View Full Version : A few turnings and a touch of flat work.

Dave Smith
01-24-2006, 2:54 AM
I snapped this photo Monday night for no particular reason.
In front of the bigleaf maple step are three bigleaf maple bowls from a piece of burl Sophie gave me several years ago. The large yellowish bowl is golden locust burl. The closed form in the front is golden locust crotch. The dish is mulberry. All finished with Rockler's gel polyurethane.

Dave Smith

More yard sale stuff in Longview, WA.

Bob Noles
01-24-2006, 6:14 AM

Some nice looking bowls.

Thanks for sharing.

Cecil Arnold
01-24-2006, 12:43 PM
Dave, it's going to be a nice looking yard.

Bernie Weishapl
01-24-2006, 4:56 PM
Dave those are some mighty fine looking bowls. Great work and finish.

Jerry Clark
01-24-2006, 4:58 PM
Great looking work-- love the NE bowls!:)

Mark Cothren
01-24-2006, 5:06 PM
It is all nice work, Dave. Thanks for sharing the pictures!