View Full Version : Will supermarket alfalfa sprouts grow if planted?

Stephen Tashiro
09-15-2022, 1:21 PM
I'm curious whether alfalfa sprouts from the produce section of the grocery store would grow to adult plants if planted.

(I'm not asking if this is a practical way to grow alfalfa. I assume simply planting alfalfa seeds is the practical way to grow alfalfa.)

Michael Weber
09-15-2022, 2:12 PM
Can’t help, but I do love the off the wall issues that get discussed here :p

roger wiegand
09-15-2022, 2:31 PM
They're pretty spindly. If you're careful you might be able to transplant them, but I'd expect a very low success rate. The seeds will have used up almost all of their energy making those long stalks and won't do well at making the roots needed in soil. Starting from seed in soil will be much more successful.

Maurice Mcmurry
09-15-2022, 5:21 PM
+1 for everything Roger stated. Dad (another Roger) gave me some melon plants that were too leggy and spindly to be considered worth planting by Mom. I very carefully planted them deep and ended up with nice melons. I planted alfalfa seeds just recently too.


Bill Dufour
09-16-2022, 11:49 AM
Those seeds are probbably selected for there ability to sprout and quickly make long stems. Not for their ability to survive after one or two weeks and certainly not for good crop production.
My parents used to own stock in the movie popcorn company. They loan? patented seed to farmers who have to sell all of the crop to the company. No one can buy the seed anywhere so all other popcorn is not as good. It was/is the only company that would lease the cookers and deliver seeds, butter oil, cups, salt. They had something like 90% of the market with no full service competition to speak of. They made so much money they bought back all the stock.
Does McDonalds have patented potatoes, I though they did?
Bill D