View Full Version : Need Help with finishing!

Jeffrey Brown
01-23-2006, 8:36 AM
Hello Everyone,
I needed some guidance on how to finish my first major woodworking project. The project is a hallway mirror that I have stained with a water based redwood stain. I have been trying to do some research on the simplest and best ways to finish it. I have come across polycrylic, polyurethane, shellac, varnish, boiled linseed oil, danish oil,... I am new to woodworking and really am a little confused on which route to take. I was looking for something to make the grain stand out and to provide a very low maintenance piece. It would need to flex a little because where the project will finally end up, gets hot and muggy during the summer. If any one could help I would greatly appreciate it. Thank You. Jeff

Jim Becker
01-24-2006, 10:39 AM
Finishing with a wipe-on product will be easiest and it's very forgiving. My favorite finish for decorative pieces like this is BLO followed by shellac, however...or sometimes just BLO and wax if it is a closed grain wood species. (Cherry, for example)

Jeffrey Brown
01-24-2006, 10:45 PM
Could you use BLO over the water based stain? And, does the BLO make the grain stand out? Thank You. :confused:

Joe Chritz
01-25-2006, 12:44 AM
Take a chunk of scrape and try it. I know big help I am but I haven't used any waterbased stains so I can't say. I can say I hardly ever try any finish idea without testing it out first.

Up until now my limited experience has been spraying Pre-cat lacquer. A fantastic, easy to apply, durable and good looking finish. PITA to set up for and you need some special tools.

I recently started using Waterlox original on small projects and am very happy with the results. There are about 1000 threads on the stuff I am sure.

If I did not have a spray set up I would use it for all my projects. A bit pricey but worth it in my opinion.

Post some pics when its done.


Jim Becker
01-25-2006, 1:23 PM
Could you use BLO over the water based stain? And, does the BLO make the grain stand out?

Yes and yes.

john mclane
01-25-2006, 9:02 PM
For projects of this size and where it is not likel to be directly exposed to water I like the idea of BLO and then covered with furniture wax. Rub in the BLO well and couple of times and then do again before going to the wax. That should protect even if used in a bathroom.

Jeffrey Brown
01-31-2006, 8:44 AM
Would I need to sand in between coats of BLO or just wait until it is dry and apply wax or polyurethane? Thank You.

Jim Becker
01-31-2006, 11:31 AM
No sanding relative to the BLO...actually, that is undesirable. Put on a liberal coat of BLO and let it soak for 30-45 minutes or so. Wipe off any excess. Wait a few days for it to cure. (smell goes away for the most part) Proceed with your wax or clear coat. There is no need or reason to use multiple applications of the BLO in most cases. Since you are using just an oil finish, you can and should sand the project up to a higher grit before going to the oil. I usually go to at least 220 when using an oil finish...sometimes higher.