View Full Version : Now that's a blueberry

Lee Schierer
07-14-2022, 6:08 PM
I picked our first blueberries yesterday and what a nice bunch we picked. Here is one of a significant number that I picked.
There is a quarter under that berry.
They weren't all this size, but we have two early varieties and they generally produce really large berries. They don't produce a large number, but the ones that are there are quite large.

Malcolm Schweizer
07-14-2022, 6:25 PM
That thing wants to be a plum!!!

Kev Williams
07-14-2022, 7:50 PM
so, what size torx will fit that?


Jim Becker
07-14-2022, 8:23 PM
I love the "giant" blueberries....we don't grow them here, but when I can get the really big ones in the market, that's what I buy. They are sweet and delicious! And they "pop" when you bite into them.

Aaron Rosenthal
07-15-2022, 11:25 AM
You're fortunate you can grow them, Lee.
Around here I have to either go to the farm, or the market. Gas, inflation, profit taking..... I haven't had blueberries for a long time.