View Full Version : Better PICS of Paulownia Box

Chris DiCiaccio
07-20-2003, 8:03 PM
I was able to get some clearer pics of the Paulownia Box for those of you who showed interest in this wood. You can get the details from my previous post.

<img src="http://members.aol.com/woodwk/BIGBX5.JPG">
<img src="http://members.aol.com/woodwk/BIGBX6.JPG">
<img src="http://members.aol.com/woodwk/BIGBX7.JPG">
<img src="http://members.aol.com/woodwk/BIGBX8.JPG">

Ed Falis
07-20-2003, 8:23 PM
Man, that is just real pretty, Chris.

- Ed

Scott Campbell
07-20-2003, 10:38 PM
I was able to get some clearer pics of the Paulownia Box for those of you who showed interest in this wood. You can get the details from my previous post.

That's the first time I've seen that Wood Chris. Outstanding grain. Great chest! (I seem to remember someone slapping me the last time I said that).

I'm off to see where I can find some of that "Paulownia"?

Mac McAtee
07-21-2003, 8:41 AM
Thank you for sharing all the information about the wood and the box.

It is still a beautiful job. I can see the corner dovetails of the box clearly. I can't tell from the pictures how you did the corners of the lid. Can you describe the lid corner construction? Also, was it because of the nature of the wood, little across the grain shrinkage, that you have the lid grain running at right angles to the frame of the lid? Or, did you do something that you can't see in the photos to deal with the cross grain construction?

Chris DiCiaccio
07-21-2003, 9:41 AM
Thank you for sharing all the information about the wood and the box.

It is still a beautiful job. I can see the corner dovetails of the box clearly. I can't tell from the pictures how you did the corners of the lid. Can you describe the lid corner construction? Also, was it because of the nature of the wood, little across the grain shrinkage, that you have the lid grain running at right angles to the frame of the lid? Or, did you do something that you can't see in the photos to deal with the cross grain construction?

Well, the corners are just butt joints, nothing special. The customer assured me that his process of soaking the wood to remove the sap will eliminate any expansion/contraction problem. He showed me a small box made of paulownia 20yrs ago which takes 6-8 seconds for the lid to close because of the air tight fit. He says it hasn't moved in 20yrs. He said this is one of the reasons this wood is used a lot in furniture in Japan. So, I have built it the way he wanted it built. Hope this helps, have a great day.