n10%2Celectronics%2C185&sr=1-2&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.ac2169a1-b668-44b9-8bd0-5ec63b24bcb5

Jim Koepke
10-16-2022, 9:01 PM
Thanks all for the suggestions.

This one has song display and supports WAV and MP3. No FLAC support though.
https://www.amazon.com/Pyle-Bluetooth-Receiver-Amplifier-Streaming/dp/B0777B3TYQ/ref=sr_1_38_sspa?crid=3D9K8K1YQVZXE&keywords=t-amp%2Bflac&qid=1665961237&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIwLjk3IiwicXNhIjoiMC4wMCIsInFzcCI6IjA uMDAifQ%3D%3D&sprefix=t-amp%2Bwav%2Caps%2C464&sr=8-38-spons&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.006c50ae-5d4c-4777-9bc0-4513d670b6bc&th=1

You can also pickup a top of the line AV receiver a few generations old off ebay for dirt cheap. My 7 year old Yamaha AV receiver plays WAV, MP3, FLAC, Bluetooth, etc. and can be picked up used for a couple hundred or less. The only downside is they are bigger bulkier units.

This is more like what I am trying to find. I'm hoping to find something with this one's capabilities but in a wholly contained unit, AM/FM receiver and speakers. I might need to find a way to convert some of my files. A used set of speakers wouldn't be too bad if this ends up being the one.

Maybe ebay should be given a look.

Something like this?


That one looks good but is lacking a few features.

How much money do you want to spend? Or - stay under?

This new Denon player looks like a dandy. Might be more than you're looking to spend though....

https://www.amazon.com/Denon-Receiver-Streaming-Compatibility-Bluetooth/dp/B07JL8MNG8/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2FDRNWAMFK49P&keywords=Denon+RCD-N10&qid=1665965397&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIxLjYzIiwicXNhIjoiMC43MiIsInFzcCI6IjA uNDcifQ%3D%3D&s=electronics&sprefix=denon+rcd-n10%2Celectronics%2C185&sr=1-2&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.ac2169a1-b668-44b9-8bd0-5ec63b24bcb5

That is about $350 more than I am willing to spend for music in my shop.

I would be happy just humming my favorite tunes before paying that much. :eek:

Thanks all,


Rich Engelhardt
10-17-2022, 10:24 AM

We just moved into our new house two weeks ago. We had nothing to make noise to distract the dogs from all the "new sounds" that were driving them more insane than they already are. We ran to WallyWorld and picked up a cheap radio.

I made sure it had Bluetooth so I could stream to it from my phone or from a laptop, so I could use it in the garage/shop when I get things squared away.

I wasn't all that shocked to see that WallyWorld only had about 5 different radios. I was actually more surprised to see how many of the ones they had there included a CD. I threw away close to 10,000 blank CDs and DVDs when we moved.

Ken Fitzgerald
10-17-2022, 2:11 PM

Here's something very similar to what I use in my shop.https://www.amazon.com/Sony-ZSRS60BT-Boombox-Bluetooth-Black/dp/B00V3SYMIY/ref=sr_1_2?crid=21VPVBBS5CSP3&keywords=boom%2Bboxes%2Bwith%2Bbluetooth%2Band%2Bu sb&qid=1666029494&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIzLjE2IiwicXNhIjoiMC4wMCIsInFzcCI6IjA uMDAifQ%3D%3D&refinements=p_89%3ASony&rnid=2528832011&s=electronics&sprefix=boom%2Bboxes%2Bwi%2Bblue%2Btooth%2Band%2Bu sb%2Caps%2C157&sr=1-2&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.006c50ae-5d4c-4777-9bc0-4513d670b6bc&th=1 The exception is that I am deaf and hear with the aid of a cochlear implant. Since I don't have the advantage of the inefficiencies of the 3 bones in the middle ear, I can hear the reflections of sound from surfaces at different distances. It's like an aggravating reverb effect. The quality of what I hear is very dependent on the acoustical environment, so I use a set of wireless headphones with the base plugged into the boombox.

Jim Koepke
10-17-2022, 4:53 PM

Here's something very similar to what I use in my shop.https://www.amazon.com/Sony-ZSRS60BT-Boombox-Bluetooth-Black/dp/B00V3SYMIY/ref=sr_1_2?crid=21VPVBBS5CSP3&keywords=boom%2Bboxes%2Bwith%2Bbluetooth%2Band%2Bu sb&qid=1666029494&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIzLjE2IiwicXNhIjoiMC4wMCIsInFzcCI6IjA uMDAifQ%3D%3D&refinements=p_89%3ASony&rnid=2528832011&s=electronics&sprefix=boom%2Bboxes%2Bwi%2Bblue%2Btooth%2Band%2Bu sb%2Caps%2C157&sr=1-2&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.006c50ae-5d4c-4777-9bc0-4513d670b6bc&th=1 The exception is that I am deaf and hear with the aid of a cochlear implant. Since I don't have the advantage of the inefficiencies of the 3 bones in the middle ear, I can hear the reflections of sound from surfaces at different distances. It's like an aggravating reverb effect. The quality of what I hear is very dependent on the acoustical environment, so I use a set of wireless headphones with the base plugged into the boombox.

That looks good Ken.

Just looked a bit more into my music files and a lot of them are AAC files instead of MP3 or WAV.

I guess my first order of business is to find a conversion application.

At least I am not dead in the water. The music will play from the iPod for now.

I'm just looking ahead so when the time comes the music can be restored without a delay.

Though if something comes along, the iPod can be retired to the dock in the bedroom for night music.


Curt Harms
10-17-2022, 5:26 PM
Thanks all for the suggestions.

This is more like what I am trying to find. I'm hoping to find something with this one's capabilities but in a wholly contained unit, AM/FM receiver and speakers. I might need to find a way to convert some of my files. A used set of speakers wouldn't be too bad if this ends up being the one.

Maybe ebay should be given a look.

That one looks good but is lacking a few features.

That is about $350 more than I am willing to spend for music in my shop.

I would be happy just humming my favorite tunes before paying that much. :eek:

Thanks all,


I don't know how tech/tinker oriented you are but if you were to use Glenn's suggestion and use a PC then install VLC, I would be very surprised if you were not able to play any music format you're likely to come across. I would probably install Linux Mint, it might even come with VLC installed but I don't know. ZOMG Linux is so hard!!!! It used to be but Mint is intended for neophytes and looks very similar to classic Windows. Audio used to be a pain but for common installations it's plug - n- play. Audio over HDMI I think can still be a problem in some cases.

Simpler would be a dedicated device. I'm no help there.

Ken Fitzgerald
10-17-2022, 5:38 PM
That looks good Ken.

Just looked a bit more into my music files and a lot of them are AAC files instead of MP3 or WAV.

I guess my first order of business is to find a conversion application.

At least I am not dead in the water. The music will play from the iPod for now.

I'm just looking ahead so when the time comes the music can be restored without a delay.

Though if something comes along, the iPod can be retired to the dock in the bedroom for night music.


Good luck on the conversion program. We got new cell phones this spring. The new Samsungs don't play the same files that the old ones did. I got a recommended conversion program and after X number of coversions, I could only convert one song at a time versus 1 CD at a time. I was seriously disappointed. Of course, I could pay for the upgraded version of the program and not have to deal with that.:mad:

Derek Meyer
10-17-2022, 6:43 PM
I use DBPowerAmp for my ripping and converting. It's fast and handles pretty much all of the audio file formats. You can try it for 21 days for free. The full version is $48.

I ripped all my CD's to WMA Lossless and put them on a thumb drive to play in my car. It works great (Ford Edge with Sync system).


Anuj Prateek
10-23-2022, 11:33 PM
Will second this suggestion. But instead get a Bluetooth dongle. Cheaper ones can be had for $25-30. At $100 you will reach point of diminishing returns.

Most dongles will have in built battery as well but can operate in plugged in mode. Use phone as media player and you will have music follow you.

Most of the audio devices I use have Bluetooth built in or else i a dongle. I play music on phone or a sony walkman (saw it mentioned in a post).

Larry Frank
10-24-2022, 7:58 AM
You could build something. EBay has Bluetooth amplifier boards with USB input for around $20. You just need to add a power supply and cabinet. I built one without the USB for my shop and it has battery backup.

Jim Koepke
11-04-2022, 8:09 PM
Here's something very similar to what I use in my shop.https://www.amazon.com/Sony-ZSRS60BT...3d670b6bc&th=1

Thanks to all for your thoughts and suggestions. The one suggested by Ken has specs showing it plays all of my various music files, so it was purchased. It arrived today and seems to fit the bill. Now all I need is a new flash drive to keep in the shop.


Dave Lehnert
11-11-2022, 11:44 PM
I just use one of my old Tracfones. I stream Pandora off the internet via WiFi. You can get a new Tracfone cheap. No need to activate it unless you need Data.

Jim Koepke
11-13-2022, 12:11 PM
Thanks Dave, the Sony unit has already been set up in my shop.

A few things to note:

It doesn't play all of my files. That can be handled eventually.
It plays the files in sequential order, no random order available.

The non-random order play may be something to get me to make shorter play lists.

It plays one folder of music and then goes to the next. It appears folders can have sub-folders.

My main folder has something like 374 titles included so it will take some time to get through that one.
