View Full Version : Curvy?

steven c newman
09-30-2022, 11:59 AM
Watch this space...
And see how this becomes..
Currently building one in Maple....

steven c newman
09-30-2022, 7:07 PM
I guess this is "Tails First" Anyway...once they are laid out..
And a few saw cuts made...time to remove the waste...TIP: Use a backer board..
To support when chopping from this face...start on the other face first, about half way, then flip over onto the backer..
And finish the chopping....clean things up a bit..then..
Set up to trace around everything...
Yep, all those areas with the red "X" has to be chopped out...Key here is to saw on the waste side of the lines
And NOT like this..(was in too big of a hurry..) Will have to set up a spare to replace this...

Stay tuned..

steven c newman
09-30-2022, 7:14 PM
Once the pins are laid out...carry the cut lines on across...then a bit of chisel work..
Dig about halfway down on the show face..then flip over..
(this one was sawn on the waste side of the lines, BTW) remove most of the waste....the remaining parts get pared down to the lines..
Dry fit #2....will try to get the other 2 tomorrow...as one is half done...replacement for that other long side has been resawn and planed flat...will try again..

Paul Sellers calls this a Keepsake Box....and has a Masterclasses video series on how he made his version....in Walnut..

Stay tuned...

Maurice Mcmurry
09-30-2022, 7:24 PM
Free form artistry. Not something one sees every day. Have you thought about making antiques? This certainly looks Colonial.

steven c newman
09-30-2022, 9:49 PM
Paul Sellers provided a Plan..3 pages worth..
and..the 3rd one details how a floating panel for the lid and the bottom of the box are built..

His was made out of Walnut...mine will be out of Maple.

steven c newman
10-01-2022, 12:25 PM
Ok...Laundry Detail last night...Washer cycle: Resaw, and flatten with a hand plane, a replacement Pin board. To replace the mis-cut ( BADLY) one...then wait( and rest up) until time to toss the clothes into the dryer....

Dryer Cycle (54 minutes): lay out, and saw the new pins for corner #2. Chop out the waste....frist dry fit..didn't...pare a bit, here and there..try again...hmmm, needed to pare the floor a bit..Try a third dry fit...still needed a mallet..but..
All but that one tail seems to fit..Hmmm..
Ah...that's why...need to clean out some "crumbs"...

Later today?
"The Last in Line"? One more corner to do...then a different sort of plane?
Each side needs two grooves ploughed...3/16" x 3/16", to house the floating panels for the lid and the bottom of the box. I use the Stanley #45...not sure what Paul Sellers used on his.

Stay tuned...film @2300 hrs..

steven c newman
10-02-2022, 1:03 AM
Task to be done before a 3:30 Kick-off..
lay out and saw the tail board, yes, I am doing tails first on this Project. Set a backer board underneath, and chop about halfway down..then flip over..
Different backer board, to protect the bench top...and remove the waste...pare right up to the lines. Use this to lay out the pin board...with a SHARP #2 Pencil.

trying out a different saw, this time...
Goal here, is to leave the lines, and cut only on the waste side. A saw guide? Yep, the fingernail on my left index finger, sits right ON the line, and the first 2 knuckles help keep the saw vertical in the cut..
Then chop out the waste again...then a dry fit..or 3...had to pare a couple spots, but..
The last of 4 corners is done.

Half-time? Spent that watching Episode 2....to see what Paul Sellers does next...something about cutting the floating panels to size? First, I need to finish resawing those 2 panels..

Stay tuned...

steven c newman
10-02-2022, 4:51 PM
Resaw....3/4" down to 5/8" thick....first...
I set up the tablesaw to cut a kerf, all the way around each board...then the Cardio can begin...stand up one board in the vise..
D8 to saw down almost to the top of the vise...
Turn the board over, and saw from the other end...
Careful, as once you meet up with the first cut, the saw will drop...results?
Still have to plane the boards flat...
Only question left...
Which panel to be the lid's panel, and which to be the bottom of the box?

Stay tuned..

Ben Ellenberger
10-02-2022, 8:29 PM
I’ll have to hurry up and finish mine! You’ll get done before I do.

steven c newman
10-03-2022, 12:10 AM
Sunday, 2+ hours IN the shop...had a lot of grooves to do...panels got a groove on their edges...
3/8" deep...same with the end grain...
Sides get a pair of grooves...
A gauge line along the outside edge of the groove, to prevent any blowouts...

The end also get 2 grooves, however, Stanley 45 has issues with things shorter than it is...and with a single skate, to boot..so..
Just move the fence a few times. I also kept checking the fits..
Almost there....was finally able to do a partial dry fit...
Can't a full one, because it would never come back apart...
Yes, that is the way the panel fit.....because after I curve the sides, that 3/8" step will go away...and blend into the panels..

16 grooves were milled...
And they all interlock together...like a puzzle.

Stay tuned....have 2 stopped dados to chop, and then I can start to shape the sides...with a hand plane..

steven c newman
10-03-2022, 7:41 PM
I should have known better...than to work on a Monday....but...wanted to install a pencil sharpener...
It says Boston, on the other side...being bashful?

Went to tap the dry fit apart...heard that dreaded "Crack"...:mad: and now have a glue-up I am waiting on..
Grooves are a tad too tight....fine tuned all of them...panels are supposed to look like they are floating, anyway..

The end that didn't snap....we have work to do..once a divider was cut to size...
These tools to chop a stopped dado....with the router to clean up the mess left by the chisels..
leveled things out...yes, there IS a screw in the top of the bench....it was needed to hold the part still, while the chisels were chopping away....hate chasing a part across the bench..

Divider is designed to be removable, hence the loose dado..just above the dado, is the line a saw will follow ( I hope) when the lid is sawn free of the glued up box..

Vertigo is also bothering my head, today...should have left the shop closed, today...

steven c newman
10-04-2022, 5:42 PM
This MIGHT take a couple posts..anyway..clamps came off, today...and a layout was done..
Then clamped the part..
Chop most of the waste out..
Then the router plane to clean things up, and level..
Then set the combo square to 3/16"...mark down from the outside face...along the edges...
This is a stop line. Goal is to plane down to that line, to make a gentle curve up to the center of the board...
One on the left needs a bit more fine tuning...

With the 2 ends, I could just clamp into the vise....however, to do the same for the longer sides of the box..I need a jig..
Same as before, mark a stop line, then plane a curve down towards that line...
Was getting close....when Uncle Charles hit with the cramps....toes in the left foot, top of the right calf, and the fingers...
It wasn't like I was working all THAT hard...

Will reset the jig, tomorrow, and try again...stay tuned..

steven c newman
10-05-2022, 2:51 PM
Cleaning up last night's mess...
This was just from doing the 2 long sides....the pile from the 2 ends was already gone..
Dry fit, this morning...need to trim a few items..
Mainly items like these...need sawn..
Then all the corners can be cleaned up..
Still had to level the top and bottom edges..
Before things are buried under a forest of clamps..
Let this sit for today...

Will clean up the glue joints later...fill in the holes as needed...get this ready to be sawn apart for the lid...maybe tomorrow?
Stay tuned..

steven c newman
10-06-2022, 3:17 PM
Thursday, saw work....first a bit of clean up..
Glue joints needed flushed, lids needed it too...ends?
Holes needed plugged, then everything planed/sanded smooth
Then mark a cut line all the way around..
Then saw at the corners...
Then drop the hand...
To connect the corners...then take a short break..


steven c newman
10-06-2022, 3:23 PM
"And..we're BACK!"......remembered to turn the shop fan on, too...

Anyway, ends are sawn...need to connect them...
Good thing I have 2 of these saws...left this one here, flip the box over, and saw the other side of the box...
Results are a bit rough..
Those were rip saws, after all..

Maybe later ( after running the Boss' errands) I can plane the edges a bit..
Thinking this MIGHT be the front of the box?

Stay tuned...

steven c newman
10-07-2022, 11:41 AM
Plane to lower the high spots..
Had to keep checking..
Yep, just a little bit more...
Dados were opened up, to allow the divider access. IF needed, can be removed...checked on the hinge supply ...
Might have a few I can use...we'll see.
Fresh DNA?
MIGHT be a sharp edge/corner near by? Maybe after Lunch/Supper, I can install a pair of hinges...and fine tune things...

Stay tuned..

steven c newman
10-07-2022, 7:47 PM
So, rest of today's tasks, was to lay out and install hinges...we'll see how that turned out..set the spacing first...
Then start with the lid..
A few tools were needed..
Once both hinges were attached to the lid,,,lay out for their spots on the box..
Once the hinges were attached to the lid and the box...check to see how things line up..
And open the lid, to see how the hinges work...
A look around in back..
Not too bad?

Stay tuned,

steven c newman
10-07-2022, 7:52 PM
Adjust the outside fit a bit...
Stanley No.80 to smooth things down...Front..
Ends...what cut line? Then work around the hinges a bit..

Still need to cobble some feet, and a finger lift...then see about a chain and some sort of Finish...
Stay tuned..

steven c newman
10-08-2022, 8:21 PM
Feet have been cut out, mitered, and glued together...
Awaiting a dab of glue to hold them in place..
Almost done...waiting on glue, again....

Maurice Mcmurry
10-08-2022, 9:04 PM
Thats really neat! Your tools look very honest. That chest looks like it should be filled with Pieces Of Eight.

steven c newman
10-09-2022, 12:43 PM
A "thumbnail" has been carved out..
And the lid has a chain stop...
And everything NOW has a coat of Witch's Brew Stain..
So, close the lid...
Then a look at an end..
and a look at the top of the lid..
And the hinge view...
Letting this sit a day, or 2...then brush on a coat..or two of Clear Gloss Poly...

Stay tuned..

steven c newman
10-10-2022, 1:40 AM
Once this is done, and out of the shop...there is a stash of 1 x 6 Ash awaiting a project...about 24bft or so...Project? 30 years ago, I cobbled together a 4 drawer Chest of Drawers...by using up all the scraps in the shop...and it is starting to show it's age...can't keep handles in place....plywood is getting rough...might look real good sitting out on the curb? The idea of a Frame & Panel construction..was a pair of 2 x 4s and a plywood panel ....I think I can do a bit better, this time around?

We'll see...Need to finish up this box, before I start stirring up a lot of sawdust....I do have the Single Brain Cell Sketch Up working on the next Project....just wish there was a "Print" option..

steven c newman
10-10-2022, 5:19 PM
1st coat of varnish is drying..
Letting it sit a spell..
Before I rub it out...and decide about doing a second coat...

otherwise, this just might be done...

Thanks for looking in...

Ben Ellenberger
10-11-2022, 12:30 AM
That looks good!

I also called it - you finished yours before I finished mine.