View Full Version : Check Your Bladder !

Bruce Wrenn
07-20-2022, 8:42 PM
Today, replaced another Franklin PumpTec on our well. Due to sorry manufacturing standards, they barely last the warranty. As part of servicing, checked the air pressure in the bladder tanks. They should have been around 28 PSI , which is 2 PSI below cut in pressure on switch. One was around 20 PSI, and the other was almost ZERO. Found that one to have a bad Schrader valve ( leaks slowly,) which I replaced. If you have a well with a bladder tank, you should at least annually check the pressure in the bladder tank. To check pressure, drain water from tanks, then using a tire pressure gauge, check pressure. Adjust air pressure to be 2 PSI BELOW cut in pressure on switch. By doing this, you will lengthen the life of your pump.

Ron Citerone
07-20-2022, 9:07 PM
Yes! If the bladder has lost air it will cycle improperly and you will have inconsistant water pressure and flow. Learned that the hard way at the cottage.

Dave Zellers
07-20-2022, 9:09 PM
My bladder is not even close to being as strong as it used to be.

Ron Citerone
07-20-2022, 9:11 PM
My bladder is not even close to being as strong as it used to be.

I just spilled my iced tea!!!

Lee Schierer
07-20-2022, 9:56 PM
I have had a 44 gallon Well X Trol bladder type water pressure tank in my basement for over 25 years. The tank has never failed and continues to function properly.

Rich Engelhardt
07-21-2022, 5:20 AM
I just spilled my iced tea!!!
Just wait.
When you get older - you'll do/spill more than your iced tea when your bladder goes ;).

Bruce Wrenn
07-21-2022, 9:38 AM
I have had a 44 gallon Well X Trol bladder type water pressure tank in my basement for over 25 years. The tank has never failed and continues to function properly.It's a crap shoot as to how long a bladder tank lasts. In 1980, I bought two (same time,) one for myself and other for best friend. Mine is still in service (42 years.) Friends lasted just thru the warranty (5 years.) The one I'm going to use on my booster tank (44 gallon) for plant nursery was a dumpster rescue, made 2002, meaning it's over 20 years old. Once was working under a house (not on water system) when bladder tank at other end of house ruptured. Only time I've even seen the bottom blow out of one. Usually the bladder developes a hole, or Schrader valve leaks, and tank slowly fills with water as air is lost. That's why it's important to yearly do a pressure check.

Jim Becker
07-21-2022, 9:48 AM
I just spilled my iced tea!!!
Less worry for your bladder, then... :D

Jerome Stanek
07-21-2022, 12:27 PM
I have a 175 gallon tank that had a floating membrane. set to 40 on 60 off

Alan Lightstone
07-21-2022, 1:15 PM
I just spilled my iced tea!!!
And the iced tea causes kidney stones. Further torturing your bladder. Double whammy. :D