View Full Version : Ear Muffs for Router Use

Vince Shriver
09-26-2022, 8:37 PM
Looking for suggestions for hearing protection when using loud machines (especially the routers)? Much appreciated. Vince

Maurice Mcmurry
09-26-2022, 9:19 PM
Yes to ear muffs! Or ear plugs. Ear plugs on a yoke have been my choice for a while. They hang around your neck and are there when you need them. Ear muffs stay looking nice and do not scare girls and kids with the yucky ear wax that builds up on plugs.

Christopher Herzog
09-26-2022, 9:22 PM
Worktunes ear muffsby 3m. NRR is good and can bluetooth my cell phone

glenn bradley
09-26-2022, 11:32 PM
I can't use plugs and so use Peltor (https://www.amazon.com/3M-Peltor-Optime-Earmuff-H10A/dp/B007JZCVAQ/ref=asc_df_B007JZCVAQ/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=198074277282&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=14643506713361292606&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9031490&hvtargid=pla-349033601679&psc=1)or comparable (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0739MHL6C/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1). I have 4 or 5 scattered around the shop.

Bruce Page
09-27-2022, 12:12 AM

I don't turn on my CNC router without them.

Michael Schuch
09-27-2022, 1:41 AM
I use the same Peltor electronic muffs that I use at the shooting range. I can hear until the router is turned on then the muffs cut out like they are supposed to when a shot is fired.

Ear plugs can be a little easier if you are also wearing glasses and a dust mask. In that case I prefer the ear plugs like these:


I always know where they are (around my neck) and I can put them on quickly with one hand. I like them better than individual ear plugs because they are a lot faster and easier to put on and take off.

Aaron Inami
09-27-2022, 2:13 AM
I personally do not like the earplug type devices. I tried out several ear muffs last year when I had a need for a large sanding project. Basically, you get what you pay for. The cheaper ones (i.e. $13-20) are crap that's made from vinyl and uncomfortable padding and such. The 3M Peltor variety are actually pretty comfortable (I got a Peltor Sport). However, the Peltor create a very tight seal against your head and this can introduce air pressure against your ears which can actually be uncomfortable over time (i.e. longer than 5 minutes). Some people are more sensitive to this than others.

The absolutely most comfortable set that I tried was the ProEars Ultra Pro (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00ENX1BIK/) full size ear muffs. These are extremely comfortable and the leather covers will actually breath to equalize the air pressure against your ears. For sound blocking, they perform about 98% as good as the 3M Peltor.

I also have the ProEars Pro Mag Gold (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001RMWO9A/), which is the electronic version of the Ultra Pro. These are excellent as well if you want some sound to be passed through.

Tom M King
09-27-2022, 12:02 PM
I keep foamies in my pocket, and use them whenever needed. For really loud stuff like a router, these work great for sound reduction, but are pretty uncomfortable because they're so tight. I think one reason they work so good is because they are tight. I put them on over the foamies, and they only stay on as long as I'm running something.


Stan Calow
09-27-2022, 12:11 PM
I've picked up several ear muffs for shooting along the way and keep them positioned around the shop. Foam plugs + ear muffs is even better.

Bruce Page
09-27-2022, 2:15 PM
I use the same Peltor electronic muffs that I use at the shooting range. I can hear until the router is turned on then the muffs cut out like they are supposed to when a shot is fired.

Ear plugs can be a little easier if you are also wearing glasses and a dust mask. In that case I prefer the ear plugs like these:


I always know where they are (around my neck) and I can put them on quickly with one hand. I like them better than individual ear plugs because they are a lot faster and easier to put on and take off.

I go by the noise reduction numbers. At NRR 31db, the 3M X5A’s have the best NRR I have found in a passive muff. I have a pair of Howard Leight Impact Sport, and Walker’s ECEL 100 digital muffs for shooting. Both are great at the range for hearing range commands and electronically limiting gunshot noise to ~80db, the actual NRR's however are only 23db and 26db respectively. So, as I understand it, a screaming router cut at 100db will be reduced to ~75db +/- with the digital muffs, the X5A’s would reduce it to 69db.

Warren Lake
09-27-2022, 2:29 PM
thanks for the numbers. I originally had ones from the airport but they were so uncomfortable that they compressed my head and reshaped it. Had six pair of princess auto ones on sale for 5.00 years ago and they work fine and are very light and comfortable. Zero chance id ever use those airport ones again and id like to buy 10 more pair of these but never seen them since.

I went from having my hearing tested over 40 years ago seeing a place when I was downtown and stopping. They told me the numbers and I was down. I worked with bands as well so started to wear ear protection. Went back a year or two later and I was better just one area toasted likely from screaming routers. Got so used to wearing them that I will not take any noise without them, even cutting the lawn. I put them on right away or as soon as my wife starts talking.

They also keep sawdust out. When its colder outside and working they are also of ear muffs. I'm sure id like protectors with music same time im working if i could set it up but I don't have one of those modern portable things the kids have these days to send the signal.

Gary Ragatz
09-27-2022, 3:57 PM
I use a set of muffs from Fnova. Don't know the model #, but they're nothing particularly expensive (< $30). They do a great job at noise reduction, and are pretty comfortable - but if I have them on for more than about 20 minutes, they're too warm. But other than running a bunch of stock through the planer, I don't usually need to have them on much longer than that.

Brian Tymchak
09-27-2022, 5:02 PM
I use a set of muffs from Fnova. Don't know the model #, but they're nothing particularly expensive (< $30). They do a great job at noise reduction, and are pretty comfortable - but if I have them on for more than about 20 minutes, they're too warm. But other than running a bunch of stock through the planer, I don't usually need to have them on much longer than that.

+1 on the fnovas. They seem to be at the high end for noise reduction but at a very reasonable price. I just checked Amazon. Link (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01AFOJ3HG/ref=dp_iou_view_item?ie=UTF8&psc=1). They're $14. I have a couple pairs for the shop. I wear mine sometimes for well over an hour at a stretch. I use them when I volunteer at the local furniture bank and that is not air conditioned and they will take on sweat in the ear muff and the interior foam piece.

Bill Dufour
09-27-2022, 8:42 PM
Watch the db rating. Db is a logarithmic scale so 7 db difference is about double the noise and double the damage. I like the Peltor logging helmet sold as Sthil or Husqvarna. hard hat, mesh face guard and era muffs in one. Great for power tools that throw stuff like saws and routers as well as mowers and even chainsaws.
Bill D
Sthil is 24 Db around $50 USA. I trust those db numbers from Sweden testing I do not trust no name numbers from China

Eric Arnsdorff
09-27-2022, 10:43 PM
I'm really happy with my 3M worktunes with bluetooth/radio. I like having the radio on and while I should be more concerned with my hearing health - I like that I can listen to my radio while running the loud machines. It's kind of a win win.

andrew whicker
09-28-2022, 12:07 AM
Muffs for the win. The only reason I use ear plugs is for welding (hood on and off, etc)

Muffs + glasses doesn't mute the sound as well as plugs + glasses (obv), but it seems to work well enough.

Wes Grass
09-28-2022, 1:02 AM
'Double plug', when practical at the range. I buy the pink ones by the box of 200?.

A tip ... don't stuff them in your pocket to use again and again. Eventually 'bugs' grow on them and make your ears itch.

Quick work with tools, a set of muffs. I bought several sets of nice ones years ago. The foam has rotted out in them, but they're still much better than nothing. The last couple pair i bought for shooting are horribly uncomfortable. I'll wear them when I have to, and just suffer. Need to do some shopping.

George Makra
09-28-2022, 5:12 AM
I asked the hearing doc at the VA.
His responce was triple flange ear plugs.

Keegan Shields
09-28-2022, 7:45 AM
Worktunes ear muffsby 3m. NRR is good and can bluetooth my cell phone

Another vote for 3M Worktunes. They work great, good value, and with the gel ear cups I can wear them for hours without discomfort.

The Bluetooth works great with my iPhone and I listen to music, audiobooks, and occasionally take a call.


Brian Holcombe
09-28-2022, 7:48 AM
Worktunes with Gel pads, they form around glasses better than the foam ones. Also I use a set of safety glasses with thin sides so that they don’t break the seal enough to significantly increase the noise level.

I have tinnitus so I’m pretty careful about this now, easy problem to solve in the shop as I just wear these all day, in the feild however it can be difficult as I have to remove them to provide direction.

Jim Becker
09-28-2022, 9:33 AM
Prior to getting my hearing aids, I used the bands like Michael Schuch shows and the ones I was using (I forget the specifics) had a fairly high rating for noise reduction. I used the bands like that because my ear canals are weird and I cannot use any kind of "insert and let your ear hold them in" type of plugs including earbuds. Now, with my aids, I turn the volume to zero with the app and use over-the-ear muffs with a fairly high rating. I forget the brand, but they were recommended here at SMC and I bought from from Amazon. I always use them when running a router, my J/P and most cutting on the CNC.

Warren Lake
09-28-2022, 12:01 PM
I know these are cheap and not high quality materials but they are light and comfortable and knock the sound down enough. Do these numbers mean anything in terms of attenuation?


Steve Demuth
09-28-2022, 12:24 PM
+1 on the Worktunes . I have used mine for years. Work great, and the cushions are easily replaceable when they get worn. I used plugs before that, but frequent use irritates the skin in my ear canal, so the muffs are much better. I also tried using the Bose Quiet Comfort active noise reduction buds I was given instead, but they were very inconsistent in terms of which tools they would cancel, and which not - worked fine on the router table, but poorly for the planer (and were completely worthless on my lawn mower engine sound).

David Walser
09-28-2022, 3:15 PM
Steve -- You've received some good advice. I have a number of brands of hearing protection devices. My favorites are those from ISOtunes, because I like listening to music while in the shop. I have other hearing protection devices that allow that, but they aren't Bluetooth devices. (I'm aware that others make and sell Bluetooth hearing protection products, but I don't have any of those brands.) However, more often than not, I use my Beats Fit Pro earbuds. They connect to my iPhone and have excellent noise cancellation. If I need additional protection, I'll put a pair of ear muffs on while still wearing my Beats earbuds. They work great. I don't think they're OSHA approved, but...

If you don't want something that will play tunes while you're working, there are lots of non-powered hearing protection devices. Many have already been recommended. Allow me to point out something that guides my personal selection as to what type to wear -- what type of eye protection I'll be using. With most power tools, I wear a full facemask in addition to safety glasses. Not all ear muffs are compatible with my choice of facemask. So, if I'm going to be using the facemask, earplugs make the most sense. However, if I'm not using the facemask -- say I'm just sanding at the lathe with the dust collection system on -- I'll put on ear muffs. I find ear muffs to be more comfortable for me to wear for an extended time than earplugs. My point is to make sure your choice of hearing protection is compatible with your choice of eye protection. You don't want to have to choose between the two!

Warren Lake
09-28-2022, 3:19 PM
you can also wear a dust mask glasses and hearing muffs. The glasses will fog up then you cut your fingers off. Pain the ass most of this stuff.

Keegan Shields
09-28-2022, 9:05 PM
you can also wear a dust mask glasses and hearing muffs. The glasses will fog up then you cut your fingers off. Pain the ass most of this stuff.

If you don’t cheap out and buy junk, ear pro can be nice to wear. I sometimes forget to take mine off when the music is going. 30 min after turning off the table saw and switching to some hand tool work I realize I’m still wearing ear pro for no reason. And that’s in 100 f weather in Texas.

3M Worktunes with gel ear cups. On my second pair after “someone” got mad and threw the first pair across the shop… ordered the second pair the same day.

Michael Schuch
09-29-2022, 12:21 AM
you can also wear a dust mask glasses and hearing muffs. The glasses will fog up then you cut your fingers off. Pain the ass most of this stuff.

I have had good luck with the 3M 8511 dust masks. They have a one way exhale valve so your breath goes out the front of the mask instead of following your nose into your eye glasses. The 8511 masks also seal MUCH better than cheap masks.

I HATED those awful cheap masks they distributed for COVID. I would go to the supermarket and not be able to read the product names because my glasses were so fogged up. I actually wore contacts for a while because I got so frustrated with the cheap masks. Of course contacts will only exasperate dust problems with woodworking.

Rod Wolfy
09-29-2022, 12:39 AM
I have a large box of neon colored foam ones. I also have half a dozen $3 ones on strings on a screw by the door and then about 5 or6 over the ear ones on pegs or bungees around the shop. Sometimes I use the foam ones and then put the over the ear ones on, too. Just USE them! Anything handy is better than nothing. I have a very bad hearing loss (sirens before I retired) and I'm constantly on my friends cases to use them, as the loss is irriplaceable.

Warren Lake
09-29-2022, 1:07 AM
have the 3M masks maybe 9211 not looking pleated fold out in three folds, have valves. Non are perfect. Often use nothing. Got some quality covid ones from a friend and they hook around your ears and are good. In a way I like that better than the two elastic straps on the back of my head Ive been used to for so long. This mask though since covid think I prefer hooking on the hears. Dont want to look like bullwinkle though. Dug one up 9211 memory still working.


Mel Fulks
09-29-2022, 1:49 AM
have the 3M masks maybe 9211 not looking pleated fold out in three folds, have valves. Non are perfect. Often use nothing. Got some quality covid ones from a friend and they hook around your ears and are good. In a way I like that better than the two elastic straps on the back of my head Ive been used to for so long

I’ve wondered why they don’t make hearing protection that looks like the old TV and film “arrow through the head gag”. It’s a beautiful
and clever thing that gives you a little more space when you have to stand while riding the subway.

Warren Lake
09-29-2022, 6:54 AM
thats funny Mel :) social distancing. I practice emotional distancing.

ive had those arrows in my hand before though. Its amazing that an offcut of plywood that is say 1/8 x 1/4" can fire into your hand and break off. Ive considered wearing goalie equipment.

John K Jordan
09-29-2022, 7:58 AM
I keep at least a dozen muffs, some in different places so they’ll be close to the big mowers, chain saws, in the skid steer, by the shotgun in the house. I go for brand name muffs with the best quality and db rating I can find. I often wear them over ear plugs - buy the plugs by the big box at an industrial supply place, far cheaper that way.

I also have two sets of ear muffs with a thin strap over the head and a spring wire around the back of the head to hold them in place - saw them in a message here on SMC. I can wear these with no hat, a hard hat, ball cap, sun hat, and even with a “cowboy” hat when it’s raining - keeps the water out of my eyes and neck dry.

I also found some sized for kids.

My favorite for shooting and when working in the shop with another person are the electronic muffs that let normal conversation through but cut off instantly when they detect a loud noise. (These are great when hunting varmints at night too - the volume controls let me turn up the sound so I can hear MUCH better than I can with unaided ears. I can hear that evil possum climbing a tree and avoid encounters with skunks on the ground!)

I’m constantly amazed at “professionals”, especially tree service guy running chain saws and commercial mowers who wear neither hearing nor eye protection. I wonder what their hearing will be like someday.


Bob Falk
09-29-2022, 8:50 AM
Worktunes ear muffsby 3m. NRR is good and can bluetooth my cell phone

+1 Worktunes....nice to have music when sanding.....I also use them when mowing my lawn.....