View Full Version : New hollow wip

Bruce Jones
07-07-2022, 11:17 PM
Okay folks here we go this will be a bit different. I had already started this piece back in the spring on my old lathe. It turn out to be to big for that set up. So I got a new lathe and built a steady rest, this is posted here in another thread and it has me turning this hollow in a video. This is nothing fancy now just a pine hollow 8" D x 11" Tall. My plan is to carve into the hollow and add intarsia, pyrography , texture and color. I'll save the surprise of what the art will be for the next post, here's a look at my starting canvas.

John Kananis
07-07-2022, 11:22 PM
Oh, another project - very nice. I'm happy to watch along.

John K Jordan
07-08-2022, 7:32 AM
Oh, another project - very nice. I'm happy to watch along.

Me too. And this has about 80 views already even from the wee hours of the night. I love to see work with pine and other under-appreciated wood.

Bruce Jones
07-08-2022, 10:26 PM
Me too. And this has about 80 views already even from the wee hours of the night. I love to see work with pine and other under-appreciated wood.
Thank you John and John for following along, the thread has over 200 views now, this pine hollow was the base of a tree my neighbor took down a few years ago. I had some time to work on the first part of the carving and intarsia today. I may be able to give a photo update tomorrow.

Bruce Jones
07-11-2022, 12:59 PM
Okay everyone I was able to get some carving done for the inlay Intarsia. I'm showing this now so you can see how it comes together, this is just the first piece of many that will be added. I'm not telling what the subject is at this point. this is a piece of Hackberry cut shaped and steam bent to shape then I carved the inlay.

Richard Madden
07-13-2022, 11:52 AM
Thanks for sharing the WIP. I look forward to seeing more.

John Kananis
07-16-2022, 11:07 AM
Hi Bruce, I'm curious, how do you imprint your signature. That looks really well done.

John Keeton
07-16-2022, 11:52 AM
I don’t want to speak for Bruce, but it appears that those are digital images overlaid on the photographs to keep someone from thieving them. There have been several faked websites of art. It is a corrupt world!

Bruce Jones
07-16-2022, 2:28 PM
Yes John, John is correct people will steal credit for your work. I use Adobe PS2022 to over lay my name. And I just found out there is another Bruce Jones Wood artist. So I now go by my full name Bruce Lee Jones.

John Kananis
07-16-2022, 5:14 PM
Oh that makes sense. Thanks.

Bruce Jones
07-17-2022, 12:52 PM
I have been away for a while; we had a bad storm possibly a tornado come threw on last Tuesday evening. Trees down everywhere and no power until yesterday afternoon. So while taking care of getting a generator hooked up to the house and out building and other clean up I was able to get some work done on this project. You may be able to tell where I'm going a bit now in these photos. There's still a great deal to add to even this work in the photos.

Bruce Jones
08-11-2022, 12:40 PM
Okay everyone I'm back working on my projects. After a very well needed Vacation / Honeymoon cruise to Bermuda & the Bahamas. I continue to cut bend and shape the cypress trees trying to create a 3-D effect. It won't really show up until I start to color and add the pyrography to the background. here are some photos of the progress on some background trees. I'm now working on another for ground tree these are more difficult to bend / inlay.

Bruce Jones
08-19-2022, 2:58 PM
Okay everyone I was able to get a bit more done on this project. I'm working on bending and inlaying another large tree, you can start to see some depth and 3 -D effect coming into the seen. I've added some color pencil so you can see a bit better, when the pyrography is applied it will pop even more.

Bruce Jones
09-14-2022, 5:20 PM
Sorry for the lack of attention on this piece. I've been busy working on a commission drawing and had not had time to work on this piece for a while. So here's a look at some details on this unnamed piece, still a great deal yet to do.