View Full Version : Need to replace it

steven c newman
10-13-2022, 11:13 AM
Back when Norm was working in his little workshop...I threw a bunch of scraps together, to make a small chest of drawers.....mainly pine and plywood, and bits of pallet wood..

Staring to show it's age, now. Decided that since I have about 24bft of Ash...
That maybe I could build something a bit better. Maybe a true Frame & Panel sided one. I even drew up a sketch..
As a guide..things change a bit right after the first cut, as usual...

Anyway, had to clean off the top of the bench, first...
To make room for a few planks..
That's better...I think..hauled 3 planks to the shop..1 x 6 x 4'
And, they were not the "pick of the Litter" either...
Plan was to cut what useful parts I could out of these 3...trying to at least get something to start on 2 frames..

The 2 long ones are to make 4 stiles..the other pile is to make most of the rails
Hmm, still need one more top and bottom rail....

Stay tuned...

steven c newman
10-13-2022, 11:46 AM
Ok..Had to haul one more plank to the shop, to cut enough off of one end, to make a second bottom and top rail...stood the rest aside, for now..
Might cut this up to make the raised(?) panels..later...

Back to the stiles...need these cut to size, and the rails will be sized from them...so, need to find which edge is the straightest...
Not that one, anyway...set the rip fence to 5-11/16" rip cut. Place the straightest edges against the fence, and remove the wiggles...reset to 5-5/8" width, run the freshly sawn edge against the fence..
Ok, now find the exact center , and mark a line...reset the fence, again...and split that line...
Then square one end on each stile...change order came in...instead of 33" length, it is now 32" Strong length...cutting a couple nasty ends off in the process. once that was done...cleared off the tablesaw, lay 2 stiles on top of it...measure until they are 16" for the width of the frame...lay a rail on the two stiles..give a 1/2" tenon at one end, go to the other end and mark where to cut off the excess, beyond the other tenon mark...

Then rip the piece from the 4th plank into a top and bottom rail. Then go through all the rails, square the best end, and cut off the worst end...

These boards a re still rough sawn faced....and a bit too thick for what I wanted to work with.....Set up the fence to just skim off the rough on one face...then reset the fence to 3/4" ....
Some took a couple passes due the the difference between how tall the piece was, and how high the saw blade could reach...the skinny rails just needed a single pass...and they are thick enough that I could use the store bought push stick...
Then started on the stiles...unable to really use the push stick on these...32" is a lot to push through....got the first 3 done without any trouble, with need a touch up with the #4 plane, later

Was even planning on how to mill the grooves to hold the panels...while doing the last stile, mistake #1..
Was pressing the stile in against the fence, thumb on top, fingers were (I thought) high enough to avoid the spinny thing....Mistake #2

Back from the local Urgent Care Center...seems the only "groove" I milled today, was on the end of a finger.....their iodine hurt worse than the cut did..of course. Lost a layer or three..not much of a mess, no DNA on the wood...yet.
Looks like I will have to take things a little easy the next couple days....I can let the sawn parts get used to things in the shop...

Stay tuned..and stay FOCUSED on what you are doing. The last time a tablesaw bit me, was 31 years ago...lost an 1/8" off the end of that index finger....

steven c newman
10-13-2022, 4:02 PM
Ok...Had to go back and retrieve the camera...didn't want the saw to win the day ( about like getting thrown from a horse...) so..that last stile was finished up, anyway...And everything was clamped back together...and sat overnight...

Today...Reset the saw, wanting to mill those grooves I was thinking about yesterday..
Lowered the blade to 1/4" above the Overlay...fence is set 1/4" from the blade...using a few tools...
Takes 2 passes per edge..
Then reset the fence a bit, to take out the middle sections..
Some better than others...had a lot to mill..
Center Rails were twice the fun...

Removed the overlay..lower the blade a hair...cut a "test tenon"
No, I am not relying on just that little stub to hold things together....tenon will be going into a mortise...
Waiting on a clean up from that chisel...once all the tenons are done fitted...I have a use for a handsaw..later..
A miter cut. Also intend to mold the outside edges of the grooves...Maybe a small quarter round? We'll see....Trying not to think too far ahead of things....and MIGHT have to get out the Router Table :eek: as some of the parts are a bit too small, otherwise. And, it will be safer for somebody's fingers...

Stay tuned...

steven c newman
10-14-2022, 10:54 PM
Freaky Friday..and NOT in a "good" way...wanted to take 4 planks to a friend's shop....they were a bit too thick to hand plane down to 3/4" thick...had the planks loaded in the Chevy..Bos decides she NEEDS to go to Kroger's "for a few things...." Got that task done...then drive the 17 miles one way to a certain red barn....Fellow has a newer Delta 12" planer....and had it all set up and ready to go....except..when he flipped the switch to run it..nothing happened..NADA...had power TO the switch...but. not even a groan from the motor.....grrrrr

he also has my old Delta 12" planer, that I bought back in the 1990s...still has a new set of knives on it...(3rd set) so, we dragged that out, fired it up...and soon 4 boards were sitting on the backseat of my Chevy..3/4" x 6 x 48" long..and I headed back home....had to stop and make a delivery on the way, too...

Got home, FINALLY..and took the best looking of the 4 planks to the shop....as I needed one panel cut to length, so I could lay out the spacings for the rails....
And set the rest of the plank aside for a bit..
Cleared off the tablesaw..it is now a layout table..
Used that panel to help space things out..until I reached the bottom..
Where I needed a foot detail...spacings didn't quite work out...reversed course...and wound up back at the top. need 3 panels at 5-3/4" width, and ONE panel at 5" width..which will be the top panel...placed all of this mess back on the bench, for now..
And cut the plank for the other 3 panels...had to rip a few waves off..but
Wrote the sizes down on the plan. so I can have that for the other 4 panels...

Moved the tablesaw out of the way (barely) and drag out another "table"
Shop built stand, holding a SKIL Router Table, with an all metal B&D 1/4" router hanging in it. The kind that takes 2 wrenches to change a bit....2 wrenches that weren't "into working, today"

By the time I had picked one or both off the floor for the 4th time ( GRRRRRR) and NOT throw them away...had the dovetail bit removed, and a different sort of bit installed..
Router table uses the same fence as the tablesaw...except, NOW I needed to bury that pilot tip...then run all the parts through..

Some, more than once...stay tuned..

steven c newman
10-14-2022, 11:06 PM
ok...all the rails get run through...the middle rails and the bottom rails are done twice...
But the top rails only gets one...as does the stiles...
And only on the outside show face...don't need it on the inside of the case..

Rails are to be joined to the stiles using a mitered mortise....which means I need to set up the Mortise Jig...which needs to be adjusted for the thickness of the stiles..
Need to chop a mortise, after a 45 degree cut has been made...then cut away what needs to leave...and nothing more..
You would think that using the same square to mark out all the 45s...they would match up....nice theory..
Not working too well in practice....hmmm..tried to do 2 more rails..each was getting worse....STOPPED. Will think things out overnight...try something else layout wise tomorrow.

Checked the dust collector..
On the way out of the shop...had to re-wrap a sore finger..and make a Tonic & GIN in a TALL glass..

Stay tuned..Maybe I'll just raise a few panels, instead, tomorrow....this left hand isn't helping all that much, either...

steven c newman
10-15-2022, 1:51 PM
Ok...in search of a way to get consistent 45 degree miters...at least on the rails...decided to try..
Started clipping a corner, until it looked about right....made a mark on the top of the mitre gauge fence...as a STOP line...then ran all the rails through, using that line...

Back to chopping..
Dry fitting rail #3...had a high spot..

For rail #4...made the mistake of trying the cut the recess in the rail on the tablesaw....came out a little too WIDE...will add a filler during glue-ups..
As for #5..?
having learned my lesson, back to a handsaw for the stile cuts...have a lot of waste to clear out..
And a foot profile to cut...a lot better than I draw with the mouse. Managed to dry fit all 5 rails to Stile #1...
At which point, the camera's battery was going dead.

Will use this to lay out the other stile, hopefully using the lessons learned on this stile...maybe later this evening?

Camera battery is on the charger...I am getting a late Lunch, while the Mountain Dew Zero recharges my "Battery"...

Stay tuned...

steven c newman
10-16-2022, 10:54 AM
Ok..Saturday Evening, the return to the shop

Set the first stile on the tablesaw, and clamped the other three stiles to it...inside to inside, 2 pairs...and marked across all of them..
Exactly where each rail would be going to...on both sides of each rail...

Since using (or trying, ONCE) the tablesaw to do miter cuts on the stiles...
Ooops.....went back to Olde School. Stile #2 to go with #1....set it on the bench...combo square to lay out the cuts for each rail...
Saw on the waste side of the lines...then a chisel to remove the waste...pare the spot flat...then
Lay out and chop out the mortises...one mortise at a time...because I will be fine tuning each fit...
Tools for mortises?
There is one other tool to use...
Fine tooth saw, to fine tune a fit..
Got the upper 4 done..
Stay tuned...

steven c newman
10-16-2022, 11:02 AM
For the bottom rail...has a lot more waste to remove..
And, doing it like on the first stile, with the bandsaw, was NOT going to work..
Again, make a saw cut at the 45 degree line...but...use that wide chisel to then remove all the waste, and pare things flat with the bottom of the groove..
Then lay out and chop the mortise...and fine tune to fits...

Stile #2 is done...might as well dry fit it to Stile #1?
If you like Herding Cats....imagine how this will be when the raised panels are added to the mix....Hmmmm, yeah.

Need to work on Stiles #3 and #4,, and get them fitted up....
Stay tuned..

steven c newman
10-16-2022, 8:04 PM
Stile #3 is done..will wait a day on #4....area between the shoulder blades is very sore....that is a LOT of chisel work....to chop and fit 5 mortises...even had the Stanley No. 71-1/2 out of it's box...leveling the floor of the groove....and had a file in use...along with the chisels....leveling places
That chisels didn't want to pare flat...
Decided I had had enough fun for the day...#4 Stile can wait....

Stay tuned...

steven c newman
10-17-2022, 7:15 PM
Normally..the shop is closed on Mondays...got bored just sitting around...so..Stile #4 is done....and now both frames are dry fitted together...and clamped up...for now...Wanted to begin Raising panels tomorrow...needed the frames done and out of my way....Film in a little bit...just got Supper....

steven c newman
10-17-2022, 8:45 PM
Was getting the hang of doing these joints..
Used a router to level the bottom of the groove..
That wee plane had work to do, as well..
Was finally able to dry fit Stile #4 to Stile #3...
Add a few clamps...so I can set it aside with the other frame..
While I set about raising 8 panels to install in these frames. May try for a Friday glue-up? We'll see...

Stay tuned..

steven c newman
10-18-2022, 8:26 PM
Spent so time this morning, getting all 8 panels to rough size....Then set about making them into Raised Panels....set up for a bevel cut on the tablesaw ( yes, we are talking to each other, again..)

Lowered the blade all the way down. Set out the Zero Clearance Overlay....and then set the angle for the bevel..
Somewhere at there will do....then turn the saw on, and slowly raise the blade all the way up.... then shut it down. Next, rip fence is set 1/2" away from the bottom of the blade...
And run all 4 edges of each panel through...
Bunch of this on the floor, too. Bevels done....need a rebate on the inside face...

Bring the blade back to 90 degrees....lower blade to 1/4" above the overlay...first cut needs to leave a 1/4" tongue...
Do all 4 edges, and all 8 panels...then remove the Overlay...lower the blade to account for it's loss...set the rip fence to remove the waste...
Ends first, using just the rip fence...then rotate and do the edges..
can start a dry fit...to see how well I did...
Hmmm, a bit too long...take this apart...and fit each panel for size....

Stay tuned..

steven c newman
10-18-2022, 8:39 PM
Several problems...bevel too thick, not seating all the way into the grooves...Rebate not wide enough....also not going deep enough into the grooves...
Took this apart...and worked my way from panel to panel...was able to close things up enough to try a glue-up...
Spread some glue around with a brush..and beat things back into place...then set this frame aside..we have work to do...
This one?
Knocked apart, stand some of the parts up over on the tablesaw saw. then fit all for panels to the frame...this time around, we using the BIG clamps..
This is just a dry fit....had enough fun gluing the other frame together....about like herding Cats.....Laundry Detail today..clothes went into the Dryer, so I closed the shop for the day...try again tomorrow...with the other glue-up and start milling webframes to join these two frames into a case..busy day, today...

Stay tuned..

steven c newman
10-19-2022, 5:22 PM
Went to the shop today...was not in a good mood. Then the camera wanted to "lock up" on video. Fine, set over there on a shelf, until you get over your little snit.....even decided to hop off the tripod...grrr...

Went to knock the dry fit apart...was a bit sticky...bigger mallet seemed to work wonders :eek:

Was having trouble with fitting back together..one panel wanted to fight a groove...Junior Jack soon fixed that...trying to work with the assembly standing up on the edge of a stile...decided the vise would be of use..until I can set up a couple pipe clamps...placed on on the tablesaw..set the assembly on the clamp..go to the other end, and place another one under the assembly...working under the bright shop lights..
Cranking until...
Was checking for square, too...between the vise and the clamp...one corner needed to meet the floor..hard...knocked back into square...then the brushed on glue and the clamps..
2 bigs under, and one over, with a couple F styles in-between....

Fun part...was lifting this mess off of my tablesaw, and setting it down with Assembly #1...

Let these 2 sit a while....need the tablesaw to rip a big pile of 1 x 1-1/4" x whatever length the boards are...making frames to connect the 2 sides, and give 4 drawers something to slide on...
Then see about a face frame?
Stay tuned..

steven c newman
10-20-2022, 9:25 PM
Needed today;
8 blanks @ 3/4" x 1-3/8" by 12-9/16"...
Which needed a tenon on each end...

8 blanks @ 3/4" x 1-3/8" x 17-1/8"
Each needing a groove milled along one edge..
Tested for fit..
Then glue and a 5/8" No.18 finish nail...at each corner...
Checked with a square...

to make 4 web frames....clamped up together ( for now) to make them all the same and flat
Trying to close up any gaps....

These frames will connect the 2 sides into a case, they are also what the 4 drawers will slide on. Need to add thin Kickers, to keep the drawers from tipping down when you pull them out.

Tomorrow..buy some 1-5/8" long screws...enough to assemble the case. Need to buy some 1/4" plywood, both for the back of the case, and the bottom of the drawers.
Also need to mill parts for a face frame...mainly just the "Dividers"..

Stay tuned...

steven c newman
10-21-2022, 9:48 PM
So, this morning..Road Trip! Stopped at Lowes for a few items....a box of #6 x 1-5/8" Coarse thread Drywall screws..4 "Whitewood" 1 x 6 x 6'....2 sheets of Luann 1/4" plywood = $56 and change....the drove over to my Hardwood supplier...since he has my old 12" planer....I did have a 1x 6 x 6' Maple plank in the car..wanted to get the 4 "pine" 1 x 6s down as close to 1/2" as I could....The Maple needed to be at 3/4" instead of 7/8" thick....and while I was there....spent $3 for a 1 x 6 x 10' Ash plank, that we also made sure that it was 3/4" thick...

Hauled all these treasures home...took a few trips tp get them all IN the house...whew, then Lunch..

Had a couple tasks today...one, to rip some scraps down to 1/2" thick, and made 4 kickers out of that..
The 4th one?

was getting checked for length. These are what a drawer rubs against, and keep the drawer from tipping down...with attach later with screws and glue..

Second task?
To get all these clamps off, they have been there long enough...

Brought both over to the bench's leg vise, clamped together inside to inside...as close to matching up as I could..wanted to see IF I needed to joint a few edges...
Yep, and..
Yep. feet did line right up, for now.....Beltsander can remedy the top of the case's sides...
And..I thought maybe the Junior Jack could handle acting as a Jointer plane..
Well, he tried, he really did....but, sometimes...you just got to call in the Pros..

Stay tuned..

steven c newman
10-21-2022, 10:01 PM
plane until the steel ruler says it is straight..and check things for square..move a couple clamps are, so things do not shift any...rotate to do the same for the other edges..
Yes, that shelf does stick out a bit..comes in handy for jobs like this..all done?

Had a case of "Mutt & Jeff" going on..
Millers Falls No. 11, Type 2....vs...Stanley No. 8c, forgot which type....there will be another plane involve, tomorrow...
Because once I figure out which will be the back of the case...this Ward's Master Quality No. 78 will be ploughing a rebate for that 1/4" plywood back to settle into....

Might also start installing the web frames..after the rebates are done...
Was having way too much fun, today..just making shavings...BTW...that finger is healing up nicely..
Finally out of it's cocoon? Still a bit tender, tends to stick out like a sore....

Stay tuned...

steven c newman
10-22-2022, 10:25 PM
Rebates have been planed...
Fighting the entire way...this is to house the panel for the back of the case...while using a scrap of that plywood to check....I picked up a splinter in that already sore thumb...

You'd think that something as easy to do as draw a line and an arc...
Using these tools..
Would indeed be easy....apparently that compass didn't think so...fired it on the spot..got out another one.

To cut these foot profiles. I used an old, all metal Sabre saw, a POWR KRAFT one at that....runs great, blade?
Could be a little better.

3rd task for today: Involved getting those web frames ready to install....while they were still all clamped together, I sanded and planed until they all matched each other...then went to pre-drill a couple counter-bored holes...
Not only did the counter-bore bit burn the wood, it also burned the drill bit with it...hmmm...decided to use a normal drill, that already had a drill bit in it....drilled ONE hole, then that drill decided to bounce onto the floor...snapping that drill bit. got out a new bit. and drilled the next hole....then burned in the next counter-bore...

Was one of those days, where everything wanted to fight...decided I had just enough "fun" for one day..
Swept this mess up, and went back upstairs..
Maybe try again tomorrow,eh?
Stay tuned..

steven c newman
10-23-2022, 9:07 PM
Sunday morning's task...install 3 kickers...
Countersink a screw at each end..dab of glue..and a square...
Next, once all the holes to attach the web frames are drilled and counter-bored...install those..
Using a square to keep things lined up...drawers will be riding on these....

Got all 4 frames attached...use them to lay out lines on the other panel...
Just a straightedge across...mark the lines where the frame will be going. Bead of glue on each frame...rotate the assembly over, and onto the other case side...(always one) had one frame that needed pulled up into place...screws to hold things together, while the glue set up....was then able to set this mess down onto the floor...
Will need my tablesaw back, as a plywood back has to be cut to size, and then installed....THEN I can see about facing the case....dovetail the dividers into place...and a few other details...

Drill bit I was having so much trouble with?
And the drill that bounced on the floor, snapping a pilot hole bit off..
The Montana brand tip...is both a pilot drill/counter sink and then flip around for the driver bit. And...not exactly the sharpest around....not sure HOW to sharpen it up, either...

Stay tuned...
We getting close to building drawers...

steven c newman
10-24-2022, 5:48 PM
Normally, the shop is closed on a Monday....decided to take a chance, today..

Got the panel for the back of the case cut to size...needed to clear off the bench..
So..what are these doing here?
Ok....bead of glue all over...then a few screws...
With a lay out line showing the middle of the web frames....as they get a few screws as well..
Set this down on the floor..to find out I have one foot too long....flip this over, beltsand it down even with the others...no more rocking.

I also cross cut and ripped the 5 pieces to serve as a face frame/divider...Needed to install at least the top one...
Found out that none of my "Dovetail" saws will cut across the grain...they are all filed RIP. So, it was a selection of chisels to dig out the sockets that these tails can fit into..
Plywood back was glued and screwed to a stile...that was also glued to the stiles in the case's side panels...I need a kicker installed for the top drawer to run against....Kicker needed a place up in front to attach to, Was not going for a glued butt joint...so..
I have enough pieces/cut-offs that I can make a plug to match...planed flush, and it will disappear, IF the grain is a close enough match

I also managed to add the next rail down from the top...
Same as before....bandsaw a tail, trace around the tail, chisels to chop out the waste....glue and clamp in place...including to the web frame..

About that time...shoulders were cramping a bit...that was a lot of chopping..decided to call it a day...not too bad, for being a Monday?

steven c newman
10-25-2022, 5:58 PM
Might take today off?

Ok..Tool kit?
Yes, I used all of them...someone had taken a Lutz Triangular File, and turned it into a decent corner chisel....That is a 12mm Japanese Mortise chisel....the rest are to clean up...use BOTH hammers...one to drive the chisels, the mallet to drive the Ash into place...
Some layout tools?
To lay out the tails...
Which the bandsaw can cut. Have 3 out of 5 rails installed..
Had to turn the case around...
To make it easier to work on the last 2 rails....#5 will also need this tool..
As the bottom rail will get a few curves added...looked too "boxy", otherwise...

Stay tuned...might get to Drawer Building 101 by this weekend?

steven c newman
10-26-2022, 9:50 AM
Have a lot of clamps to remove, later today..
Last 2 rails are in place...

Film at 2300 hrs

steven c newman
10-26-2022, 5:37 PM
Clamps came off this afternoon....then the face rails got leveled down to match the sides' stiles....I also ran a vintage saw around for a bit..
Decided to cut out the profile BEFORE I leveled things....otherwise, I'd have lost the pattern drawn out...
Had to use another "vintage saw"..
As I needed to make 4 corner blocks..
So I can attach a top, later....had to mill slotted holes, for that..
90 minutes IN the shop, today...almost a constant fight, too....
Cleared for "action"? We'll see....whether I do the top of the case, or the 4 drawers next...

Stay tuned..

steven c newman
10-26-2022, 11:19 PM
Hauled a plank to the shop a bit ago...2 cross cuts....now have 3 blanks that I will need to joint their edges, and glue up into a panel to make the top of this Chest of Drawers....might even get 2 pieces cut for the bread board edges? Then let this sit a couple days in the cauls....while I start milling parts for the drawers....
Stay tuned...

steven c newman
10-27-2022, 1:16 PM
Busy morning in the shop...have 4 boards..
All cut from the same 1 x 6 x 10' plank....sorted through these, to get the best 3..
Set aside the 4th, to use as bread board ends...
Edges needed jointed..
checked the glue line for any gaps..
"Dry fit"?
Then clamps and cauls, and glue...and a brush to spread it out with..
Bread board ends were ripped to width..
One edge needed cleaned up..
Jointer plane to do that.....then just waiting on the glue to cure....

Plane is a Stanley No. 8c....might be a Type 19? seems to do a decent enough job...

Stay tuned...MIGHT start on the drawers next?

steven c newman
10-28-2022, 4:55 PM
Was killing a bit of time, last night...decided to work on the drawer fronts, at least..
Needed one edge jointed..even marked which edge that was done..
With a "J"..then I could square one end up..then mark the other end for length, and cut it square, too. Then set up the rip fence, and ripped the other long edge parallel to the first one..

Reset the tablesaw..again...this time tilt to 14 degrees...and bevel all 4 edges...just like the raised panels in the side of the case.

Reset again...back to 90 degrees, and the first of 2 cuts...
Second cut was done with the panel laying flat...
Only needed to do the ends and one long edge..the other is to be the bottom edge of the drawer...called a 3/4Overlay?
Waiting on the groove for the bottom plywood panel...and the half blind dovetails....

Meanwhile...top is out of the clamps, this afternoon...ends squared up..glue joints leveled...tongues milled on each end...to fit into the grooves in the bread board edges...and then back into the clamps..
I'm on Laundry Detail, today....need to haul a few pine boards to the shop...
Stay tuned..

steven c newman
10-29-2022, 9:59 AM
Used a tripod later..to get a few better photos..but..Router to make the tongues on the panel...once the panel was out of the clamps, and cleaned up..
The bit?
Used the Rip fence from the tablesaw to both cut the ends of the panel square...and guide the router ( 4 cuts, 2 per end) Then the fence went back to the tablesaw, to mill a groove to fit the tongues...
Glue and clamps...
Tablesaw was then used to cut 8 drawer sides to length, and then to width
And checked that they matched up with the drawer fronts...
Today..I need to dig this thing out of the corner...
Because I NEED that router bit...and exchange it for a dovetail bit...but..
I need to re-arrange the shop quite a bit....Hmmm, might have too many Mitre Boxes? Nah...

Stay tuned...

steven c newman
10-29-2022, 4:10 PM
Case work...
Case work..
Case work..
Attach the top..
Shape the top...

Router table has been dragged out...
Bit changed...
Sockets made...

Next trip to the shop? Tails need to be sawn, chopped and assembled.....need grooves milled to house the plywood bottom panel...and dados to house the backs of the drawers

Drawer Building 101?

steven c newman
10-30-2022, 10:16 AM
Working on it..
traced out, and sawn..
Dry fitted...doing just the drawer sides' dovetails...
Got half of them done...when I get the other 4 sides dovetailed, I can groove for the plywood bottoms, and cut dados to house the backs of the drawers...
Stay tuned...film at 2300hrs...i hope...

steven c newman
10-30-2022, 11:10 PM
Last corner..
Set up the Stanley 45...
Fronts get a groove..
Had to watch the Pine sides...a few knots got in the way...
A nice, sharp cutter will just slice right through them, though...12 grooves to plough..
Just made a mess of the floor, though..
Lots of "Krunchies" under foot....decided to stop for a bit..Lunch time!

Stay tuned...

steven c newman
10-31-2022, 5:29 PM
tablesaw to mill the dados...unable to jig things up to run the other Stanley 45..
So, it got put back in it's case..
Needed 8, here is 6 of them....also needed to cut 4 drawer backs to fit in these dados..
There is 3 out of 4....
Ripped the backs to width, so they will sit on the bottom panel...kept the off-cuts for cauls..
Checked things for square..
3 counter-sunk screws per dado, along with a bead of glue...
Once the case was square, 3 screws and a bead of glue to hold the bottom panel in place...
And let things sit overnight....1 done, 3 to go....need to cut the 3 bottom panels to size, first....and see IF I have enough clamps...

Stay tuned...

steven c newman
11-01-2022, 9:16 AM
And ah one..
and ah 2
and ah 3
and the 4th...

All need to get out of the clamps, all need cleaned up, sanded smooth and each get a pair of fancy knobs installed....so I can slide them into their places,AND slide them back out...

Sounds like a "plan" for today....while I decide on how to finish this chester drawers...

steven c newman
11-01-2022, 1:03 PM
Drawers have been cleaned up..
All the edges of the sides have been rounded over
Including the inside edges...bottoms are leveled..
And match the front...Handles are installed..
Top has been fine sanded to 220 grit, for now..
Plug has been made and glued in place...waiting on the glue to cure..
Need to decide on a finish, next...
Stay tuned...

steven c newman
11-02-2022, 11:04 AM
A Stanley No. 60-1/2 Block plane to level the top of that plug...then a "Blend" of Amber Shellac and Witch's Brew stain was brushed on the entire Chest of Drawers...will let that sit a day...film after a bit....

steven c newman
11-02-2022, 4:42 PM
Is made of Spalted Maple...the rest of the outside parts..
Is made from Ash...trying to figure out which drawers will go where...
For the best grain match-ups....

had to put this old block plane to use, today..
One of the drawers was being a bit sticky....
Had to level out a side or 2...was trying to cup a bit...fixed that...now it slides very nicely....

Still a bit sticky to the touch..
Will wait until tomorrow to brush on the clear gloss poly...

Stay tuned...

steven c newman
11-03-2022, 5:00 PM
Heading down to the shop in a bit...to check on that coat of Clear Gloss Poly, that I brushed on this morning....film after a bit....almost done...

steven c newman
11-03-2022, 5:50 PM
Still a bit sticky in spots, yet....but..
At least the drawers work as needed..
Top is getting a nice shine to it..
I think I can get this moved upstairs ...tomorrow?

Old one goes into the closet....new one will sit where the old one used to sit....

Anyone want to stop by and help out?

steven c newman
11-04-2022, 9:58 AM
Moving day, today....have to bring the drawers upstairs first, THEN the case....move the old one into the closet...and set the new one in it's place. Have to mark where each drawer goes....

Note: Still awaiting a Project.....9/16 x 6 x 6' Pine, a 1 x 6 x 5' Spalted Maple, a 1 x 6 x 6' Ash and 2 short pieces of 1 x 6 Ash..will be searching for a suitable project to use them up in..