View Full Version : Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
10-03-2022, 4:46 PM
3 Oct 2022

It's been a very busy oncall week at the day job. No woodworking done this past week but I'm gearing up for getting some things done now that the weather is cooling off. Nothing more to add here that's out of the ordinary for me.

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past week?

Best of weeks to you all.

Jim Becker
10-03-2022, 7:42 PM
Busy week....new shop concrete and today, new shop closed cell spray foam. (thread in Workshops) Also made the first of four "enclosures" for the flat panel speakers I'll be installing in the shop. (Threat also in Workshops) This week I get started with some interior work now that the spray foam is out of the way and I hope the electrician is back to work on the power feed to the shop.

Bruce Wrenn
10-03-2022, 9:50 PM
Been quite for the last week. Clearing contractor for water line project took out telephone cable, so no phone or internet. Spent a lot of time getting things lined up for State Fair ministry. Fair starts next week. Blessed that Boston butts went on sale for $0.97 a pound, rather than $2.59. We only need around 180#. Lots of small limbs and leaves down from Ian. Brother from KY was in town last week, We all got to go out to dinner together. Took a trailer load of bicycles to Bicycle Man in Fayetteville. His widow fixes them up and gives them to needy children. Wish there was such a program when we were kids.

Paul F Franklin
10-03-2022, 10:34 PM
My sole shop project for last week:


Not the tightest half-laps I've ever done, but not too bad. Sanding all those dog bone ends took longer than all the rest of the project, or maybe it just seemed like it. Was fun doing a project that could be completed over a couple of days.

[eta:] Found Menards sells acrylic with an anti-reflective coating for picture frames, which was way cheaper than similarly coated glass that I've used in the past.