View Full Version : New Festool job site table saw

Jamie Buxton
10-07-2022, 6:16 PM
On Youtube there is a 14-minute video (in French) demo of a new Festool saw. It is a job-site saw. It is cordless. It is a slider -- okay a tiny slider, but it is a slider. The blade height and bevel angle are electrically set from the front panel. I'd give you the direct link to the video, but the SMC TOS forbids that. You can search Youtube with the Festool part number: CSC SYS 50 EBI.

johnny means
10-07-2022, 6:21 PM
On Youtube there is a 14-minute video (in French) demo of a new Festool saw. It is a job-site saw. It is cordless. It is a slider -- okay a tiny slider, but it is a slider. The blade height and bevel angle are electrically set from the front panel. I'd give you the direct link to the video, but the SMC TOS forbids that. You can search Youtube with the Festool part number: CSC SYS 50 EBI.
Festool TKS80 is on youtube from festooluk.

Greg Parrish
10-07-2022, 6:23 PM
Those appear to be two different saws when you google the numbers. Will be interesting to learn more about them regardless.

Jim Becker
10-07-2022, 7:42 PM
It's not the TKS80, Johnny.

Here's a video of the new machine:


(Jaimie, there's no prohibition of posting videos from YouTube)

Dave Sabo
10-07-2022, 11:11 PM
I predict this is going to be trouble for them.

The digital trickery and servo drives aren’t likely to be robust enough for jobsite use.

I can already tell you that many guys are gonna find the tiny off button ……off putting.

Then there’ll be a non standard blade that one will have to special order or tie up capital keeping spares on hand.