View Full Version : Alternative printer drivers for TroTec Speedy 100

Randy Digby
09-16-2022, 2:00 PM
Anyone here had success using a printer driver other than Job Control or Ruby with a TroTec Speedy 100?

Kev Williams
09-16-2022, 6:12 PM
Do Trotec's work with Corel at all? (I have no idea)--

My Gravograph lasers can be 'driven' from Gravostyle software, or Corel-- there are certain amenities I give up using Corel, but using 'only' Gravostyle would be stressful as hell. In fact, the ONLY time I use Gravostyle is when I need to do a batch/matrix of plates. It can be done in Corel but big PIA IMO. But Gravostyle is totally stupid in other areas, such as in Corel I can choose ALL text at once and edit it all at once, such as text size or font used. Gravostyle is excruciating when needing to do this, as everything must be changed line by line when doing manual layouts-- it's ridiculous...

I've had job control explained to me more than once, and how it's supposed to make things easier, but I honestly can't see any benefit over how I run jobs in my lasers using Corel. And Gravograph's drivers are designed to be used in Corel, not sure about Trotec--

Chase Williams
09-25-2022, 3:15 PM
I think but am not sure onyx thrive has the ability to drive it but you’re talking a very expensive software that unless you are already using it it probably wouldn’t be worth it.

Cadlink maybe able to but I am not sure.