View Full Version : Enameling onto soft steel

Mark Gibney
10-06-2022, 2:15 PM
Can anyone give me some pointers on having enameling done onto soft steel?
I've failed to find a place, yet, in the Los Angeles area who can do this, so maybe it's not something that is done anymore.

The parts to be enameled would be fairly small, 12" x 12" and 3" x 12".

If traditional enameling is no longer available are there alternatives to achieving the same outcome? - epoxy paints or such?

thanks, Mark

Perry Holbrook
10-06-2022, 3:26 PM
It's a long way from you, across the country, but John C Campbell Folk School used to have some classes for enameling steel. I used too enamel copper but have sold all the equipment for that, learned how at JCCFS. I think the classes for steel are thru the blacksmith dept. Maybe the blacksmith resident can steer you to someone who has taken the class that is close to you.


Mark Gibney
10-07-2022, 11:46 AM
Thanks Penny. Maybe taking a class and learning how to do this myself is a good way to go.

Ed Hilton
10-11-2022, 1:12 PM
Have you considered a japan finish? Or powder coat paint? Both require baking the finish, but they are relatively diy friendly and durable.

Mark Gibney
10-13-2022, 8:08 AM
Thanks Ed, I'll have to google what a Japan finish is.
I think some type of epoxy paint may be better than powder coating - I'm not trying to get 100% coverage.

Curt Harms
10-13-2022, 8:31 AM
I would think it would be a whole lot easier to find some place offering powder coating if you don't want to get involved in DIY.