View Full Version : another contributor not getting any SMC subscription emails

Paul Saffold
09-04-2022, 8:11 AM
I have stopped getting any emails from SMC from the threads I am subscribed to. This is a recent change. I had been getting daily emails from the classified section. I started a thread under "Workshops" and subscribed to the thread so I could keep up with replies but I have not gotten any emails.

I have noreply@sawmillcreek.org in my contacts list. I have checked the Safari settings for sawmillcreek.org and have all the boxes checked for allowing everything.

I have seen a few others (Jim Allen, Steve Wurster) asking the same question recently but they have not gotten any replies to their query.

Any suggestions?

Bruce Page
09-04-2022, 2:17 PM
Paul, go into Settings, (upper right) click on General, and check the “Instant email notification” box. It is currently set to “Do not subscribe”

Lee Schierer
09-04-2022, 3:09 PM
Earlier today I subscribed to this thread and immediately received an email when Bruce posted, so the email notification works. I would suggest deleting SMC cookies and resubscribing to the various threads you follow.

Paul Saffold
09-04-2022, 5:02 PM
Thanks Bruce. Did the settings get changed because of an update by SMC?

Bruce Page
09-04-2022, 7:09 PM
Thanks Bruce. Did the settings get changed because of an update by SMC?

Paul, I don't know. I'm not even sure that that will fix your notification problem. There have been a few issues lately but everything's been running normally on my end.

Steve Wurster
09-04-2022, 8:38 PM
I have stopped getting any emails from SMC from the threads I am subscribed to. This is a recent change. I had been getting daily emails from the classified section. I started a thread under "Workshops" and subscribed to the thread so I could keep up with replies but I have not gotten any emails.

I have noreply@sawmillcreek.org in my contacts list. I have checked the Safari settings for sawmillcreek.org and have all the boxes checked for allowing everything.

I have seen a few others (Jim Allen, Steve Wurster) asking the same question recently but they have not gotten any replies to their query.

Any suggestions?

I'm still not getting emails from any threads I'm subscribed to. My settings (still) say "Instant email notification". Cookies are (or should be) irrelevant since it's the site that sends the email, not my browser. It's quite annoying, but at least I check SMC often enough that I can see if those threads have updates.

Paul Saffold
09-05-2022, 7:15 AM
Unfortunately setting the notifications to instant email has not made any difference.

Lee Schierer
09-05-2022, 2:19 PM
I'm still not getting emails from any threads I'm subscribed to. My settings (still) say "Instant email notification". Cookies are (or should be) irrelevant since it's the site that sends the email, not my browser. It's quite annoying, but at least I check SMC often enough that I can see if those threads have updates.

Unfortunately setting the notifications to instant email has not made any difference.

I looked at your profiles settings and both of you show 485566. I would check your email client and email server to make sure the SMC address is listed as acceptable noreply@sawmillcreek.org

I know that Thunderbird recently did an update and it changed one of my email settings so I wasn't getting all my emails.

Steve Wurster
09-05-2022, 6:05 PM
I would check your email client and email server to make sure the SMC address is listed as acceptable noreply@sawmillcreek.org

I know that Thunderbird recently did an update and it changed one of my email settings so I wasn't getting all my emails.

My email provider is Google. I have no blocked addresses, and none of my filters apply to emails from the Creek. No emails are getting flagged as spam, and nothing from the Creek is ending up in the trash. I doubt I'm the only Creek member with a Gmail address, so either all of us who are using Gmail are not getting our subscription emails or something is broken on the other side or in between.

One would think the admins here would be able to tell if an email that is intended for me is even going out from those threads.

Lee Schierer
09-05-2022, 7:37 PM
If you use the "Quick Links" tab at the top of the page and select subscribed threads does it show the threads you are interested in?

Steve Wurster
09-05-2022, 10:11 PM
If you use the "Quick Links" tab at the top of the page and select subscribed threads does it show the threads you are interested in?

Yes it does. The top two on the list are this thread and the one from Jim Becker where he got his new sliding table saw delivered (I commented in that thread, so a subscription was automatically made at that point). Both threads had updates ~2.5 hours ago and I did not receive any emails.

Lee Schierer
09-06-2022, 7:39 AM
I subscribed to this thread and immediately began getting emails when a new post was made. I also unsubscribed and got one or two more emails before they stopped. However, I attempted to send an email to myself through SMC and it has not arrived after nearly 20 hours. The problem has been reported to Aaron, so hopefully he can find something.

Steve Wurster
09-06-2022, 10:22 AM
I subscribed to this thread and immediately began getting emails when a new post was made. I also unsubscribed and got one or two more emails before they stopped. However, I attempted to send an email to myself through SMC and it has not arrived after nearly 20 hours. The problem has been reported to Aaron, so hopefully he can find something.

Thanks. Hopefully this at least leads somewhere.

Aaron Koehl
09-07-2022, 5:41 PM
Thanks. Hopefully this at least leads somewhere.

Emails should be flowing again, particularly to gmail users.

Paul Saffold
09-07-2022, 5:56 PM
Thanks Aaron, I just got an update on this thread.

Will I be getting daily updates on the classified section? Are immediate email updates available on the classifieds?

Steve Wurster
09-07-2022, 10:04 PM
Emails should be flowing again, particularly to gmail users.

It's working for me. Thanks!

Aaron Koehl
09-07-2022, 11:41 PM
Thanks Aaron, I just got an update on this thread.

Will I be getting daily updates on the classified section? Are immediate email updates available on the classifieds?

Paul, yes, any forum you're subscribed to will have a daily email digest; plus any immediate updates (although there is up to a 10 minute delay as emails are batched for sending.)

Pat Scott
09-24-2022, 11:17 AM
Sorry to chime in but I'm having the same problem. No daily emails from Classified Ads and the Turners forum for weeks. I cleared cache, checked my "daily notification by email" check box, and have noreply@sawmillcreek.org added to my Address Book. I use Comcast for my email. What other things can I check?

Paul Saffold
09-24-2022, 4:08 PM
I am still not getting the daily emails about classified either. I would really like to get instant updates whenever there is any new post or comment but since that isn't an option I don't care about the daily updates.

Will Blick
09-30-2022, 4:22 PM
I am gmail user, tried everything in this thread, no luck...
all settings are right....
they have always been right, I used to get notifications, but they stopped for no reason...
I noticed this problem happening many times over the past 10 years, it works, it stops working, etc.
A strange thing is, when I go into subscriptions, I notice none of the boxes are checked for 500 threads that were subscribed to through the years. when I check a few of the boxes, I then leave that section and come back, the boxes uncheck themselves, that seems to be the problem, I would think....

Lee Schierer
10-03-2022, 7:59 AM
I am gmail user, tried everything in this thread, no luck...
all settings are right....
they have always been right, I used to get notifications, but they stopped for no reason...
I noticed this problem happening many times over the past 10 years, it works, it stops working, etc.
A strange thing is, when I go into subscriptions, I notice none of the boxes are checked for 500 threads that were subscribed to through the years. when I check a few of the boxes, I then leave that section and come back, the boxes uncheck themselves, that seems to be the problem, I would think....

I looked at your profile and your email settings all appear to be correct. I cannot see which threads you are subscribed to, but you should be getting emails from what I see.

I would suggest checking your gmail settings (https://clean.email/gmail-spam-filter) in advanced mode as gmail may have blacklisted a site without your knowledge due to all the emails being sent from SMC.

Will Blick
10-03-2022, 11:57 AM
Hi Lee, thx for response, and thx to your tireless work towards this site, I cant imagine what it takes!
As u looked at my settings, all was set right... it has always been set right cause over the past 10 yrs, as chk in occassionaly with moderators. I DO get email notifications as I should. When it does work, it works successfully for a month for two. I never re set anything, and then notifcation emails just vanish.

It is NOT my gmail settings, as I have whitelisted noreply@sawmillcreek.org by moving the responses to the Primary inbox, so they always end up there and are never treated as spam. In addition, the first thing I do when I realize notifications has failed again is to run a search for that email address to see if any of the email notifications ended up in spam, trash, etc, That has never been the case.

More importantly, since I made this post that you responded to, with no changed settings at all (unless u changed something, but u would have advised me of such) this morning your response showed up in my Gmail Inbox? I have not touched SMC settings in a week. I have over 500 threads which I am subscribed to, all checked. Often I go visit those threads and their is constant activity, which I do not get email notifications of. As I mentioned, this problem has been consistent for over 10 yrs, I go through the same checking procedures every time the problem presents itself. Usually I just surrender...
So, why would this ONE single thread we are in, suddenly appear in my Inbox, but NONE of the other threads? That may provide a clue to the problem? thx again...

Will Blick
10-03-2022, 12:03 PM
one last thing...
I mentioned previously, the one oddity, which could lead to a solution is...
this problem is consistent... when I go under subscriptions, check the box, for one, or ALL the subscribed threads, those boxes have check marks in them...
when I leave, go into another areas, then come right back to subscriptions, all boxes are unchecked. Is that normal? I would think not. It seems the website is NOT holding the check boxes once the subscription page is exited.... thoughts?

Keith Outten
10-03-2022, 12:07 PM
There may be a limit of 500 threads.
I will ask Aaron to check on it.

Will Blick
10-03-2022, 12:25 PM
Thx Keith...
I appreciate the contribution, interesting...
but this problem has been consistent over the past 10+ years since I joined, and I surely had way under 500 threads subscribed to, as I only had about 530 now... I never got around to deleting subscriptions, as they just die off, as no one responds to old threads at some point.
But I was curious, so I individually deleted subscribe threads (no way to delete full pages of subscribed threads?), reduced it to under 500, and would then check a box for a few, leave that page, come back, and those check marks are gone. I have always suspected this is the root of the problem, I dont mean to belabor the point... maybe you can confirm this... should the boxes remain checked at all times, till u uncheck them?