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View Full Version : See see Cicique....

Michael Stafford
01-22-2006, 10:28 AM
This is a new wood for me. Joe Tonich gave me a stick of this at Dick Parr's picnic. If you haven't guessed by now my friends are responsible for giving me all this beautiful wood.

Cicique, Brosmium rubescens is the scientific name, is part of the bloodwood family and is also known as pau rainha and palisangre. I found it to be just as hard and dense as bloodwood but a whole lot prettier with all the variegated colors. Cut very cleanly with a gouge but had a tendency to splinter with my parting tool no matter how sharp it was. Same thing with the skew so making the flange on the bottom was a little problematic.

This box is 2 5/8" in diameter and 2 7/8" tall. Polished up like glass and for such a little thing it has a lot of presence in your hand because of how heavy this wood is. Joe, thanks so much.

Keith Burns
01-22-2006, 10:46 AM
Big Mike, you have done it again. Wonderful form and finish and fit. Absolutely perfect. :) :)

Mark Singer
01-22-2006, 10:48 AM
Oiy ....Mike still another wonderful round box to grace the pages of SMC!

Paul Douglass
01-22-2006, 11:08 AM
WOW! that is beautiful wood and you knew just how to use it. Very nice job.

Travis Stinson
01-22-2006, 1:00 PM
Beautiful wood and form Mike! Another winner.:cool:

John Hart
01-22-2006, 1:14 PM
Wow...That's very pretty! I can see the Bloodwood characteristics in the ingrain...but that color is just awesome. Nice Box!!:) :)

Bob Noles
01-22-2006, 2:31 PM
Another nice one Mike.... REALLY nice, but then again... they all are :cool:

You seem to be the box king so I'll direct a question at you. Where and what information is available that would help in the learning process of making turned boxes? Book, DVD, or website?

You have been getting my attention with all these wonderful pictures of your nice work.

Thanks for sharing, Mike.

Michael Stafford
01-22-2006, 2:49 PM
Bob, there are at least two books on turning boxes, one by Chris Stott and one by Richard Raffan. The Raffan book is the one I taught myself from and is by far the most comprehensive in a step by step description of the process. Chris Stott's book teaches you to turn boxes two different ways with both and infitting and an overfitting lid. All of the turned end grain boxes I have posted on SMC are overfitting lids.

The Stott book is entitled something like, "Turned Boxes 50 Designs"
The Raffan book is "Turning Boxes".

There are videos for sale. I have never seen one. But I have seen them for sale in the various woodturning catalogs.

Turning boxes is a lot of fun for me as it can be done relatively quickly, using a minimum of valuable woods with a few tools. Try it you will like it.:D

Jim Ketron
01-22-2006, 7:51 PM
I like the form on this one Mike!
Nice Piece of wood, and a great turning!

Bernie Weishapl
01-22-2006, 8:04 PM
Another beautiful box Michael. That is beautiful wood.

Ernie Nyvall
01-22-2006, 8:25 PM
It's beautiful Mike. I believe one reason you get such nice woods is because of what you do with it.


Dick Parr
01-22-2006, 9:02 PM
That's a really great looking box Mike, there was a lot of wood exchanged that weekend.:D

Bob Noles
01-22-2006, 9:34 PM
Thanks for all the leads Big Mike. I will most certainly be giving box turning a try in the near future. Just need to master a few preliminaries first.

Mike Vickery
01-23-2006, 11:37 AM
The shap e of the box is beautiful!

Not sure if anyone cares but the Raffan turning boxes also has a video that is available through Netflix if you use them.

Kurt Aebi
01-23-2006, 1:06 PM
Another Beauty, Mike (er, I mean "Oh Great Box-Master, LOL!),

Nice shape & form. I have Raffan's book, but I have yet to actually sit down and "READ" it!

Thanks for pointing out that you were impressed with that book, now I got to READ IT!

Great work, Mike!