View Full Version : Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
09-26-2022, 2:53 PM
26 Sep 2022

I got in the shop and made a cutting board to have laser engraved and then donate to a local school to raise money for the school. I do my best to help local schools and community. I donate all materials and labor for the cause. Temps are starting to get under 90 degrees F in the shop so now I'm getting ready to get back in the shop and make some more sawdust.

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past week?

Best of weeks to you all.

Paul F Franklin
09-26-2022, 8:12 PM
I finished up the blueberry enclosure; just have to move the plants once they go dormant. Now I'm working on a picture frame for SWMBO's upcoming BDay.

How about those Cleveland Guardians! Clinched a playoff spot in commanding fashion with a grand slam to seal the deal.

Jim Becker
09-26-2022, 8:42 PM
I hope you start to get lots of shop time, Dennis!

This past week was more new shop building stuff, detailed in the dedicated thread in Workshops. Today was the floor pour. Very exciting in a "hurry up and wait" kind of very long day. LOL

I also took a couple of hours and made the first of four "enclosures" for some "nearly antique" flat panel ceiling speakers that I'll be using in the shop. I'm using material I took out of the house that used to be nextdoor prior to demolition and used one long piece of baseboard to prove out the design. I'll be creating a thread about that in Woodworking Projects in the next day or so. Was up at oh-dark-early for the floor pour this morning and I'm not up to waxing eloquently tonight.

Zachary Hoyt
09-26-2022, 10:03 PM
I installed the tile hearths and wood stoves in the house and shop and also the chimney in the shop since we suddenly went from summer temps to a high of 45 on Friday. I'd never done ceramic tile before so it was a learning experience, and the tiles were cheap and will be good enough. The stoves seem to be burning well, so that's the main thing. The other main project was building a new door for the basement hatch from ash that I planed and put a shiplap on with the table saw.