View Full Version : I think it needs a lid.

Eugene Dixon
09-07-2022, 8:00 PM
How about you?


Maple. 3 coats of rattle can satin lacquer.

Mel Fulks
09-08-2022, 1:08 AM
It’s a nice piece the way it is. Putting “a lid on it “ will make it too tall for the small diameter base . As is the base ,and the rest of it are fine.
just fine the way it is now.

Edward Weber
09-08-2022, 12:18 PM
I agree,
The proportions you have now are pretty good. Adding a lid would throw it off,
IMO. I would leave it as is

Russell Nugent
09-08-2022, 5:40 PM
It looks good, if you did want a lid I would turn a concave lid that settles down inside with a fairly fine spindle for lifting.

Dwayne Watt
09-08-2022, 11:33 PM
I would inset the lid similarly to that which Russell suggested with the shape optional. Why not turn a lid and see whether or not you like it. No one says you have to use it! Or simply make another turning.
Also, with a lid of some sort, I would eliminate the foot and let the container sit directly on the table.

John K Jordan
09-09-2022, 6:49 AM
…with a lid of some sort, I would eliminate the foot and let the container sit directly on the table.

If the foot is removed leaving a rounded bottom I like the look of a form like that raised off the table a bit with three rounded feet.

Russell Neyman
09-20-2022, 2:21 PM
Why not turn a lid and see whether or not you like it. No one says you have to use it! Or simply make another turning.

This makes me chuckle. Very often I'll make a piece -- a tall-ish bowl like this one or a hollow form -- and struggle to find a proper top for it. I'll make one, decide it isn't right, then make one or two more. The thing is, later I'll make an entire new piece to match those rejected tops.