View Full Version : Baseball and fat guys ( like me)

dennis thompson
08-04-2022, 6:47 AM
I love baseball
I love the Mets
And now I love Daniel Vogelbach, a fat guy ( like me) who hit a grand slam home run last night proving that fat guys can be good athletes ( unfortunately, while I’m a fat guy, I’m not close to being a good athlete)😊

Stan Calow
08-04-2022, 8:19 AM
Same way I feel about seeing a normal size guy like Jose Altuve play. Well, except for that cheating thing.

Lawrence Duckworth
08-04-2022, 9:34 AM
I love baseball
I love the Mets
And now I love Daniel Vogelbach, a fat guy ( like me) who hit a grand slam home run last night proving that fat guys can be good athletes ( unfortunately, while I’m a fat guy, I’m not close to being a good athlete)

well, hopefully the next 5 games will restore proper order :D

Derek Meyer
08-04-2022, 5:17 PM
Daniel Vogelbach used to play for Seattle. I watch a lot of Mariner's games (local team) and I always liked him. He wasn't a great hitter, but he had power from the left side, and could hit the ball a long ways.

dennis thompson
08-04-2022, 5:25 PM
well, hopefully the next 5 games will restore proper order :D

Well you are the world champions but Let’s talk in a week:)

Maurice Mcmurry
08-04-2022, 7:04 PM
What do the Pirates and Michael Jackson have in common?

They all wear gloves for no apparent reason

dennis thompson
08-05-2022, 7:20 AM
Fat guy does it again:) two hits including another homerun
I love that Showalter brought in Diaz in the eighth inning
I never thought a baseball manager made much of a difference, I was wrong, Showalter seems to make big difference for the Mets

Lawrence Duckworth
08-05-2022, 7:30 AM
:)..they wouldn't have won it though if they hadn't scored more runs than the Braves.....

good game

dennis thompson
08-06-2022, 8:11 AM
Well the “fat” guy (6’ & 270 pounds:)) went 0 for 2 last night and the Mets lost 😠. I have to say the Braves do have some bats! Scherzer and DeGrom coming up, it’ll be a challenge for them and for the Brave batters,should be fun.

Lawrence Duckworth
08-06-2022, 8:38 AM
first game........... 4 - 6
second game....... 9 - 6

total runs scored...13 -12.....Braves lead NLEast by 1 point...fat guy gets honorable mention

Jon Grider
08-06-2022, 10:07 AM
My Cards beat the "other" NY team last night in a comeback crowned by Paul DeJong's RBI double. No fat guy heroics, but Helsley, our lights out closer kept the Yanks "fat guy" Judge from regaining the lead in the 9th. Of course it's a stretch to say 6'8" 270 lb. Judge is a fat guy but I'm not going to miss the opp to beat the drum. Go Cards!
Lawrence, looks like we'll have a showdown towards the end of the month. I don't hate the Braves, but sorry Dennis, imo nothing worthwhile in baseball or other arena's comes from NY$$.

dennis thompson
08-07-2022, 8:23 AM
Mets take two from the Braves, DeGrom goes today. Can I even dream that they can take 4 of 5 from the Braves?
I’ve been a Met fan since they started, Tom Seaver is by far my favorite Met, and will always be, but Vogelbach is quickly becoming my favorite current Met👏

Lawrence Duckworth
08-07-2022, 8:42 AM
.....I wouldn't bet against the Mets this year.

Jon...... in my early years I was a Detroit fan and can still remember most of the '68 starting lineup.

I was in the ninth grade of a 4A school when some idiot thought it wise to give the SAT tests the same week as the World Series (St.Louis vs Detroit). I snuck a transistor radio in my shirt pocket and listened to the game with an earpiece hidden from view as I was pretending to hold my head up. I filled two pages of dotted answer sheets; you remember those - the ones with all the dots. I remember on the first page of answer dots I made an image of a monkey and on the second page I made an image of a sailboat. .....There's a lot more to this story :D--:o

Jon Grider
08-07-2022, 7:50 PM
Lawrence, Although I'm a lifelong Michigander, my father from NE Arkansas raised my brothers and I as Cardinal fans. I was lucky to have a JR. High teacher that was an avid Tiger fan so he brought in a B&W TV and "allowed" us to watch the 68 series. Naturally I was outnumbered by Tiger fans and shot my mouth off when the Cards were up 3 games to 1. I'm still eating crow 54 years later. The Detroit Free Press had a full page color ad depicting a Tiger swallowing a Cardinal after game 7. My best friend had it taped to our front door early the next morning to rub salt in the wound.

Love your story! Would like to hear the rest. Sorry Dennis forgive the slight hijack. BTW, Cards swept Yankees for the first time in MLB history. They are playing well, and have an easy schedule except for the Braves on 8-26,27,28.

Lawrence Duckworth
08-07-2022, 8:05 PM
great story, you had a pretty cool teacher. I see you're from SW Michigan.... I went to Portage class '72

dennis thompson
08-08-2022, 6:48 AM
:)Obviously I’m pretty happy with the Mets winning four of five against the Braves. Braves struck out 19 times yesterday, I guess that’s how home run hitting teams go, boom or bust.

Lawrence Duckworth
08-08-2022, 7:38 AM
:)Obviously I’m pretty happy with the Mets winning four of five against the Braves. Braves struck out 19 times yesterday, I guess that’s how home run hitting teams go, boom or bust.

Maddux, Glavine, Avery n Smoltz is what it takes to win.... big bats sell tickets ;)

Jon Grider
08-08-2022, 8:20 PM
great story, you had a pretty cool teacher. I see you're from SW Michigan.... I went to Portage class '72
Wow , cool, I'm in Portage. Did you go to Northern or Central? I moved here to attend WMU but went to jr high and high school in the armpit of the world, Flint.

Lawrence Duckworth
08-08-2022, 9:04 PM
Wow , cool, I'm in Portage. Did you go to Northern or Central? I moved here to attend WMU but went to jr high and high school in the armpit of the world, Flint.

:D central...but I didn't graduate.

Lee DeRaud
08-09-2022, 11:26 AM
Maddux, Glavine, Avery n Smoltz is what it takes to win.... big bats sell tickets ;)
Trout and Ohtani sell tickets by the roll, but the Angels will always find a way to lose.
(Arte Moreno is the Daniel Snyder of baseball.)

Derek Meyer
08-09-2022, 3:05 PM
My wife and I always go to at least one game in Seattle every year. She loved Trout so we've seen the Angels several times.

This year we're going to see the Braves play in September. They've been my team ever since I was in grade school, when cable TV had 10 channels and one was TBS, which at that time was owned by Ted Turner, who also owned the Braves, and so TBS showed all their games. My mom and I became huge Braves fans at that time and still are.

I saw Atlanta play in Seattle in 2003. Greg Maddux pitched against Gi Meche that day. That was a 3 game series in which Seattle scored a total of 5 runs in 3 games and won two out of three. Atlanta also scored a total of 5 runs in the series. That was some good pitching that weekend!