View Full Version : Christmas Toys for Charity Toy Drives

Doug Garson
10-13-2022, 10:19 PM
It's that time of year again, time to start making Christmas toys for charity. I Just got started this week so no pics to share yet but I'll post some soon. For those who don't know, a number of us make wooden toys and games to donate to Christmas charities. They don't have to be fancy, the fact they are hand made with love means more than the fit and finish so all you new woodworkers here's a great way practice your skills while making a bunch of kids and their parents happy on Christmas morning. It's also a great way to use up all those wood scraps you just can't throw out. If you're not sure what to make, search for Christmas toys on this forum or post a request for ideas in this thread.
Looking forward to see what everyone makes.

Lee Schierer
10-14-2022, 9:08 AM
Donating toys is a good way to develop woodworking skills. A good book for toy ideas is "The Great All-American Wooden Toy Book" by Norm Marshall. I've made a number of toys from it.

Brian Tymchak
10-14-2022, 2:21 PM
Our woodworking group has several members that make toys for kids, several thousand each year. I haven't yet jumped in because I've been pretty busy this year. But, I'm thinking of making building block sets. Will need to research kid safe paints and finishes.

Lee Schierer
10-14-2022, 3:12 PM
Our woodworking group has several members that make toys for kids, several thousand each year. I haven't yet jumped in because I've been pretty busy this year. But, I'm thinking of making building block sets. Will need to research kid safe paints and finishes.

The best finish is no finish as people don't have to ask if the finish is non-toxic

Doug Garson
10-14-2022, 3:12 PM
Our woodworking group has several members that make toys for kids, several thousand each year. I haven't yet jumped in because I've been pretty busy this year. But, I'm thinking of making building block sets. Will need to research kid safe paints and finishes.
I think you will find that all paints sold today are kid safe once fully dry but in my opinion a better alternative is beeswax. Definitely non toxic and much less work to apply.

Brian Tymchak
10-14-2022, 4:59 PM
The best finish is no finish as people don't have to ask if the finish is non-toxic

I think you will find that all paints sold today are kid safe once fully dry but in my opinion a better alternative is beeswax. Definitely non toxic and much less work to apply.

No finish or Beeswax is certainly easier overall, but I've decided the blocks need to have some color. I was thinking milk paint might work but I haven't checked into it or any alternatives yet.

Paul Haus
10-14-2022, 5:49 PM
No finish or Beeswax is certainly easier overall, but I've decided the blocks need to have some color. I was thinking milk paint might work but I haven't checked into it or any alternatives yet.
A non toxic color to check out is food coloring. Not for every situation but available for some.

Doug Garson
10-14-2022, 7:52 PM
A non toxic color to check out is food coloring. Not for every situation but available for some.
I've used food colouring on wooden toys and puzzles. Works well unless you want strong colours, best to get more of a pastel colour. Here's some from 3 or 4 years ago. 487979

Lee Schierer
10-14-2022, 8:44 PM
A non toxic color to check out is food coloring. Not for every situation but available for some.

If the child puts the toy in their mouth the food coloring will come off.

Doug Garson
10-14-2022, 11:32 PM
If the child puts the toy in their mouth the food coloring will come off.
Wonder if finishing the toy with beeswax after colouring would prevent that? Can't recall what I did with the coloured ones I posted pics of.

Jim Becker
10-15-2022, 9:19 AM
A simple coating of shellac can seal in the color, for the most part. Some food products and pharmaceuticals are coated in the stuff...

Jerry Bruette
10-15-2022, 11:33 AM
WOOD magazine #164, September 2005, has plans for a building block set that I've made a couple times. They also have directions for a colored finish for the blocks using water soluble dyes. I've mixed the dye with water based varnish and I've applied the dye and sprayed with a clear vinyl rattle can finish. I thought the varnish method made brighter colors and didn't stink as much.

All the blocks are made to multiple sizes. 3/4" thick and 1 1/2" wide, then they are 1 1/2, 3, and 6 inches long so two of one size can equal one of the next size. My grand kids loved them.

Maurice Mcmurry
10-15-2022, 12:26 PM
I posted an image of a Nativity jigsaw puzzle block set last year. I will try to scan it to provide a pattern. I think I can get one made with a 1/8 inch bandsaw blade.


Paul Haus
10-16-2022, 9:04 PM
I'll add another comment here. Years ago I made a number of toys for a childrens hospital. I used food coloring only to color them and mineral oil on the surface. The turning point for me happened when a woman claimed her child had chewed on one of the toys and claimed it made her kid sick. Only after both hospital staff and a lawyer told her none of those items would have made her child sick did she relent. After that, I didn't think it was worth the headaches and stopped making wooden toys for them. If you do something, do all you can to protect yourself from dingbats that want to try and get some fast cash at your expense. Just some advice.

Brian Tymchak
10-17-2022, 2:24 PM
WOOD magazine #164, September 2005, has plans for a building block set that...

Thanks for the reference Jerry. I'll go dig up that issue.

Doug Garson
10-18-2022, 8:50 PM
OK, looks like some of you guys need a little nudge or inspiration so here goes. This my progress so far, 6 dump trucks, 6 tow trucks and 3 balance games plus enough discs for a few more, just need more bases. Not finished, still need final sanding and some beeswax finish before final assembly.

Jerry Bruette
10-18-2022, 11:34 PM
Doug, do you have pattern for the balance game you could share?

Doug Garson
10-19-2022, 12:04 AM
Here's the template I use for the base. I just trace it on the wood and cut as close as I can with the bandsaw and then sand to the line with my Ridgid oscillating sander, I guess you could use a router template bit rather than sanding or use a template sander (just saw it on Lee Valleys website, might get one). For the discs I cut them with a hole saw with the pilot drill bit removed.

Dave VanDewerker
10-19-2022, 10:26 AM
This year I have made a lot of puzzles. In the past I have made a lot of cars and trucks but our club always get requests for more toys for girls. Bought a couple of books off amazon with puzzle patterns. I made several hundred of them.

Doug Garson
10-19-2022, 12:32 PM
They look great Dave, 100 puzzles is impressive. I might dust off the scroll saw and make a few this year. Here's some I made a few years ago if you're looking for different designs. Not as complex as yours.

Doug Garson
10-27-2022, 12:35 AM
The cats are back. Two years ago I made a bunch (38) stacking cats based on an idea a member on another forum posted. Last year when I delivered the toys to the Purpose Society they said the cats were a big hit so this year they're back, 35 and counting. Also made some more of the balance game bases and discs.488737

Brian Tymchak
10-27-2022, 9:41 AM
The cats are back. Two years ago I made a bunch (38) stacking cats based on an idea a member on another forum posted. Last year when I delivered the toys to the Purpose Society they said the cats were a big hit so this year they're back, 35 and counting. Also made some more of the balance game bases and discs....

That's pretty unique! Would you share the pattern?


Doug Garson
10-27-2022, 12:47 PM
Here it is, as I said I got it from a forum member on another forum, think I've also seen it on Pinterest. I just trace and cut on the scroll saw. Been meaning to make a new pattern with more arch on the back but often just cut off the line to get more arch. The Olson blade I use leaves a smooth finish so only sanding is to fix any goofs and round the edges. I also sand the sides but only because most of the stock I'm using is rough sawn about 3/4" thick. Might be possible on bandsaw with small enough blade but would require more sanding. 488760
Have fun making them.

Brian Tymchak
10-27-2022, 3:10 PM
Here it is, as I said I got it from a forum member on another forum, think I've also seen it on Pinterest. I just trace and cut on the scroll saw. Been meaning to make a new pattern with more arch on the back but often just cut off the line to get more arch. The Olson blade I use leaves a smooth finish so only sanding is to fix any goofs and round the edges. I also sand the sides but only because most of the stock I'm using is rough sawn about 3/4" thick. Might be possible on bandsaw with small enough blade but would require more sanding.
Have fun making them.

Thanks Doug! Almost 4" long. They are bigger than I thought from your first pic.

Doug Garson
10-27-2022, 4:00 PM
Close to 3 1/2" long. Of course you can scale it up or down as you wish. I sometimes add a contrasting color wood for the tip of the tail and ears or the paws. That way I can use up some smaller scraps.

Doug Garson
11-10-2022, 5:37 PM
OK time to rattle some cages and rev up some engines. :p Here's some more progress, hope others are too busy making to post their progress.

Doug Garson
11-14-2022, 1:28 AM
Fleets in, you know you always wanted to build a boat, here's your chance, free plans, no not from Ted's Woodworking. :p

Brian Tymchak
11-14-2022, 3:31 PM
Those are some good looking boats and cars. You are definitely on a roll!

Doug Garson
11-14-2022, 9:28 PM
Those are some good looking boats and cars. You are definitely on a roll!
Thanks they're fun to make. Been making them for about 5 years now with same pattern, gradually refined the method so it's easier each year.

Doug Garson
12-09-2022, 10:59 PM
Just thought I'd bump this thread to see who's making toys this year? I'll be delivering mine next week.

Brian Tymchak
12-11-2022, 11:52 AM
I didn't make any toys this years but I plan to next year. The woodworking club I belong to made 2500+ toys this year for local child-focused organizations.

Doug Garson
12-11-2022, 12:18 PM
I didn't make any toys this years but I plan to next year. The woodworking club I belong to made 2500+ toys this year for local child-focused organizations.
Wow, 2500 is a lot of toys, how many members? Hope you stick to your plan and we get to see some pictures of your creations next year.

Rob Luter
12-11-2022, 4:05 PM
Good on you. I make items for a local juvenile grief organization. They have a silent auction every year to generate funding. They like my stuff as it tends to Jack the bidding up. I am humbled at what some folks pay them for my work. It seems like a good retirement gig for me.

Brian Tymchak
12-11-2022, 5:26 PM
Wow, 2500 is a lot of toys, how many members?

Our club (actually a non-profit) is Woodworkers Of Central Ohio (WOCO). I think there's about 145 members overall. It looks like there 30-35 members that made toys this year. In prior years there were more members making toys, with the annual totals coming in around 4000 toys.

Bruce Wrenn
12-11-2022, 8:06 PM
Last weekend local WW group assembled over 900 push cars for Toys for Tots. I only cut out the bodies, and they assemble. Over the years, I have cut out over 12,000. But that's not the record by any means, as I was a late comer to the game. Main thing is put a smile on a child's face on Christmas morning.

Brian Tymchak
12-13-2022, 2:16 PM
Our club (actually a non-profit) is Woodworkers Of Central Ohio (WOCO). I think there's about 145 members overall. It looks like there 30-35 members that made toys this year. In prior years there were more members making toys, with the annual totals coming in around 4000 toys.

Just got word that a member made a late delivery of almost 1000 wood toys bumping the total up to about 3500 toys this year. Big surprise to us. Since we had already finished distribution to local agencies, this batch went to the U.S. Marines Toys for Tots.

Brian Tymchak
12-13-2022, 2:25 PM
Good on you. I make items for a local juvenile grief organization. They have a silent auction every year to generate funding. They like my stuff as it tends to Jack the bidding up. I am humbled at what some folks pay them for my work. It seems like a good retirement gig for me.

Good on you too Rob! I've heard that some agencies here around Columbus will do the same. I've been thinking about what I could make and donate. I think this next year will be about getting some toy production rolling, and then add in some nicer pieces to donate for auction maybe the following year.

Doug Garson
12-13-2022, 9:42 PM
Great to hear others are also making toys for Christmas and I like Brian's idea of also making some pieces to donate for charity auctions. I delivered my toys today, about 50 total including 60 stacking cats in sets of 12. Now I can concentrate on some gifts for family and friends.